Lego Dimensions - Why? Just... Why?
Am I the only person who is confused by the whole idea behind the recently announced Lego Dimensions?
Basically, it's kind of like a video game sequel to The Lego Movie, as it features a lot of the same characters, including the original ones like Wyldstyle and Benny. However, you have to buy the characters as figurines to put them into the game, similarly to Skylanders and Disney Infinity.
What's kind of cool is the fact that there are so many franchises and companies involved. There's characters from Peter Jackson's Middle-earth films, the DC Universe, the Back to the Future films, the Wizard of Oz, and there are probably more to come. What's NOT cool is the fact that they only appear together as their self-parodic Lego versions instead of the 'real' versions. It's like they're baiting us. 'Oh yeah, you want to have a game where you can play as all of these awesome characters and have them interact with each others' worlds? TOO BAD! LEGO TIME!'
Can you imagine how cool it would be if there was a game that faithfully represented all of these characters and had them cross over? It would be so cool! I mean, I understand that Lego are probably the only reason why these companies are cooperating at all, but if they can cooperate on a project like this, why don't they make a project that really caters to the fans and shows the real characters interacting?
Also, the trailer tried way too hard to be funny. It wasn't.
Telltale have of course handled great crossovers before. The Poker Night series features faithful representations of the characters involved and doesn't dumb any of them down. I know that they want to make it look more funny for the kids but a lot of the characters can be funny anyway without being little blocks of plastic.
Trust me, it's FAR FAR easier to handle this project with the LEGO property involved.
And BULLSHIT these LEGO games aren't faithful to the licensed source.
Don't get me wrong, I actually loved the Lego games, and I'm sure that this one will at least be fun, but... I would also like to see a more serious crossover game. I'm a little ticked off because these companies obviously can work together and make a massive crossover event, but just stick to the Lego license.
The older Lego games were extremely faithful to the source material, but the DC characters definitely got the short end of the stick.
That new Doctor Who trailer today was good... but what I'm really excited about is the Portal one. They're adding new physichs mechanics to Portal gameplay (size changes) that look REALLY rad.
A game designed solely to take your money - multiple times.
I would usually find a crossover of this scale awesome, but I just can't ignore the fact that the Lego characters aren't the REAL versions of the characters. That isn't the real Batman making witty banter with the real Twelfth Doctor. It's just Lego Batman making witty banter with the Lego Twelfth Doctor. Do any of you see what I'm getting at here?... No?... Okay then...
I personally love it when crossover games feature great character designs and art, and give all of the characters similar stylistic looks to how they appear in their own franchises. Games like Poker Night, Smash Bros, PS All-Stars and more have basically perfected this. Perhaps that's why I can't really get very hyped about this upcoming game at all.
Apparently the price for the base game alone is pretty extortionate. It's like $100 or something, and then there's all of the extra shiz... Like what DAISHI said, it seems like a game that will take all your dough over and over again. I think that games should be complete when you buy them, and that DLC should only be created long after the game has already been finished.
That's great but without it being LEGO it would never happen, these characters would never crossover without LEGO
I guess that's the tragic thing.
Money, my dear boy. Money! Sounds like a pay to win ripoff to me.