Beating Gryff will have MAJOR consequences



  • "Major", indeed. I'm willing to bet we'll have to choose whether or not to sacrifice Ryon (as in, let him be killed) in order to secure House Forrester.

    Fortunately we have 2 more episodes to go, so things like that might be able to be avoided.

  • I just beat him up. I stopped when lady forrester told Rodrik that was enough. That's the worst I did.

  • The irony would be that the consequences were:

    1. If you don't maim Gryff and Ramsay Bolton comes, Gryff tries to fight Ramsay and ends up getting flayed.

    2. If you do maim Gryff, he is so blind and pathetic that Ramsay decides to leave him a present by hanging his flayed soldiers all around him, but otherwise lets Gryff live.

  • I didn't spit on him I hit him again instead and knocked him out.

    you can beat him with the cane over and over and his left eye gets swollen shut and he can't see and you can spit on him. if you spit on him it says "everyone will remember that"

  • edited May 2015

    I think it won't matter. I have a feeling Ramsay is going to flay Gryff at Ironrath as punishment for the Whitehills ignoring Ramsay's divide of the Ironwood resources (which ultimately is a challenge to his authority as much as it is an insult to the Forresters) and then failing to provide the Boltons with Ironwood in either sufficient quality or quantity.

    This will also punish the Forresters since Ramsay will rob them of the only chip they have to play in order to get Ryon back. Also Ludd Whitehill would no doubt hold the Forresters partly responsible, because Gryff was their prisoner and technically under their protection, probably leading to some sort of retaliation against Ryon. Since Ludd can do nothing against the Boltons he is also likely to vent all of his rage at the Forresters.

  • Of course she does. She doesn't like the idea of being married to Gryff.

    Yaya1314 posted: »

    Wait, so if you don't secure your marriage to Elaena, she still shows up at Ironrath?

  • edited May 2015

    there wouldn't be any consequence if i could torture him until he becomes Geek, my whitehill spy.


    Endrik posted: »

    Whatever you do everyone will remember that, so it's not big difference

  • but goddamit, it's GAME of thrones.

    TinyCarlos posted: »

    As Rodrik I savagely beat Gryff and even yelled at my own mother to "Get out of my way!" because I was too bloodthirsty to stop. I hit him every chance I got, and ended up knocking him out at the end. He deserved it. Rodrik's done playing games.

  • damn right

    MsDanceALot posted: »

    You can call him Arthur

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