Notifications stuck at same number, unfollowed threads still showing up in feed.

edited May 2015 in Site Support

My notifications have been stuck at 7 for several months now. I've unfollowed every thread I've ever commented on trying to get it to right itself, but it's still stuck at 7. These threads are also still showing up in my feed, even to this day. If I try going to the original thread, I am only given the option "follow", as I've already unfollowed them.

Can someone please help me?


  • Thread: Threads I don't want to follow in my feed even after removal?

    How do I remove these ? Thanks !

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, if you open a thread, and it is assigned as a 'Followed' thread, you can click on that thread to open it, and if you hover over the original post, some options will appear in the top right corner. You should see the option to 'Unfollow' the thread, with a star next to it. Please click that button, and you will no longer receive notifications in your Feed from that thread.

  • edited May 2015

    Edited my above post to include this second issue.

  • I've also had threads showing up in my feed even after clicking the "unfollow" button. It's very frustrating :(

  • I have this problem, too. I am no longer following the threads that are showing up in my feed, however. When I hover, I am only given the option "follow". I unfollowed these threads several months ago, but they are still showing up in my feed.

    My apologies, if you open a thread, and it is assigned as a 'Followed' thread, you can click on that thread to open it, and if you hover ove

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited May 2015

    When you create or comment/reply to a thread now, there should be a check box underneath the text box where you are commenting, in order to Follow the Discussion, you can check the box. If you do not wish to follow the discussion when you make a comment, you can leave the checkbox unchecked. You can also click on 'Unfollow' with the star next to it at the top of the thread. If you are on the main Community page with all of the forums for all of the games, you can also make sure that they do not show up in your Followed Discussions list on the right side of the page. If they do show up there, you can click the small X next to the thread, and you will unfollow that thread.

    If you still receive updates for those threads in your Feed, can you please clarify if you are receiving New Updates to your Feed from these threads, or are you talking about the older Feed Updates from when you were Following the thread not disappearing from your Feed?

    Edit: If you are stuck on a particular number of Notifications on your Feed (stuck at 7), I will contact the web team, and get your notifications reset to 0.

    nursethalia posted: »

    I've also had threads showing up in my feed even after clicking the "unfollow" button. It's very frustrating

  • It looks like the notifications finally reset :) Thanks!

    I chose "unfollow" a few months ago on all the individual threads showing up in my feed (last night they were still updating, reading "Activity in (thread name) since your last visit"), but despite only seeing "follow" when I hovered on individual threads (showing that I had unfollowed them), they were still listed on the main community page.

    I closed out all the followed discussions on the main community page, so I hope that solves that problem. I will keep an eye on my feed for the next several days and update if it remains an issue.

    When you create or comment/reply to a thread now, there should be a check box underneath the text box where you are commenting, in order to

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