What do you think about Daenerys?
I love her in the show although lately I've been having mixed feelings. I do think she's a bit annoying in the game though.
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I love her in the show although lately I've been having mixed feelings. I do think she's a bit annoying in the game though.
She's annoying in the game and in show I didn't like her at first, but she's grown on me in season 4 and 5.
In before someone uses the word 'bitch'.
Actually I wanted to use that word too. Haha.
A lot of characters I like in the show come off annoying in the game. Possibly because we're on the receiving end of their words in the game as opposed to watching them lay the verbal smackdown on someone else. Maybe now that we've helped liberate Meereen she'll be softer towards us.. then again she still has no real reason to trust Asher or Beskha.
Show!Dany is insane, truly her fathers daughter. Like forcing Hizdahr into a marriage on the pain of death. Arbitrarily feeding people to her dragons she's turning into a monster. Game!Dany has kind of wonky eyes and the dialogue seemed a little strange for where we are in the story.
"Don't kill anyone you don't have to"
Sorry what? You're just about to choose 100 of the masters at random to crucify you crazy ****
Speaking of the masters she's going to crucify.. I hope we can ask Daenerys to let Beskha have her vengeance on her old master if we stopped her from killing him already.
From what I've seen of the show, which isn't much mind you, she seemed alright, but in this game, she was just annoying.
I think she's in character. She has to be a ruler and have power so of course she's not going to be nice to everyone and grant every request. She needs her army to conquer Meeren and like she said she can't just give away 100 sellswords to save one family when she has to liberate a whole city.
Plus we should all know by now that she doesn't realize how out of control her dragons are until the very end of season 4. She's supposed to be the mother of dragons so her pride and love for the only children she'll ever have makes her delusional about how ill-behaved they are.
As for Asher he could have made an argument about how his family is being harassed the Bolton's who have control over all of the North. By helping him liberate his family they'd be weakening the Bolton's and possibly gain enough support to defeat them. The North would then be indebted to Dany and would be at her side when she goes to claim the Iron Throne.
Animation (especially facial) is well done in this game, but I still feel that Daenarys' facial animations feel a little wooden compared to other characters. Maybe that's just because we've only seen her "queen" face for a small bit, but Emilia Clarke's subtle facial expressions haven't made an appearance on the character's face.
As for her character and locale, they're okay, though that has more to do with the show. Lately, Essos and Daenerys' plotlines have stalled for me (both in show and book), but I'm probably just waiting for her to fly to Westeros or something.
I hate her. I hate her so much. In my show experience I hated her, and the game was no different. Stannis better beat her.
I agree with you there. I love her from season 1-4 but she's starting to get me with the way she rule Meereen. And then she's being a bitch to Asher.
Do not like her.
I didn't like her, it seems she lied to Asher and will give him a group of killers instead of sellswords.
I always thought she looked cool, and since she's a leader she's probably making sure she asserts her air of authority. I'll be disappointed if she decides she won't help us, but I don't actively dislike her.
I was annoyed by her. I'm know she's in a tight position but she was so antagonistic to Asher when she didn't know anything about him... Though I wish I could have told her Beshka was a former slave... That might have won some sympathy points.
I'm starting to care less and less about Dany on the show. She has an interesting plot...her character not so much anymore. Idk what it is, but I just don't find her intriguing like I use to. In game Dany just makes me angry and all I want to do is throw my axe at her. :x
It seems like I'm the only one here that actually loves Daenerys. She is a good person, tries to promote equality, freed many slaves and of course, she has those dragons. It baffles me when people here say things like "Daenerys only cares about her dragons and couldn't care less about the slaves". If it was like that, why would she have gone through all the trouble to free the slaves in Astapor, Yunkai and especially Meereen?
I don't like her, but I used to like her in the show in season 1-2? until she started to act like a bossy bitch x)
Her love for her dragons was more than apparent. Sadly, said love also makes her a bit biased in her dragon's favour, the same way one insists their poorly trained dog wouldn't hurt someone until they actually do. Like Drogon roasting a three year old, just a little while after assuming Drogon would never attack Malcolm for no reason back in ep 3.
