What got you so into TWAU?
The title is pretty much self-explanatory: I was wondering why TWAU hooked you up so much and what made you so attached to it that you're still waiting for Wolf to come back.
As for me, I think I was emotionally struck by it since when I first got hold of it, it was rather a difficult period for me: I had just came out of a complicated situation, which left me with a "bad reputation" and for as much as I struggled to prove myself and the ones around me that I was changed, no one would trust me, nor my friends or even my family (not that I can blame them), as if it wasn't enough teachers and parents would try to keep me apart from other kids, so it was hard not to let myself go back to my past habits and just give up. But thankfully I decided to prove all of them wrong and I defeanetly believe that's also thanks to TWAU.
So that's my embarassing reason, now it's your turn!
That is quite a post you just made
I'm reading it and not quite understanding what happened, sounds like something to do with kids...
Anyways, I passed off TWAU when Ep.1 came out in October 2013 because 1.) I was hooked on TWD Season 2 and 2.) I looked at it and thought TellTale were pushing it with the fairytale setting.
Eventually in April 2014 (exactly 6 days after my 19th birthday) I decided to try out the free trial of TWAU Ep.1. So I played the trial (which ends after Faith axes Woody in the head) and I was hooked!!!
As soon as I finished the trial for like the 5th time I instantly bought the Season Pass with no regrets!
As I was waiting anxiously for Ep.4, I discovered the Fables comic that took place after TWAU, and I started collecting/reading all of the Volumes of the main comic and it's many spin-offs during late September, to this day I have almost all of the series in my cupboard and have no intention of ever getting rid of them!
Fables and TWAU literally changed my life. It turned me into a fanfiction writer, took me to this forum where I have made some awesome friends and met some interesting people, and it has introduced me to the best couple I have ever witnessed: Bigby Wolf and Snow White.
There we go
Ummm, wow. Your reason breaks my flipping heart, dude!
How awful...
I played the free trial and loved it. I found out this was based off of the FABLES comic and began reading those as well. I told a friend about the game; he later played it and was hooked. The 1st episode brough me Grendel and its a damn shame he's not in the comics and his smartass behavior made me laugh every time. Plus, he was good on the eyes. No regrets.
I played all the episodes and although I wish the 5h had ended differently, it was still a fun game to play. I still have hope for a 2nd season but we will see.
I joined this site a little after the 2nd episode because there was a user on here that was making some killer freaking fanfiction and it drew me in. I've met some interesting people and all because of TWAU. 
I'm sorry if it's not understandable, english isn't really my thing but at least I tried xD
What I was trying to say is just that I was kept at arm's lenght from other kids because of my bad reputation, that's it.
Anyway, now that you make me think about it, Woody being a raging drunk is a sufficient reason to replay TWAU at least until my brain begs me to stop xD
*girl, actually. Well thanks, but don't worry time passes, things change
I wish it had ended differently as well, but I bet Telltale will make up for that in the new season (Because there will be a new season, of course!...right?...) xD
A couple of things got me into The Wolf Among Us. Like almost all Telltale games I play, this was my introduction to the source material so I wasn't too familiar with the Fables comics like some people were coming into it. However, I was captivated by the atmosphere of the game back when Telltale revealed their first promo image for the game (after a long hiatus of revamping the game to have the same gameplay style of Walking Dead), people were pretty hyped about how the art looked straight out a comic book.
The city streets drenched in inky, neon noir purples and oranges definitely left a notable impression at first glance.
Beyond that, back much earlier when Telltale announced a Fables game alongside the first Season of Walking Dead back in February 2011, I looked up the premise of the comics and I thought the source material sounded evocative of the more imaginative franchises and source material that Telltale worked with for their older titles, whereas they had otherwise been moving towards series with a more basic premise (even though the interpersonal drama was still great) like Walking Dead at the time. I still like the interpersonal titles of course (and Wolf Among Us was loaded with personal drama), but I thought the fantastical and intricate background of the Fables series seemed like a fresh breath of air whereas Walking Dead had used a more basic premise for the interpersonal drama.
After a lengthy delay of the Fables game to incorporate choice making from Walking Dead, Telltale announced the gameplay details for Wolf Among Us. I thought that using the whodunit, noir detective story with the choice based gameplay sounded like a match made in heaven. Admittedly, I'd have liked to have seen more choices like the Woody/Dee choice or the investigation at Toad's house in Episode 1, where the player can make wrong accusations even if the story eventually gets back on track in the end. However, the story was still fantastic and I was astonished with how Telltale created such multi-dimensional characters with realistic personality traits while using a surreal premise as a foil for what was ultimately a human story of coping with loss.
Whereas Walking Dead had to be somber and timid, I felt Wolf Among Us has the best of both worlds from Telltale's classic and newer story telling styles, where they could incorporate bombastic fight/chase scenes or some lighthearted comedy at one point while still knowing when to be serious. Cry Wolf will remain one of my favorite Telltale episodes for how it so seamlessly combined multiple genres of story telling in one episode.
