Will this game also release on Xbox 360

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Other telltale games have released on the xbox 360, I don't have a Xbox one. so will this be a PC exclusive or will it release on other consoles also.
P.S. my bro wants to play this game but he is used to playing these games on Xbox


  • I'm fairly certain the first 3 episodes are out for all consoles including Xbox 360, unless I'm mistaken but I don't think I am :P

  • shit digital download, I don't have internet access for xbox.

  • If you are referring to buying a physical retail disc, Telltale typically makes those a while after they have already finished the entire Season.

    Nightmare1 posted: »

    shit digital download, I don't have internet access for xbox.

  • ok, well I guess there is nothing to do but wait then or have him stop complaining that he wants to play the game on xbox.

    If you are referring to buying a physical retail disc, Telltale typically makes those a while after they have already finished the entire Season.

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