So about Gwyn Whitehill...

Hey guys, new here but long time lurker. Okay so am I the only one who got a distinct vibe that Gwyn is still in love with Asher? She kind of acts like she's over it, but notice only really comes into play when she finds out Asher is on his way back to Westeros. My thought is, what if she wants peace etc etc because at this point she's thinking,' Hey, if I can just delay their demise I can then marry Asher without Lord Ludd's consent anyway' which would result in merging the two houses. It might be a long shot, but I think that the Asher/Gwyn romance will come into play at some point during the rest of the season. What do you guys think!


  • Okay I definitely think she's still in love with asher but if I get to choose I will not marry Gwyn after all that has happened no way no how

  • edited May 2015

    I don't know if she still loves Asher but I know Asher still has feelings for her. Gwyn literally can't marry without Ludd's approval it's always been the Lord of the House's decision.

  • They still love each other.Asher's D will come into play some time.

  • I think they still have feeling for each other. But I am kinda hoping it will come down to a decide between marrying Gwyn or continuing adventuring with Beskha. And if so my Asher will ride off with Beskha.

  • Beska told me she's not coming with me and Malcom to Westeros...:/

    unseenclass posted: »

    I think they still have feeling for each other. But I am kinda hoping it will come down to a decide between marrying Gwyn or continuing adventuring with Beskha. And if so my Asher will ride off with Beskha.

  • That's because you didn't choose her in the cave

    Beska told me she's not coming with me and Malcom to Westeros...:/

  • I have played and watched many youtubers play this game as I like to see the choices I didnt make, One thing I have noticed about many of them and I have realised I include myself in this, Is that many are defiant to the whitehills right up to the moment they have the converstation with gwyn whitehill, as soon as she tells them of the "traitor" and to bend the knee to Griff, they often become instantly submissive this results in immediatly cutscene to Gerad and trying not to kill the man who murdered gerads family... (Why would he ever deserve mercy??) and then staying in the dirt when roderick is told to stay down.

  • Maybe another way to ensure peace would be to marry off Asher to Gwyn?

  • I know, but how could I not pick Malcom?? He is risking his life and House Forrester's future to ensure he and Asher return with soldiers. When I was in that cave I picked blood over Beska.

    Also, I don't think she believed me when I told her I picked Malcom. I was like Beska I thought you could handler yourself, and she was like "Asher that was a fucking dragon" hahaha

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