The Wolf Among Us 2/ Episode 6
Do you think telltale will make a second wolf among us or a episode 6?
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Do you think telltale will make a second wolf among us or a episode 6?
At this point, sadly no. I wish they were, and I'd prefer it over Minecraft, but it doesn't seem likely to happen.
Nope, Telltale gut-shotted the wolf among us and left it in a back ally to die
Yes, I think they will, eventually. But don't expect it to come anytime soon, for now they just want to make us suffer.
I hope so
I hope so but I don't think so.
I wish they did. Instead of creating this stupid minecraft game they should make sequels to their awesome games (not only The Wolf Among Us, but also Tales of Monkey Island and Back to the Future).
Huff and Puff
We definetly won't get a season 2 because it is a prequel and if you have read the comics you know the events of the game is only a couple of months before the comics so adding another big event before the comics does kind of crap on books but another episode or a second season but you play as a different character could be possible
And if you read the blurb for TWAU, it clearly states that the game is set some 20 years before issue 1...
Also TWAU is clearly set in the 80's, and Fables issue 1 has a late 90's to early 2000's feel.
Wastemaster25's "couple of months" = ~15 years
TWAU is set in 1986 and Issue 1 of Fables is set in 2002 as far as I know...
TWAU comic is all over the place with it's time-setting though I noticed...
Cuz Colin makes references to 2 movies that came out in the mid-90's
But I agree that is definitely the 80's, the look and the feel of everything just screams it! XD
Btw, @Jacol that's 16 years :P
That's why I used ~ sign, 15 is much nicer number than 16 IMHO
Fair enough dude
Knowing that Telltale takes their sweet time on a lot of things, we're going to get season 2 by the time we're in our thirties or forties I bet.
Why was Bill Willingham here a few days ago? I was hoping it would be to say "hey....maybe another episode/season". sigh oh well.
Maybe he will...
It won't be soon if they decide to make it, but all we can do is hope.
Huff and Puff
huh sorry i have read the first 4 volumes of fables and in the first volume spoiler alert here. when bigby is investigating the dissapearence and presumed murder of snow's sister rose he questions snow snow argues that if she wanted to kill rose she would have done it years ago. But then bigby points out that until "recently" she wasnt the #2 unless when they say recently they mean 15-20 years which is possible considering they are long lived 20 years may be nothing to them but i still stand by my point telltale have so many opportunities why return here when their are 150 issues containing these stories and almost 100 more in spin offs seriously if you really want TWAU to return just read the comics they are just as good if not better sorry for my mistake but i hope you see why I presumed it was a couple of months
If they do it won't be for a few years. WB is making a movie and TT probably don't have the rights anymore.
I'd like to see a Season 2, but it won't be the end of the world if it isn't made.