You're not the only one. I love her too and she is my favourite character in show and books. I was looking forward to meet her in the game. I wait for it three episodes. But this meeting was disappointing to me. In this game the dialogues are awesome, but with Dany. I want to tell so many things (Beshka's slave-background or the alliagance for her house of asher's family from the mother's side.) But the choices weren't ideal.
Okay I had expected that she wouldn't be nice to Ahser in the beginning and he has to win her confidence. After she takes Meereen with Ashers help she will be nice to him - so I thought. But in the preview it looks like Dany broke her word and will still be mean to him. Sorry, telltale failed to interpret her character, if this is the truth and there waits no huge surprise in this plot.
In the last few episodes of the serie she makes some mistakes ( to feed a master to her dragons was not one of them.), but she is one of the just and gentle characters in Game of thrones and wanted the best for her people and followers. She isn't an arrant liar, who broken her word and threaten those wrong, which helped her (except Ser Jorah, but for his first punishment she had her reasons.
On this point in the game I like Ramsay more than her. Because he is a villain. We expect from him to do mean and cruel things. Ramsay's character is well interpreted.
On the other hand I love all the characters in the game, which I love in the show. All, but Dany. I hope they make a big change in her behavior and this scene in the trailer was a trick. I'm afraid that the developers hate Show-Dany and this is the reason why game-Dany is such a bitch. This would explain why she is the only character, who is so badly portrayed.
She acted exactly as I expected her to: arrogant, big-headed, full of herself and using her dragons to intimidate because that's all she really has. Her antagonistic attitude towards Asher was no surprise to me, and I won't even be shocked if she screws us over.
She is a fuckin' selfish and arrogant bitch but i know how she ends because i read the books
I think her portrayal in the game was very in character
Dany is the worst man. She's the first person in 150 years to hatch dragons, and doesn't spend a damned second trying to find a book on them or anything! Then she's surprised she doesn't know how to deal with them, and punishes them for her ineptitude. Not to mention she burns people alive who she acknowledges could be innocent, crucifies dozens of people (kinda ironic given her huge messiah complex), and takes over a city she has no claim to. Then, once in that city, disregards their culture and tears down ancient monuments. Why don't they love you Dany, hmmm? Piss off to Westeros and get defeated by Stannis (I really hope!), and maybe realise that you have no claim just because your insane father sat the Iron Throne BEFORE HE WAS OVERTHROWN ANYWAY. First two seasons/couple of books, fine. Now, screw you and your Targaryen entitlement! I think my vehemence my have rubbed off on my impression of game Dany too, I sort of just hate her wherever now. Emilia Clarke however, she's great.
She's pretty. Or maybe it looks like that cause she's surrounded by people covered in dirt and guts.
She's a bitch and I feel like she's going to be bitchier in episode 5
I hate her. What an arrogant bitch.
I've never liked her in the show or the books, but I've never quite hated her before either.
She is pretty much how I've always pictured her though, I just don't like being on the receiving end of her bs.
No it wasn't. I must admit that she was sometimes arrogant in the actual season, but she would never broke her word to a man, who helped her in a crucial situation. It wasn't Asher's fight in Meereen and he fought for her cause anyway. (I let him say to her that he want she on the throne and I chose the answers, which should pleasure her and i stop Beshka from killing her former master, because of Danys orders.)
Both book- and show- Dany would recognize this and not betray him. She makes mistakes, but she tries to do the right thing and to hold her word e.g. she locks her dragons, because Drogon was suspected to kill a child; she pays the triple price for burnt sheeps and goats usw.) Her wish to be a good queen for her people was the reason for her false decision in the case with this harpy-son. She is no Littlefinger or Cersei, which betrays people without a second thought. Astapor is no argument, because the Astapori were a bad and crucial folk and it was the only way to stop them toturing innocent people.
You can say she is naive, she makes mistakes, she knows nothing about ruling or she is (in the last episodes) annoying, but she is not a cold cheater without sense for right and wrong. She would reward her friends and those who helped her.
