Do leagues exist in dating ?

I have a huge crush on this girl the same age as me . She is definitely really attractive . Morse so for her personality than for any other reason but she is extremely good looking as well . I don't like giving numbers to rate women but ill do it anyway . She is 10/10 for both looks and personality and most guys would agree .
I on the other hand am fairly average looking , and I can't say anything about my personality as its not for me to say . I don't even know anyway .
I'm just wondering if you think Leagues exist in dating ? Even if she/he is way more attractive than you.
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It's ok, don't let thoughts like that prevent you from trying. I don't think that when someone says "she's way out of my league" he means that there's some sort of norm for which "league" you can put a person in, everyone's different and you and I might not have the same opinion about a person. If you like her, see what she thinks about you, get a feel for how she acts when you're around. And don't be afraid of telling her you like her, she might surprise you.
That's my take on it, I don't really know what I'm talking about but it's what I think.
You'll think that if you really like somebody - other people might even say they're ugly, but still, if you like a person they're beatiful to you, at least in my experience. The whole 10/10 thing may only be in your warped (in a good way), subjective mind.
The even simpler answer is, what else are you doing to do? You like them, you try and be with them; it works out or it doesn't. But, to sound cliche, you miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Again, in my own experience, it feels better to have tried and failed than to simply give up. (Unless you don't care that much, but then you probably wouldn't be posting here..)
In a way, yes. It exists, but the lines are a little fuzzy.
Yes, if you want to date someone that looks good, you have to take care of yourself, Money definitely helps, but it hasn't helped me. I don't post how much cash i have in my bank account on my tinder account, maybe i did i would attract a more few fish into my net.
I tried nice guy Luke approach that doesn't work, except on my wife. I tried Alpha Ass, that works extremely well, especially on ratchet.
I'm an old dude (well, not really--but if the audience is young enough I am), and one of the things we do is check out girls on Facebook we had crushes on years back and see what they're up to. Way more often than not the hottest girls are dating or married to guys you likely wouldn't judge as being attractive. Definitely not in the same "league". I noticed this a little in high school...why is she going out with HIM???
Everyone is attractive to someone, often because personality is a huge factor. Dig around online and you'll find stories of people who you'd think are completely screwed in terms of getting a date, and yet there they are with someone.
Not to mention we generally rate ourselves far worse than we deserve. Check out this video, which is ultimately selling soap and a little cheesy, but the concept is truth.
Important thing to do is interact with the person you're interested with, talk, ask a question, whatever. I wasted so many opportunities being quiet it was ridiculous. Other times I interacted and realized there was nothing there, got shot down...and other times there was success, whether it was making a friend, getting a date. It lessens the pressure because you're just trying to talk and be sociable.
Thanks , this helped a lot .
No offence dude , but this is the worst comment on the thread so far!
Thanks man. I appreciate the advice .
Eh, I wouldn't know. I don't date.
I'm gonna go all academic on you.
There is some truth to the concept that if you feel you are a good-looking person, then you feel you deserve a good-looking person. Or, if you spend a lot of time on your appearance, you're not going to go out with someone who's a sloppy mess.
Also, at a young age, everyone is still trying to come up with a concept of who the "right" kind of person is. They may have some ideal they compare all comers to, and decide how close a match they are.
And of course we're all going to tell you to go for it, because we here on the forums have nothing to lose, so why not?
So that's what you're up against. The good news is that personality and presenting yourself as a cool person to hang around overrides all that. Perfect-seeming people are still just people, and they have a lot of the hopes and dreams and concerns that you do. Recognize that, and you'll stand a good chance!
This isn’t really a simple yes or no answer. Initial attraction is based on looks, moving onto a more long-term, deeper connection based on personality and similar ethics and values.
Realistically speaking don’t get into the head-space that anyone is ‘out of your league’, if it doesn’t work out maybe it’s not the right time or it’s not meant to be. You said it yourself, this gal has a great personality, she may end up being a life-long friend which is just as valuable.
I felt every girl I've been with was out of league so idk.
There was once an artist kinda guy who was so damn charismatic and had such an interesting personality I couldn't resist (but not so handsome I admit). I felt like he was out of my league but he found me worthy to date. Sadly later I found out that he was a huge asshole but it's a different story xD Just keep in mind that it's not always the look that attracts people. Confidence is the key. Just do it
Ask her out or try to become friends with her first. At least try because if you miss the chance you'll regret it 
I think you should maybe try and spark a friendship first and see where things go, some people seem great from a distance but arent great relationship material. I think the best relationships grow from friendship
No. You see, In dating, there are No leagues, It's either Love, or nothing.
You see, Dating should work Like this:
There are no Leagues in Dating. There is no Popular, or Geeky, or whatever, that's all bullshit. Dating is the last step before Love. If this girl you like feels the same, Go for it buddy. If she believes in the League system, It's not gonna work out so well, What I'm trying to say is,
A Girl Believes in The Leagues. A Keeper Believes in no Descrimination. and Your True Love would Believe that right by your side.
Well George isn't exactly Known for his Charming speeches. XD
I have little experiences with dating, so you can decide if my advice are good. But if you intend to pursue the girl, I think you should make your attraction to her known early on. At least so the girl know that you have an attraction to her. You should take the initiative to talk to her or ask her out. Maybe take her to a cafe. Like other has mentioned, get to her know first. It doesn't hurt to lighten your appearance up. Also from what I have learned from my class, first impression leaves a mark, so you should take note of that as well.
Also, I suggest that you should watch a guy named Elliot (strengthcamp) on Youtube. He gives great life-advices and what he says are interesting as least to me.
Its the truth, don't like it, hit the sticks.
It's the harsh truth. Life isn't as easy as you want it to be. People do want someone who can take care of them and money is a factor. Considering that you fell in love with a girl because of her looks, I mean seriously you can't say you like someones personality if they're not your friend or significant other because then you barely know what they are like (unless you're a stalker) she will have to like you for your looks before she gives you a chance to learn your personality. So without looks no one's gonna find out about your personality. Mostly everything George said is true.
In Korea, there are a lot of marriage matchmaking organizations (that have big ads on the subway...), and they take all your data - educational background, salary, work experience, health, and appearance, and give you a grade based on the results... so... there's that...
Honestly, I don't think so. People have types, yes, but I don't think anyone can be "too good" for someone based on appearance. If I don't feel attracted to you it's not because you're not attractive, you're just not my type, and some people don't even know what their type is until they meet someone who is and someone who's not. Everyone has potential to be great - what might be great for someone else might not be great for you and vice versa.
It's sad when people think they don't have a chance because they think the other person is "way out of their league". You never know unless you try, and if you fail it's not because you're not good enough, you're just not their type. So try again!
Most men are so terrified of attractive women that the ones bold enough to approach them already have an advantage.
I don't believe in leagues I believe any girl is within my league as looks don't really matter to me I usually go for people I get on with great so their is already established attraction between us and everything just feels natural I look for a strong friendship with someone before I fall in love
But you do have to take into account with pretty girls they have many guys after them so it will take one hell of an effort and patience for an opening
I've encountered a few girls who were 10/10 and I had a crush on who turned out really stuck up and horrible and definitely not my type once I got to know them better sometimes we create a fantasy of a person before we truly know them so develop this crush first to found out if it's worth going for
Have no regrets go for it bruh