The Future of TWAU Series
Hello, today (well, tonight for me) I'd like to share my current opinion regarding future of The Wolf Among Us. Basically, what makes me think it's still somewhat possible, what kind of obstacles it is facing and what can we do about it. So, let's get straight to it:
What makes Season Two possible (at least in my personal opinion):
- The fact that TTG never denied a possibility of Season Two, despite a few opportunities to do so
- Decent sales of Season One (of course we don't know how well it sold, but if it has a solid community and retail versions for both last and next gen then it has to mean something, right?)
- TTG still mentioning the game on Twitter sometimes
- The game itself was nominated multiple times, and so did the actors. A couple of awards were scored
- The fact that a lot of fans would love to get another season of this great game (actually, there's still some activity on Steam Discussion Boards regarding the second season, not to mention crapload of YT comments, Tweets and even some topics on the other forums)
- And at least some of the actors and creators are up for it aswell: Erin Yvette, Gavin Hammon, Adam Harrington (I think this one doesn't require a proof :P) and even Bill Willingham himself (and possibly many more we don't know about)
What stands in a way?
- A new contract with Vertigo would have to be acquired
- It looks like TTG devs need some encouragement...
What can we do about it?
That's the most important part of this thread. While I was silently contemplating about this case, I came to realize one thing: sitting around and just hoping for a miracle to happen is not gonna cut it. Season Two is sure as hell still a possibility, but it's not going to be made out of nowhere. I'm thinking, if we would find a way to truly show how much we admire this game and motivate devs at least a little bit, the chances of actually seeing S2 one day are instantly going to rise. Ideas? Spread the armis's Huff and Puff trend even more, maybe write an open letter or start a petition and spread it aswell to see how many people would love to see Season Two, if possible. We simply need to encourage Telltale developers, and they might seriously start considering a Season Two. Sure, it's not going to happen anytime soon but it doesn't mean it's not going to happen at all
Huff and Puff
Huff and Puff indeed! XD
TellTale's silence on Season 2 is strange, but I'm not giving up hope until they give an official announcement...
I think all we can do now is wait, we have been making ourselves heard for months now, I'm not saying we should stop making ourselves heard, but I do think that we should give TellTale a chance. They're working on TFTB and GOT atm, and they have MineCraft on the way as well as a new IP being made with Lionsgate.
Vertigo are probably being difficult with their contracts as always, or TellTale just doesn't have a good enough story to tell (remember that TWAU Season 1 was LITTERED with re-writes, most notable the entire plot was changed after Ep.1!)
Huff and Puff
Dear TTG: Myself and countless others would love to have a season 2 of The Wolf Among Us. I need my Senpai Bigby and all those loveable characters. I miss hearing that wonderful music, throwing people out the window, Grendel and his never ending rants, picking fights with fat people named Dee and Dum and listening to Georgie's soothing voice. I need Bloody Mary, too because the chanting before my bathroom mirror is scaring my fiancee and roommate just a tad. XD I'm sure we'll hear of news soon and you've become busy and Vertigo, despite being wonderful, can be difficult. As a fan, I'd love to play another season. My xbox can no longer take another day of playing the 5 episodes of the first season.
Here is to another season.
#Team Georgie Huff and Puff
Yeah, we should give them time, all I'm trying to say is that while they are working on TFTB, GOT, Minecraft (ugh...), Marvel, Original IP and Lionsgate Supershow, they could start negotiating with Vertigo, as it is probably going to take some time. I doubt we're going to hear anything directly confirming Season Two anytime soon, but we can encourage them to start moving towards it. It would be really great if we could hear at least something like "Hey guys, we are pursuing different projects as of now but The Wolf Among Us is definetely not buried and forgotten"
Personally I can wait a year or two, I'm just thinking how to increase the chances
Huff and Puff
Marvel? Please explain.
And I thought the Original IP WAS the Lionsgate Supershow?!
I am really behind on TellTale news
We gotta fight the fight, brother, for nobody is going to fight it for us!
All unite for TWAU Season 2!
Huff and Puff
You haven't heard?
Wow :O
2017 is 2 years away though, so I won't divert my attention to that just yet
This guy knows
Huff and Puff
I would like a Season Two. I find Bill Willingham's idea to make a comic based off of all of the fairy tales one of the most interesting things I've ever seen and I would like to see more Fables not seen in the Comics brought to life in a video game. But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen.
I agree with all of this.
I would love a Season 2, with the FABLES universe being one of the most interesting universes out there imo and with Wolf Among Us having an extremely unique setting that has a lot of potential. But I think at this point I don't think it's gonna happen, so I'm not gonna hold my breath for one.
Doesn't make it any easier to accept though. And, I want to say how much I love this community. Even if Wolf Among Us isn't my personal favorite Telltale series at this point, the community for this game is certainly the best one out of Telltale's games.
Awww, bro...
Good topic man. We need the Season 2!!!
What will you guys do if Telltale formally announces that they will not create any more content for The Wolf Among Us/Fables series within the foreseeable future? Would any of you quit Telltale altogether?
I would be very disappointed in TellTale for sure, but I wouldn't quit their games, that's a bit childish tbh...
TWAU was an amazing game that introduced me to a wonderful forum and a comic series that has changed my life! If TellTale finally decide that enough is enough, then I will just have to deal with it, but I won't stop playing their other games
I will admit that TellTale's silence is just insulting to their fans, but they have a lot on their plate right now, which is their biggest mistake I think. They've bitten off more than they can chew so they're neglecting some things and focusing on others!