Am i the only one who feels bad for the choices?
When seeing that you you are not on the positive % for a certain decision.. And also is there still any hope for TWAU season 2? I fininshed the game in one day, i finally could afford it and now i got so sad, because it was only 7 hours.. I shouldnt of played it the whole day, but damn it was so addictive..
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I loved the game and I regret only two things: ripping Gren's arm the first time. Those tears and weeping haunted me for days after that and thinking 'Glass him' meant something sweet and friendly. I was very wrong.
Season 2 was murdered by Telltale
Stop it.
Glass him is more of a British term I think, I knew what it meant so hearing American players do it thinking you could pour Woody a drink... Oh man the reactions were priceless!
Well I have played the game with nothing but bad choices, and some of them do affect me:
Ripping Gren's arm off - Fair enough that Bigby was pissed, but Gren had had enough and learned his lesson
Being forceful with Toad and TJ - TJ is so young and Toad is only looking out for himself and his boy, being mean to them wasn't right
Being harsh to Flycatcher - It pained me to do this in that playthrough cuz Fly is always so kind and innocent
I can't think of much else cuz sometimes bad choices felt deserved:
I didn't feel sorry for using bad choices against Johann cuz he was dicking me around and quite frankly, his stalling was really pissing me off
Being a dick to Snow at the Witching Well trial when you bring the CM back dead, I actually really enjoyed using bad choices for that, because I felt like I was giving Snow a taste of her own medicine and I liked being rebellious against her, cuz she seemed really hurt by seeing Bigby be so mean to her about the whole situation, almost like he wasn't 'her Bigby' anymore...
What about ripping Tweedle Dum's throat out? I never felt bad/sorry for doing that once, because I felt he pretty much deserved it (no matter how much my Bigby gets told off by Snow afterwards). It's too bad I couldn't kill Dee there as well.
The Tweedle brothers have been nothing but pain and have been causing misery under Crooked Man's orders, I could perhaps forgive them for knocking me out and kicking me while I'm down, but they were really pushing it when they interrupted Lily's funeral with their guns and everything. And them shooting at me in the alley outside Puddin' and Pie was the last straw.
Dum I did regret in a way, in the moment it felt right cuz he was a scumbag and tried to kill me. But afterwards, Snow was right, it did seem like Bigby was returning to his old ways, and he had had enough of a beating and a good scare as well... He got the message basically.
I hope that at least one of them returns if Season 2 ever gets made... They are good villains in their own way.
Personally, I don't think scaring them (Dee/Dum) would have been enough.
The Tweedle brothers are characters who pretty much follow Crooked Man's orders blindly by the letter - because regardless whether you kill Dum or not, Dee (or Dum as well if you let him live) still comes at you/Bigby (to kill him) along with Jersey and Georgie anyway.
And no, I did not agree with Snow when she told off Bigby in his apartment; don't get me wrong, I love Snow to death more than any other Female characters in Fables (and she's my second fav character only after Bigby), but I actually agreed with Colin in that conversation (to my surprise).
If my Bigby is shot at, or hurt by someone with intention to kill, and that character is unrepentant evil @#$#$% (so Gren doesn't count, he was just venting out his anger, so I didn't rip his arm off), my Bigby will retaliate without mercy.
Personally, I would have just killed the Crooked Man in the factory, but me being soft for Snow (and with her pleading to me not to kill the Crooked Man), I relented and brought him back to trial alive in my canon playthrough (though I guess that made no difference since my Bigby threw him down the Witching Well anyway lol).
Throwing the CM down the Witching Well alive is probably how it would've been done in Fables tbh...
OH WAIT! I also have no regrets on attacking or being a dick to Georgie, cuz he was a massive knob! (sorry @pudding_pie but he kinda is in the game... not in your stories though! no sir
Snow I can only take in doses in the game, she tries so hard to push Bigby away by being formal and stuff, but the reality is rather obvious :P Still, being able to vent on Snow in Ep.5 was a welcome change to the norm, where usually she would be harsh to Bigby! XP
Nah man we cool. XD Georgie fan for life!
That's the Telltale goal. Make the player regret their choices.
Yeah you managed to sway me somehow :P