Alternative outcomes for episode 4?
Spoil me please.. I stick with my canon playthrough, but I read all the alternative outcomes on the wiki, however that one's not updated fast enough, haha. I'd like to know some alternative outcomes if evident in this episode (some will have to wait until next episode(s).
My choices:
- Brought Finn along
- Kept Gryff alive
- Kept Sera's secret
- I brought The Glenmore soldiers to highpoint
And this one is one where I'm in the minority, I let Beshka kill the slavemaster.
Other choices:I brought Duncan
- Kissed Eleana
- Did not kill the food thief
- Revealed Andros' betrayal to Lyman
These are the choices listed in the game and here on the site, but one other I can think off from the top of my head: I asked Talia to find out who the traitor is. Oh, and I helped out Eleana. I didn't put up a fight last episode, but I was abiding my time, and chose to act this time around, which made Eleana happy.
Of all these choices, The ones about Gryff, the Glenmore soldiers, and Talia have the most impact on this episode I suspect, the rest will have to wait untill the next episodes. So with that in mind I'd like to know:
- What other ways can you use to get Lyman to talk? I forgot the other options, but I was pretty straightforward. Anyway, I hope this puts a major dent in Andros' plans. Can't have any more soldiers supporting the Whitehills.
- Is the ending with Ramsay any different if you kept the Glenmore soldiers at Ironrath? In my game, Ironrath was completely empty. No citizens, no Whitehill soldiers, no Bolton soldiers (so far), no Forrester soldiers, no Ser Royland.. I brough Duncan along to highpoint as a mistake, but then kept the decision as in hindsight I thought Royland would be a better guard for Ironrath.
- Also at Highpoint, is Gwynn's behaviour different if you didn't bring any soldiers? I kept Gryff alive, so things could probably be much worse here, but in the end nothing major happened. I forgot about Gwynn's deal though, from last episode. She'd talk with her father, and was upset with the current situation. And I get the feeling that Ludd Whitehills offer, how offending it may be, was genuine, thanks to Gwynn. Before getting to Highpoint, you had a few choices what you wanted to do there, getting Ryon back, spy, or attack was the last one I think. I chose for saving Ryon, but I assume that option wouldn't be available if you killed Gryff (or it would be, but wouldn't work out). Anyway, I wonder what happened if you completely act according to Gwynn's wishes. This would mean refusing Eleana's offer, not getting the Glenmore soldiers, and let Gryff boss you around some more. I wonder if you get an other option available at Highpoint, or what would happend if you simply accepted Ludd's offer. I suspect it's possible down the line to get Asher and Gwynn back together, which may be the key to an alliance, but it's seems to be mutually exclusive to Rodrik and Eleana being together. On the other hand, I read some theories on Asher and Gwynn, so that option may not be possible. But Asher has Beshka in any case.
- I'm going to save Talia no matter what it takes. But I wonder if it would make any difference if you told her to hide in the forrest. Maybe she wouldn't be Ramsay's prisoner?
Anyway, that's how my game turned out, I'd like to know the alternatives, thanks!
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