Watch the first minute.
This isn't a cold or selfish person and so she was bad potrayed in the game.
I love her in books and show (expect a few moments in the show she is annoying), but in this game I would rather chose Stannis. Maybe he is a fish, but he is a honest man and hold his word. Provided that they will not portray him so poor like Dany.
I liked her in the first season, and rapidly started to not like her past that point. I thought her entire storyline was a spiral chart, it just keeps going in circles spinning its wheels. And yeah, I hate her, I really hate her. I never understood why we should be rooting for her in the first place anyway. You want revenge on the people that killed your dad, except your dad was a psychopath that deserved to die, and the current ruler is a lot more likable. Why do we want you to win exactly? And after reading all the Game of Thrones lore, I am almost sure that she will snap and end up like her dad. She is already burning people that might be innocent, and crucified a lot of people without a second thought. She is going to lose it later in life, and the all the kingdoms will pay dearly for it. Also the way she acted in the game is spot on, at least I think so. In conclusion, fuck Dany, long live Stannis!
She was entirely in character. That is about how you'd expect her to interact with some mercenary hireling that she isn't even sure she can trust. Also all the kings/queens in A Song of Ice and Fire are guilty of being arrogant with their underlings at different times, even Robb Stark.
That's true, they all have been guilty of it at times, but some far more then others.
BAE. shes bae
@Scaeva: You're right, expect one point. She was even kindlier to the captains of the second sons at the gates of Yunkai. (and one of them insulted her several times.
) And nobody critisize that she wasn't nice to Asher in the first meeting. I had nothing else expected.
But in the trailer for the next episode you can see that she cheated Asher (and is very unfriendly) and this is after he fought for her in Meereen.
Even show-Stannis would be more friendly than game-Dany in this situation.
This is the point I critsize. Whatever Asher make it doesn't matter. Dany is skripted as a bitch like Cersei (and this is definitely false).
And after I enjoyed Tyrion and Jon ( my second and third favorite characters) I hoped there is a way for Asher to win Danys trust and get an alliance with her. In a possible season 2 or 3 it could be necessary for house Forrester to have a got relation to the dragon queen.
The first word that came to my mind haha
I wouldn't pay too much attention to the previews. Scenes that have shown up in previews before for Telltale games have sometimes been changed by the time the episode releases, or you might be getting a glimpse of determinant dialogue. The scene with Daenerys being displeased might be a result of Asher or Beskha killing the slave master, which was disobedience to one of her orders. She told them before they set out that they were to follow Croft's instructions to the letter.
Dont count on it
Game Dany seems stupider than Book or Show Dany. Book/Show Dany wouldn't begrudge sellswords the right to kill a few masters along the way, especially if the alternative was that those masters could flee and give warning (as might have been the case with Beshka's former master). And Book/Show Dany wouldn't be stupid enough to potentially alienate a noble house (at least outside of the Starks, Lannisters, and Baratheons) in a land she hopes to rule someday. She has no idea how much real power the Forresters have, or how much they could have by the time she finally lands. The Forresters could be the next Wardens of the North for all she knows. But Game Dany is like, "Who cares about your poor widdle house? I'm planning to conquer your whole country!"
Okay, I followed her order... are the previews the same regardless of my decisions?
Hopfully they plan a development for Game-Danys character.
You're right if she listen to Asher and his uncle she could something learn about the country she want to rule. And she needs allies. The Tyrells are with the Lannisters, despite they were Targaryen-loyalists during the rebellion. So Dany should search other allies. If the Forresters hold against the Boltons with her help the North would rally on her side, when she invade Westeros. Otherwise...
There should be a way for Asher or his uncle to explain this point to her.
An interesting point in ADWD was when Jon told Stannis that he wouldn't win the North just by getting the allegiance of some big families. He would need to appeal to the mountain clans to have any chance to win Deepwood Motte, which meant actually meeting and getting to know them, not just marching in and expecting loyalty.