Some Telltale Game of Thrones Predicitions (Spoilers)
Alright everyone, here's my predictions for the Telltale Game of Thrones storyline. This was written right after Episode 3, but I forgot to upload them until now.
- Eleanor Glenmore will break the betrothal if you managed to secure it. You will talk to her at Highpoint, and it may be revealed there that Gryff and Eleanor are now to be wed.
- We will see Ryon, who will be disillusioned with his family, and basically call them traitors due to Whitehill brainwashing. This will be lessened if he was at the funeral.
- Things between the Whitehills and the Foresters will be brought to ahead at Highpoint. Something will happen, and war will be declared. Eleanor will help you escape Highpoint depending on whether you submitted to Gryff; if not, Talia (or maybe Ryon) will die in the escape.
- Elissa Forester (The mother) will be revealed as the traitor; she was working with the Whitehills to ensure her family's survival due to 'having seen her family wiped out in the past', even if it costs them their nobility.
- You will be forced to order Elissa's execution, banishment, or do nothing to her; depending on your actions, soldiers/peasants will keep/lose faith in the house.
- If you had submitted to Gryff, he may be more sympathetic/lenient to Ironrath/your family than if you had stood up. In all honesty, I think the Whitehills main issue is that they feel you've been acting like you're better than them their whole existence, and they are just desperete to be treated as equals; I wouldn't be surprised if somehow things came to ahead in Episode 6, say, as the Boltons were stomping on the over-active Whitehills, you had the option to band together with them and save THEIR house. Maybe even become allies.
- The Ironwood may be destroyed entirely in Episode 5/6, which is probably how the Boltons will come down on the Whitehills.
- You will flee the Night's Watch next episode, and both Cotter and Finn will come with you.
- You will be captured by Wildlings at the end of the next episode. Depending on your relationship with Cotter, you can save Finn (you will never be in danger, either as you are Cotter's friend or you know about the North Grove, which the Wildlings can use).
- You may meet a Wildling from the show (but probably not Mance).
- You will be forced by the Wildings to find the North Grove in episode 5, during which you'll learn about their way of life, and then escape them at episode's end.
- The North Grove will be alive somehow, and almost certainly something to do with the Ironwood. This may restore the destroyed Ironwood.
- 'Using' the North Grove will require a sacrifice. Garred himself.
- Margery was never planning to replace you, and that was all just talk by Sera to get you to 'need' her. That being said, you have noted connections with Tyrion, and you may have angered Margery, so that's moot. Depending on how close you are (eg. Loyal you were) she will either attempt to send you home, or attempt to send you home until the situation blows over, maybe giving you gold/something to help you on your way. Either way, by the end of next episode, you will effectively no longer be Margery's handmaiden.
- Agreeing to ask for Sera's help will get you the trinket/gold alternatively if you're friends with her; if not, she'll say she wasn't able to help you.
- You will probably visit Tyrion in his cell and talk with him. You will probably discover some loophole about the decree that will make it legal...if you had kept it. But it won't be of use now, as a Master of the Coin still has to sign it or something (making it basically useless til end of game). You will probably mention that Tom got it for you, discuss that, and be introduced to the idea of Littlefinger.
- Tom will be revealed to work for Littlefinger, and they wanted Mira to burn the Ironwood Decree, and are probably working with Morgryn in some manner (who may still be working for the Whitehills, but decided to take a different route after noting you dispatched Damien).
- You will meet Littlefinger (or a representitive; not sure if he'd have any time at all to deal with this directly when he's supposed to be pushing people out Moon Gates around this time), and he will ask you to burn the decree on promise of a new deal. You can refuse or agree. Regardless, he will try to kill you and Tom will help you escape.
- Cersei makes Mira a person of interest, to be questioned over Tyrion's involvement in Joffrey's death. Mira will have to go into hiding by the episode's end, and Tom and Sera will say they will help you as you try to help the Foresters from the shadows. Whether they actually do depends on if you're friends with them; Tom will end up having only pretended to betray Littlefinger as part of a larger ruse, and Sera will sell you out for marriage otherwise.
