Who will inherit the earth after humans?
I think we'll have unbearable and physically unsustainable temperatures and we'll all die leaving only penguins and polar bears to inherit the earth. The evolution will begin again except instead of apes we'll have the former. Share your thought mah peeps.
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Obviously Clams were destined to run this world.
I don't know and I don't really think it matters right now.
Sentient cheese.
It's already among us, sowing the seeds of our demise...one clogged artery at a time.
Nothing will rule the Earth when the sun dies.
Well, I've seen a trend. One 'Golden Era' if you will of one of the classes of animals. Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, now Mammals. Maybe birds? Think about it. Birds are mostly small, much like the early mammals that survived the last mass extinction. With the dominating class of animals suffering an extremely catastrophic event, birds can take over.
Birds are the survivors of the predominant species' of animals from the last extinction level event.
It would depend on the reason for the extinction event. If it was a drastic change in temperature I highly doubt it would be polar bears and penguins who would dominate the world.
I didn't say they didn't.
Mammals were just more successful.
Well you said that classes of animals had had their golden eras and that birds might get theirs, but proto-birds have already had theirs, very recently actually.
With Ravens (most intelligent and resourceful bird imo) I could see your point but I don't think Pigeons will be leading anything ever
Dolphins of course
I for one welcome our new dolphins overlords.
King Snorky, hail!
Donkey Kong.
Even more poo flinging monkeys. The cycle will never end.
The dodo bird will make a comeback.
Always root for the underdog, right?
Saltlicks obviously.
What a surprise
It's kinda obvious, I mean what else would inherit the Earth (No one say Crowbars or else.....)
The white walkers for sure
I guess they wanted it more...
Crab people. Look like crabs, taste like people.
Didn't NatGeo already do some special about this, and they determined it would be squid monkeys that inherit the earth?
the roaches and the mothman
Chuck Norris and chickens
(Coughs) crowbars
The rest of my species after I've found the artifact and eliminated the human race.
Penguins will evolve into a new sentient species
A rock.
Manbearpig. I'm super cereal.
Probably the robots that killed us.
The Reapers, obviously.
All hail rock
this guy