Favourite Character's Storyline

Who is your favourite character storyline and why?
Mira's Story - King's Landing (Episode 1 to present)
Asher's Story - Yunkai & Essos (Episode 2) Meereen (Episode 3 to present)
Gared's Story - Ironrath (Episode 1)/ The Wall (Episode 1 to present)
Rodrik's Story - Ironrath (Episode 2 to present)/ Highpoint (Episode 4)
Ethan's Story - Ironrath (Episode 1)

For me, Rodrik's is the most powerful storyline and the most interesting, it just shows what it is like to be a lord, making all the choices and such.. if he is killed off in Episode 4 or 5 and doesn't make the last chapter (aka Episode 6) I will be very gutted, something has me tingling that he may perish in Episode 4.. but I sure hope not.. someone ain't making it out alive in Episode 4.


  • edited May 2015
    1. Rodrik
    2. Mira
    3. Gared
    4. Asher
    1. Gared
    2. Rodrik
    3. Mira
    4. Asher (I would put Mira here, but I feel like Ashers storyline hasn't really gotten anywhere yet.)
    1. Gared
    2. Rodrick
    3. Asher
    4. Mira (Maybe its because I dont watch the show, but I just find Mira's character and story beyond boring)
    1. Gared (the most interesting one, and I feel like it's the most important one as well)
    2. Rodrik (also important storyline, and I think Rodrik's kind of hot...)
    3. Asher (Asher is kind of the comedic relief so far since, as Granfather said, his story hasn't really developed yet)
    4. Mira (nope)
    1. Rodrik (Love the tension and all the characters)
    2. Gared (Really intriguing)
    3. Asher (Fun to burn off all the stress in fight scenes)
    4. Mira (I feel like sometimes her POV drags on a bit during replays. Still fun, though)
  • Gared's the best written character but Rodrik's story is more interesting and intriguing I never really thought the Night's Watch was all that interesting

  • same here

    * Rodrik * Mira * Gared * Asher

  • Same^^

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    * Rodrik (Love the tension and all the characters) * Gared (Really intriguing) * Asher (Fun to burn off all the stress in fight scenes) * Mira (I feel like sometimes her POV drags on a bit during replays. Still fun, though)

  • GoT is pretty good, it's hard for me to decide...but this is my current list:

    1. Ethan. Seriously, he is my favorite TTG protagonist, he had so much potential. I really loved having to face difficult choices from the point of view of a character way too young and not ready for such a role. We could have seen Ethan become even better and stronger, but noooo. Ugh...
    2. Mira. It's interesting to see a situation like hers, to be in such a difficult position, and it's difficult knowing who to trust.
    3. Rodrick. I like his strength of character, and I really look forward to seeing more of his role.
    4. Gared. I'm really looking forward to seeing the North Grove.
    5. Asher. Not that I dislike him, I just don't find his story as interesting yet. Hopefully dragons can really shake things up.
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