Top 5 Telltale Moments (Warning: Spoilers from all of Telltale's Games)

edited May 2015 in General Chat

1. Lee Everett's Death

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2. Talia's Ballad

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3. The Crooked Man's Trial

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4. Lee meets The Stranger

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5. Vasquez introduced

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    1. Lee's Death (TWD S1)
    2. Standing up to Gryff Whitehill (GOT)
    3. Episode 2 intro (TFTBL)
    4. Talia's ballad (GOT)
    5. Lee Dream (TWD S2)

    Honorable Mentions: Bigby vs. Bloody Mary (TWAU), Training Clementine (TWD S1), Kenny endings (TWD S2), Big chariot race thing where everyone dies (TFTBL)

    1. Bigby vs Tweedles
    2. lee death
    3. tales ep 1 intro
    4. standing to Gryff
  • You only put four, where's the fifth?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    * Bigby vs Tweedles * lee death * tales ep 1 intro * standing to Gryff

  • Oops , Kenny's return

    You only put four, where's the fifth?

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2015
    1. Lee's death
    2. Crooked Man's Trial
    3. Charlie Ho-Tep summons Yog Soggoth (Sam and Max: The Devil's Playhouse)
    4. Trip Trap scene in Faith (not just the bar fight, but the dialogue prior to the fight too)
    5. Air chase scene in Muzzled (Wallace and Gromit)

    ...Holy crap, I used games that existed prior to Walking Dead! ;)

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    Lots of death scenes in my choices, but Telltale does them so well. Two of my choices are the same as the original poster, so don't mind my re-use of screenshots. ;)

    1. Lee Everett's Death
      Lee's Death

    2. Ethan Forrester's Death

    3. Morgan LeFlay's Death
      Morgan's Death

    4. Sam Grieving Over Max's Death

    5. The Crooked Man's Trial

    1. Lee's Death

    2. Snow white's ''death''

    3. Nerissa/Faith's revelation

    4. Wellington's ending

    5. Starved for Help final scenes

  • Nerissa/Faith's revelation

    Argh, I should've added that one to my list!

    TheCatWolf posted: »

    * Lee's Death * Snow white's ''death'' * Nerissa/Faith's revelation * Wellington's ending * Starved for Help final scenes

  • Max dies? NOOOOO

    Jennifer posted: »

    Lots of death scenes in my choices, but Telltale does them so well. Two of my choices are the same as the original poster, so don't mind my

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Sort of. You haven't played them yet?

    Max dies? NOOOOO

  • 1) Lee's Death.

    2) Bigby's nightmare about Bloody Mary (screenshot only for this one, because I really love the tension on it).

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    3) Chat with Clem about bug on the pillow. :)

    4) Conversation with Faith after the fight with The Woodsman.

    5) Finding Mark on the St. John's Dairy.

  • In no particular order,

    Jurassic Park: The Game, The Survivors 'The Swim'

    This entire sequence is amazing. Unfortunately I couldn't find a no commentary HD scene of the Mosasaur alone, but it is pretty cool leading up to it. Skip to 7:22 for the beginning of the awesomeness if this scene.

    Back To The Future: The Game, Citizen Brown 'Guitar Battle'

    This scene....this scene....sadly, this play through didn't do all of the options like 'flourish' but yeah still sick. Plus Jennifer in this game....

    The Wolf Among Us, A Crooked Mile 'A Crooked Showdown'

    I love this scene. When I first saw this, dear God it was awesome.

    The Walking Dead: The Game Season 2, A House Divided, 'Lodge Attack'

    Excellent scene. Sadly, I could get one where Alvin gets killed when you choose to look for Kenny, cause I think that's the best part of it. If anyone know of a video with no commentary where you look for Kenny and Alvin gets killed, show me that so I can change it.

    The Walking Dead: The Game, No Time Left 'Herd'


  • Not too late to add it to your list! :P

    Nerissa/Faith's revelation Argh, I should've added that one to my list!

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2015

    There's time travel and paradoxes involved, so it really depends on your point of view on whether he actually died. But, it's still a very moving scene, no matter which way you view it. Citizen Brown's death in Back to the Future: The Game is another really moving scene where whether he actually did die really depends on how you look at it, for the same reasons.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Sort of. You haven't played them yet?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Was that last paragraph directed toward InGen?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2015

    Yeah, whoops. Thanks for pointing that out, I'll move that out so it can be seen without the spoiler tag... the threaded comments on this forum still give me a headache sometimes. a_a

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Was that last paragraph directed toward InGen?

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    You really should play the Sam & Max games (especially The Devil's Playhouse, as it's one of the first games that really started the evolution towards Telltale's current cinematic style of games, although it still is puzzle rather than choice and consequences based, but the puzzles mostly involve using Max's psychic powers rather than inventory). Even with one of the most moving scenes spoiled (sorry about that!), it's still a great game.

    Max dies? NOOOOO

  • I have to have a top ten for mine... XD

    Number 10: See Ya around, Wolf. (Bigby's Realization: The Wolf Among Us Episode 5 Ending)

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    This episode was so amazing for me! I hadn't felt as much exitement since Sam & Max, But this ending, It made me so Interested, so filled with wonder, And Then, I stayed up for weeks, Theorizing this, and I LOVE making theories, This ending was so perfect, Though it was very cryptic, and made me Upset, it at least deserves Number 10!

