Editing Decisions / Savegame

Hey there everyone!

So i recently formatted and reinstalled everything on my PC and all my savegames are gone. For me not that much of a problem, I just replayed all three episodes so i could get on with Sons of Winter. But my second playthrough was actually one i casually played over time with my backseat gaming brother. I don't think there is a way to recover the savegame, so i wonder if there is a way to edit the major decisions in a savegame or create one with specific decisions made. Shouldn't be that hard, since the game can randomly generate a savegame if you just start ep 4 without any prior playing. I'd love to have the option to just click through the major/minor decisions or more importantly the ones the game keeps track of. Is there a way I'm not seeing or is there maybe some kind of an unofficial way?


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