- You'll be tasked to track down and recover Drogan for Daenerys. Malcolm and Breskha will come to either attempt to understand eachother more if you defended them to eachother, or their divide will deepen into open contempt.
- Drogan may be injured in the attempt to re-capture him, and you will become enemies of Daenerys if he does. If Drogan is injured, Croft will give you some lesser soldiers due to the prior friendship with Asher, or you will secure his best fighters with Daenerys' blessing. Either way, Croft will accompany you, and die at the end of the episode.
- We will see Tarzal again if he was spared; if not, then his brother.
- Breskha's personal issues will be explored in Episode 5.
- You will have to make a drastic choice in Episode 6: Either go with Malcolm and help defend House Forester, or stay in Essos with Breskha. Breskha may be being held hostage by whoever it is she wanted to avoid; leaving will ensure her death and betray her in her eyes, and staying will risk House Forester due to a lack of an experienced general and Malcolm will disown Asher, leaving him to go on 'as usual' with Breskha.
- If Asher returns to Westeros, he will wed Gwyn Whitehill and secure a more permenant peace with them than may have otherwise been possible, even if 'the right' things were done.
- No money (from Mira) means the forces you gathered (as Asher) will turn sides, making it harder to win against the Whitehills/Boltons.
- Worse soldiers (from Asher) means your gathered forces will be weaker, making it harder to win against the Whitehills/Boltons.
Final Outcomes
- Lord of Ironrath, and trying to rebuild in an uncertain future due to the Ironwood's loss.
- Lord of Ironrath, and trying to rebuild in an average future as whilst the Ironwood regrows due to Gared's actions, they can only sell it through the Whitehills/Boltons and so are poor. If they petitioned the Boltons/Ramsey to spare the Whitehills, things may be a bit more even for the Foresters despite this raw deal.
- Lord of Ironrath, and trying to rebuild in a bright future as the Ironwood groves are re-planted/regrow due to Garred's actions, and Mira has secured them as sole dealers (for plenty of coin).
- Dead alongside the Whitehills, and the Boltons now own the lands directly.
- Died for the future of his House; honoured as a true hero.
- Alive and living alone in the wilds beyond the wall as a hermit/returned to the Night's Watch for execution for desertion (choice).
- Reinstated as Margery's handmaiden.
- Reinsted as Margery's handmaiden, and having secured the Ironwood deal for the Foresters (maybe with Littlefinger signing the deal for some reason by Episode 6, and explaining it to, say, Cersei that it was merely a deal he'd made and 'forgotten' when he left his position as Master of the Coin – why he'd come around though, no idea; maybe Mira could end up convincing him Morgryn is the lesser possible ally?).
- Murdered by Littlefinger/Morgryn in an attempt to control the price of Ironwood/remove any deals Tyrion may have secured.
- General in Rodrik's rebuilding army, married to Gwyn Whitehill.
- Returns to Essos as there's nothing for him in Westeros (due to Gwyn's death along with the rest of the Whitehills).
- Remained in Essos alongside Breskha.
Unanswered Questions
- Why send Garred to find the North Grove in the first place, if it didn't have to be used at that time? Was it just to reconfirm it was still even there, or would Garred be able to, say, persuade it to ONLY let those of Forester blood grow Ironwood, and stunt the growth for anyone who tried to grow it outside the bloodline? Maybe Duncan just thought that, with things with the Whitehills becoming more intense, it was best to find it just incase.
Telltale is, of course, welcome to use any of the above speculation in their game if they so want, no strings attached. No idea how much of this is correct; fairly sure with Mira, the Whitehills, and the Malcolm/Breskha decision though.
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Wow man, I enjoyed reading that. 10/10
Nice theories. I can see all of this being plausible. I think, if House Forrester dies, it should have a sort of 300 type stand.
Then it's possible to kill everyone... cool![:D :D](