Why B**** was at the wall and who is the T******

I think the traitor is Duncan. The reason is that Ludd or Ramsay knew Gared was at the Wall and sent Britt there then told Duncan "Hey you know your nephew that like son to you. Well he's dead if you dont spy for me" and he thought well if Gared dies so does the North Grove. So it a sacrifice for the greater good and when Rodrik finds out he can kill, exile or pardon him . It also gives him a reason to bury his axe into Ludd's Face.


  • Britt was sent to the wall because of the same reason what happened to Gared. And the traitor is either Duncan or Royland.

  • Britt was sent to the Wall for having a terrible haircut.

    Rodrik is the traitor, after the Battle at the Twins he has a split personality.

    There, case closed.

  • edited May 2015

    you really think Ludd would send one of his best men to the wall for killing a Forester pig farmer

    Killah posted: »

    Britt was sent to the wall because of the same reason what happened to Gared. And the traitor is either Duncan or Royland.

  • edited May 2015

    Yeah, he would. It's not about what he did, but more about the fact that Ludd's own peasants can become uneasy under his rule if they find out he has soldiers in his retinue that kill random peasants for no particular reason. Not to mention that he was likely forced to send him there by Roose Bolton. "Quiet land, quiet people" and all that.

    you really think Ludd would send one of his best men to the wall for killing a Forester pig farmer

  • Seems plausible.

    Pipas posted: »

    Britt was sent to the Wall for having a terrible haircut. Rodrik is the traitor, after the Battle at the Twins he has a split personality. There, case closed.

  • given all that Ramsay has done and the fact that there are saying that Gared attacked him i find it unlikely that bollton would insist on one minor peasant going to the wall and given he was one of ludd's best men

    Lingvort posted: »

    Yeah, he would. It's not about what he did, but more about the fact that Ludd's own peasants can become uneasy under his rule if they find o

  • I still think Telltale can have two different traitors depending on your sentinel pick.

    And people have been sent to the wall because other people are there in the television series, so why not in the game.

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