Dear Telltalegames...
First. Congrats on making so many games that just simply kick butt. However as I look back on developers that have done great thing and then dissapeared...there seems to be common events that spring out of meeting rooms.
Mine Craft SM....this is the cover all bases move where to grow demographics you expand the style of games. This can lead to a loss of focus on the core values that made you a success in the first place. Marvel deal...make no mistake, you are dealing with Disney...does this lucrative deal later mean that they will get antsy over your more adult gaming properties. The Wolf Among Us seems to be a victim of this. It is something that is both anti Disney and also the property of their competition DC comics. I find that sad as TWAU was and hopefully still is one of your best.
Stay away from EA Games....Origin systems, Bioware..Stay independent.
Keep your company at a manageable size.
Just keep on being Telltalegames...Keep on making other developers look lame where it story telling with dramatic moments that keeps us glued to you forums waiting for your latest.
First of all, nice username, lol. Now, I'm sure Telltale has everything under control, and I'm fairly certain they'll stick to 2 games a year, maybe they'll add a third one of these years but I dunno. If you think about it that's how it looks with all the games announced so far.
-2015 1st 1/2 TFTBL and GoT
-2015 2nd 1/2 Minecraft
-2016 TWD S3 and Minecrafts last episodes or maybe something else if Minecraft ends earlier than expected
-2017 Marvel
I think Telltale has everything under control, and as they continue to expand it's just going to get easier for them ^-^
Your username... by all reasonable logic truer words have yet to have been spoken. Anyway I get your point on keeping TTG small and easily managed. However I'd still like it if they worked on one game annually.
Anti Disney? What?! Are you saying Marvel is stopping Telltale from working with TWAU again because Fables is technically owned by DC? None of what you're saying makes much sense.
Also Disney hasn't toned down anything from Marvel. Deadpool is getting an R rating. If Telltale makes an M rated marvel game, disney is going to stop them because its TOO MATURE for their demographic or some shit.