New Game From TellTale Out NOW!!!!!!!!!
thats rite guys, buy the new telltale it now!!!
it's not their secret lisence game, but it's one of their mini games that they promised us. Even if your alergic to card games, buy it anyway to support your favorite game company. i may even buy 3 copies! one for myself and 2 for my pet cats. soon i'll have the whole telltale wardrobe aswell, so if you want to be cool like me [<):)] then play the game
it's not their secret lisence game, but it's one of their mini games that they promised us. Even if your alergic to card games, buy it anyway to support your favorite game company. i may even buy 3 copies! one for myself and 2 for my pet cats. soon i'll have the whole telltale wardrobe aswell, so if you want to be cool like me [<):)] then play the game
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And I've been needing a poker game for my PC. Might as well be one with a sense of humor, too.
"Telltale's only a part of the exciting things that are brewing around it."
I had thought they meant that quote had to do with their exciting license that they had acquired, though. Or however it was they worded it.
Runtime error!
- pure virtual function call
And hey, I just won a game so should I ask more?
Well as a matter of fact I do ask for more : An adventure game ! [>:)] and soon!
maybe crack it :P(just kiding