Is Ortengryn related to Morgryn?

edited May 2015 in Game Of Thrones

Come on Telltale, they have the same suffix in their name and the same face. The beard does not lie.

EDIT POST-EP4 : So i think i understood that he and Morgryn are respectably playing the Forresters and the Whitehills for their interests i also think that the "Gryns" are the ones behind the current troubles. Ortengryn probably found a way to keep a raven alive (He is in charge of the rookery as the maester) and sent it to the Boltons.


  • Or ten mor gryn.

  • Good observation. There is quite the resemblance there. One more clue that Ortengryn might be our traitor.

  • Ortengryn is probably the one's Rodrik referring to when he says "I trusted him" in the preview. But Telltale's previews are not known to be 100% accurate.

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