Ortengryn is ****** ********
The scene when Gwyn shows us her family's portrait he mentions that his oldest brother Ebbert has become a Maester, I think he could have infiltrated the Whitehills greatest rival, the Forresters to send informations about their every move. Think about it, every other advisor has a powerful connection to the Forresters. Elissa (obviously) Duncan ( good friend of Gregor, his family slaughtered by Whitehills) Royland (Honored war veteran, serving under Gregor since the Greyjoy rebellion, despises the Whitehills) but what do we know about the Maester? He gets beat up by Gryff for some festered wound, but it looked too harsh even from gryff to do this to some maester. It could be a personal feud for Gryff the fourthborn son, who thinks his oldest brother betrayed his family. What do you think?
I thought Lady Forrester was the traitor before the episode, but after Sons of Winter and reading your theory, I completely agree it's the maester. Duncan and Royland kill Ludd if commanded to, even if it results in a game over it can still be considered canon and Rodrick says in the preview something like "I can't believe he did this". And it makes sense that Gryff would do that to his brother, as the whole family abused Gryff in his childhood and he would be getting revenge.
I think it's Ortengryn.
Gryff beat him up because he doesn't know any better, he's really just a boastful idiot trying to prove something..Ludd didn't tell him all the details,as we've found out with Mira, Ludd's very careful about his secrets. He's a fourthborn and everyone in his own family think he's gullible, and Gwyn did tell you that her father only sent him to Ironrath because he knew his son's nature and that he would cause trouble.
We've been consistently told that Gryff is just a pawn even by his own family, I think Telltale is trying to tell us something there. He beat up their own informant out of ignorance.
He might be the traitor but he is not a Whitehill. The two family's know each other very well. the Forresters would all know Ludds kids.
OMG this is my exact theory! I think it could make sense for the Maester to be a whitehil bc Duncan says he doesn't trust him plus, when you stop at the Whitehill family portrait, Gwyn looks all worried and even the Whitehill guard was ready to prevent Rodrik from getting to the portrait.