    Number 9: A Death On Monkey Island. (Tales of Monkey Island, Morgan's Death)

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    Monkey Island for me, was one of the Nicest and calmest Games ever, But When Tales of Monkey Island came out, and it got to this point, I was absolutely certain that this version of Monkey Island was gone for me. This was such a powerful moment for me, and a Defining moment in my life, It made me realize that I wasn't the 5 Year old that enjoyed the old timey Monkey Island with 16 Bit graphics. It became clear that it was time for more mature games for me, That's why it's at Number 9.

    Number 8: Armed with Death. (Lee powers through the Herd, The Walking dead, Season 1)

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    I know, I know, (FAGGOT! YOU'RE PUTTING LEE'S BEST MOMENT AT NUMBER 8?! FFFFFFFFP[ERGNP]ERTNHBEPRYHBN) Nah, You guys won't say that! You all are mature people! Right? R-right? Oh whatever, Listen, This was one of the best moments in the game, AMAZING moment, and I see how hard Telltale worked on this, They did, AMAZING on it, But it didn't feel right, But it belongs right here at Number 8!

    Number 7: And Then I Woke Up. (Kenny's Speech in the Tent, The Walking Dead: Season 2 Episode 4)

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    Gavin's Performance in this Episode was just amazing, But when Clem confronted him in the Tent, I had never respected Kenny more than that. His speech was one of the best I've heard, and when It comes down to it, Gavin is the best choice for any Main Character in any game.

    Number 6: Bot Pilgrim Vs Pandora. (Loader Bot and The Bandits, Tales From The Borderlands, Episode 1)

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    Heh heh, See what I did with the Title? Screw it. Anyway, This moment felt so awesome and Action packed! Even the Loader bot customization had me flipping my shit! This is what makes Tales so.... AWESOME! This moment lies special in my heart always!

    Number 5: The Medieval Urologist and The Brave Little Lord. (Ramsey Snow Confronts Lord Ethan, Game of Thrones, Episode 1)

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    Heh, Another title Pun... shutting up now. Three words to describe this Sequence. WHAT. THE. FUCK. This entire Part had me on the edge of my seat! I was JUST getting into the GoT Show Upon playing this, So this entire moment made me have my Jaw wide open, Lord Ethan was such an important character! And to just kill him off was uncalled for! But, to be fair, that was BEFORE I saw the rest of the show and was used to shit like that, But I'll say, Bravo telltale, fucking AMAZING work!

    Number 4: I'm Dee, He's Dum. (Bigby VS Tweedle Dee, The Wolf Among Us, Episode 1)

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    This Chase was really fun and a Great way to practice Telltales new Quick Time Mechanics! I loved a lot of the things in episode 1, But this whole Chase scene was an excellent way to get me into TWAU, I never find these things fun, so this is a very special moment to me!

    Number 3: Hello. (Lee Meets The Stranger. The Walking Dead, Season 1 Episode 5

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    From the Beginning of this episode, I knew this confrontation would be emotional and Painful, But the fact that there wasn't any music, even in the fight, Made me certain that this moment, was the defining moment. and That this was the end of Lee's life. And while it was a sad Moment, I couldn't help but think, and realize how far I've come, and How much I wanted to save Clem. So I sat there, with a blank face, I was crying, but with a Blank Face. And I stared at My screen as If I were Lee. And I listened to everything He had to say. I had so many Mixed emotions, But after his story, I knew one thing was certain. It was either Him, or Clem. He would have gotten her Killed, But I could help her with my last Minutes. No man deserves to go through what he went through. And I didn't kill him out of Revenge, or Anger, or For Clem. I killed him out of Sympathy. This was one of the Most emotional scenes Ever. And I'm glad I got to play it.

    Number 2: Or Was she too Busy Fucking whatever Breeze blew threw Town? (The Big Bad Wolf Vs Bloody Mary. The Wolf Among Us: Episode 5)

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    Oh How I longed to Put this bitch in the ground after Making a fool of Snow and Breaking my Bones, But I never thought I would have gotten revenge so sweet. This fight scene was fantastic! One of the greatest Scenes, Not in telltale, But in gaming! Bigby Pretty much went Goku on Bloody Mary, and Her transformation was AMAZING! I am truly greatful I got to eat her, Like the real, Big, Bad, WOLF.

    Number 1: They're All Gonna Die Clementine... (Kenny Vs Jane, The Walking Dead: Season 2, Episode 5)

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    One of The most Heartbreaking Things for me, Was choosing between my two favorite People. It's happened so much, so this was No shocker that they'd do something like this, But this was awful. Kenny and Jane, My two favorite characters at the time, Trying to murder each other, The whole season, I felt the choices matter thing didn't come into play. But it DOES. All of these things Jane says to Clem, All of these things Ken taught Clem, All of those choices is a test to see who you are, It's like a Final Exam in school. The rest of the year is what you learned, and the Exam is to see if what you learned payed off. This is the final test, to see if all the choices you made added up, and It was torture. This scene was so emotional, and It's the reason I care for Season 2. Because telltale wasn't making it up, CHOICE. MATTERS. You could be who your choices made you to be, OR you could be a huge Hypocrite. Either way, This was the best Telltale games moment of all time for me.

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