Tyrion question/theory (spoiler from tv show)
Tyrion escapes and goes East. He meets with Daenerys and becomes her advisor. I think he will meet Asher as well since Asher is hanging with Daenerys. Judging from the episode 5 teaser, Mira will have the choice of either testifying against or for Tyrion at his trial. Depending on her choice, if Tyrion meets with Asher he might be less/more inclined to help Asher get his sellsword army and save House Forrester from the Whitehill sellsword army. Tyrion will have an important position and the ability to help Asher because he is Dany's advisor. Some people think that it doesn't matter if Mira testifies against/lies about Tyrion for Cerci's favor because they know that Tyrion will escape and no longer be able to help Mira. But I think that he will "remember that (Mira lying about/betraying him to please Cersei)" if he meets with Asher in S2. Thoughts?
If Tyrion was to meet Asher I don't see it happening until season 2 because the events of the game are set in season 4. I doubt Asher will stay in Meereen, if Daenerys doesn't give Asher an army he'll just leave.