The wolf among us series Two
after a fantastic and gripping first batch of five episodes, I've been waiting excitedly for a second series!
Does anybody have any idea when telltale will release Ep.6??!
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after a fantastic and gripping first batch of five episodes, I've been waiting excitedly for a second series!
Does anybody have any idea when telltale will release Ep.6??!
Nothing has been confirmed, not since forever...
Hasn't been confirmed. Probably not gonna happen
How well season 1 did, I'm certain there will be a season two in your life time.
Awesome. Can't wait to play season 2 when I'm 60
It has been nice discussing with you guys, but I have unfinished business.

Based on how many copies sold on a steam, times the full price, Wolf Among Us made about 12 million on Steam alone, (although most likely a little less due to steam sales) but still, its not that shabby considering its only steam
It sold 610,622 copies on steam
Did they really make that much? I thought TWAU wasn't extremely popular. DAYM...
Then there will be an extremely high chance of season two. I just hope it isn't... a anti climax.
Season 2...:'(
Just Waiting For Season 2......
Still waiting
Does anyone know why there is no announcement? Is it funding or isn't there a good story for SE2?
We all know that money alone does not make a good game/story, but it helps to get food on the devs table. In case it is really just a funding issue, wouldn't be there enough people to provide some crowd funding (e.g. kickstarter). I know for my part that I'm willing to pay up to 50 Euro so get my hands on season 2 (while I'm still alive)...
... well first of all. Does anyone know why Telltale hesitates with a statement?
No one knows anything it would seem...
No idea. Telltale's making more money than ever so it's not a funding issue, but beyond that I can't say much. It could be a creative issue, could be a business issue (ie, they think other franchises would sell better), there could be a dispute about rights, etc. The last explanation would explain the silence. They're not going to tip their hand if they're actively negotiating with Vertigo. At the same time, Telltale almost never rules out sequels, despite rarely doing them. The most likely situation, in my view, is that they're not currently interested in doing a sequel for whatever reason, but they don't want to rule it out in the future.
I completed TWAU yesterday and I'm still full of emotions! This game is amazing and I can't forget this fabulous story. It passed about one year after the last episode so WHERE IS THE SECOND SEASON? It hasn't been announced yet :c Frankly speaking, TWAU is a lot better than GOT. Oh, I can't convey my feelings about TWAU.
The whole thing is strange.
There's a demand for it, it made enough money for a squeal, and even Bill Willingham said that it was up to telltale to make a Season 2. So the honest question to season 2 is just "Why?"
TTG may be a little busy taking in the cash and blowing it on bookers and cheap booze.
Wouldnt you?
I think because Telltale didn't get the rights to a sequel off the back, unlike Walking Dead and Thrones. So if Telltale wants to make one they'll have to get a new deal and everything, and considering how much stuff they have on their plate right now they might not want to take the time to get a new deal and to make a S2.
What does Thrones have to do with more Wolf? Anyway, I disagree. I love Wolf but I like Game of Thrones more as of right now. But if we're on the topic of Wolf vs new TT games, I think it's a lot better than Tales.
I wish they'd confirm if were getting a season 2 or not.
It's not. TWAU is on par with Tales, which are a little inferior to TWD 1, but superior to GOT by a longshot.
You state it like a fact, when it's really just opinion. For me, Game of Thrones is better than all of Telltale's games as of right now, with Walking Dead season 1 and Wolf Among Us following.
They screwed up the graphics on thrones though. Tales and wolf and TWD all have the classic epic graphic novel-looking animation.
Judging a game by its graphics is like judging a book by what the font is. And how are they gonna use a graphic novel look for something that isn't even a graphic novel, unlike Walking Dead, Wolf, and something with its own previous artwork (Tales).
I wish I was in your position....