Probably the whole intro before we even met Toad. The atmosphere just grabbed me almost immediately
Telltale made it, simple as that.
As soon as S1 of Walking Dead was finished, I looked into Fables as that was the source for Telltale's next game. Instantly fell in love with the comic.
Was skeptical at first when it was announced that Bigby would be the PC because he's a real dick in the early comics, but I'm happy with how Telltale handled him.
I'll admit when I first started the game and saw the "talking frog" I was like "Omg this is gonna be stupid." But as soon as I got to the fight between Bigby and the Woodsman, I was immediately hooked.
My sister got me into it, she kept bugging me to try the game. At first I wasn't interested solely based on the title. I assumed it was some angsty teenage supernatural story thing. I finally caved in and tried out episode 1...which turned out to be MUCH better than I even imagined. I'm ever so glad I tried it out now, and I adore Telltale games. I loved TWAU's intriguing story and characters, and I loved having choices and seeing consequences for them and stuff. I'm glad my sister finally convinced me to try.
It was so interesting and way better than the comics, like fighting/crimes/insane murderer case/begin a good sheriff or a big BAD wolf. The songs too!
I used to extensively watch Youtubers play videogames when TWAU first came out; I watched the first few episodes by the Youtuber, Cryaotic. From there, I fell in love with the game. Soon after, I began reading the comics, and in between Episode One and Episode Two, I'd basically read every issue! So then, when I got back to watching the game being played, I realized that a lot of my decisions (if I were to make the decisions) had been slightly altered. Like, when Bigby has to decided whether to send Colin and Mr. Toad to the Farm, before I would have totally said no, but after I read the comics I would have done what Bigby thought was best, and send them. So yeah! At first, I didn't think I would like the game; I actually was displeased that Cry had announced he would be playing the game, as I hadn't heard of it yet and I wanted him to play the Bioshock Infinite DLC instead; But, after finding out it was a TellTale game, I got intrigued. I have played the first episode for myself, but that's about it. The rest of it I watched Cry play, but there's nothing wrong with that
So you never played Episodes 2-5 yourself?! :O
Nah bro, I really wish
I have it on my steam wishlist though, so whenever I have money and there is simultaneously a sale, it WILL be mine!
Wow :O
Fair enough, I used to do that as well :P
But it spoiled stuff for me, so I decided I would make my decisions exclusively, and stopped looking up stuff for games.
Yeah. I myself don't care too much of spoiling things, unless it pertains to reading books, in which case I ban any of my friends from telling me anything if they've read a series or a book before I have. I even force myself to stay away from wikis until AFTER I finish the book, so that I don't accidently see anything either. But for videogames, I like to see how the game is and what it's like so I know if I want to play it and if the ending and all that is worth playing on my own. I don't mind replaying games too much either; I've played all three Bioshocks like forty times each XD
I guess I never really stated how I 'played' the game much, did I? Oh well. I watched Cry, who made MOST of the decisions I would have made, so I was satisfied with that. I actually tend to watch a lot of games before deciding to buy them, this being the case with the Bioshock series (I own all the games and the DLC). It's just my way of doing things
Ah Bioshock. I've replayed the first one twice, the second on once (didn't like it that much tbh) and the third one twice as well, they're all quite long so that dissuades me from replaying them a lot
I was excited for it because I loved The Walking Dead.
The uniqueness of the characters and the artistic atmosphere are what really drew me in. Usually games don't go that route, thank goodness Telltale proceeded to go down such path - you know? Plus, that music...
Fables Comic.
I didn't quite like the second one either, though I did like the design of some of the character models they used. The first will always have a special place in my heart, and so will Infinite
They ARE long games, but I think the way the atmosphere and gameplay is, I always have time to play them 
I got into TWAU because I was already a fan of Fables. It took me awhile due to unemployment, but since I started substitute teaching, I've been purchasing quite a few video games. I also loved Telltale for reviving Sam & Max, so there was already that bit of goodwill present.
Exact same scenario for me.
I got into TWAU because... Xbox store offered the first episode for free for Christmas 2013. Who would pass up a free game? Even though it didn't really look like something I'd be interested in, I was blown away by TWDG so I figured it was worth a shot. Especially since the shot was free. I was immediately entranced by the first ep. The atmosphere and art design grabbed me first, then the gritty, messed-up portrayal of fairytale characters. Bigby Wolf was a big hook too. Anyway, first ep was so good, I had to buy the season pass, loved the whole thing and eventually started reading the Fables comics cause I wanted more of the awesome.
The story is intriguing.
Or... ya know...
Bigby is kinda— well okay... VERY hot so...
I like the noir feeling and the adult spin on fairy tales.
I saw it in a magazine. I was curious about it since it was made by Telltale who I known from playing Sam & Max and The Walking Dead, so I watched the teaser trailer and I immediately came to the Telltale forums looking for more information because the game looked phenomenal. As soon as it was available for preorder I bought it immediately and I was hooked once I saw the menu screen. The Wolf Among Us got me officially hooked on all of Telltale's games.