Unleash the creativitiy!
Hey guys, what's up. Here's the deal:
I don't doubt everyone, who has played this game, has thought at some point that something should or could have been done differently. Share it here! Create branches of story, say how you think certain situations should've been handled, maybe some choices were wrong? Change them! Share your opinions, feel free to go off-canon if that's your desire
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I'll start - I really, really, REALLY craved for a choice for Bigby to kiss Nerissa. Even a quick peck on a cheek would've been enough. Why didn't they include it, why?! They had so much chemistry... sob
Because if Bigby took an interest in anyone other than Snow it would have broke canon.
Hence the description of the post
Plus, it's 20 years until comics - it can still happen, not permanently, but still.
Ok then, I'll do it by episode:
Ep.1 - I wouldn't change anything, except maybe have Snow give Bigby a kiss on the cheek before he goes into the Trip Trap.
Ep.2 - I would've appreciated being able to cause more damage to Georgie and his smug face.
Ep.3 - I REALLY would've liked Brannigan to have been involved as was originally planned, maybe have a small game of cat and mouse with her...
Ep.4 - I wish Bloody Mary had more of a role in this episode, also wanted another punch-up between Bigby and Woody for some reason.
Ep.5 - I wanted it to be longer, and I wanted the Bloody Mary fight to be more 'dramatic' in a sense of she would kick Bigby's ass purely as a human, and as a result he would be forced to become the Big Bad Wolf in order to defeat her...
The series was mostly perfect in my eyes dude
Why would you want BM to kick Bigby's ass? From what I've heard, he's a trained fighter
Bigby is an experienced fighter, and he likely received training during the Mundy Wars, but Mary is very fast and clearly strong. She did kick his ass to begin with anyways!
I wanted her to annihilate him as a human, in his half-wolf form maybe he gets like 1 or 2 lucky hits in, then in his werewolf from it is a steady upper hand to Bigby, finishing with him going full Wolf and devouring the sexy bitch >:D
The biggest things I wanted was for Lawrence to have a larger role in the story and for the Woodsman to have appeared in the trial in Episode 5: Cry Wolf.
'devouring the sexy bitch'.
That sounds awfully curious out of context xD
I don't know, man. I wouldn't like Bigby put in dog's place (eh, eh). I pretty much liked the fight how it went, except I wished it would have been longer and more intense
I wonder to this day why he wasn't there... Probably was drunk as shit, but he deserved a part in that trial.
For the 5th episode, I would have liked to have seen Hans and the other dancers arrive with Nerissa during the trial. In Hans' arms, depending on your choice, Georgie. That would have been interesting to hear all of their sides and then some.
Well, Lily was his favorite... entertainer, and I even think he felt some kind of love towards her. Plus, even if he wasn't that affected by CM's operation, he should've been there for Holly. I mean, Gren wasn't much affected by CM too, but he was there.
I asked my friend and he thinks it's because Woody wasn't really affected by the crooked man and wasn't that close to any of the victims, unless he was close to Lilly but I don't know about that.
RIP Georgie. I think all this situation would've complicated the trial a lot, however it would have made it more interesting. Imagine if there was a possibility for CM to escape justice...
By the way, how did you get through Georgie's death, pie? Must've been a heartbreaker
That would have been a fun litle twist.
I just felt like there needed some 'spice' to it. I left him there...
TBH, I truly believe he's still alive. 'Tis but a flesh wound, in my eyes. I'd like to think someone went back for him.
I think Gren was actually romantically into Lilly with the way he talked about her, I could be wrong though I thought he and Holly were a thing once but I'm still not sure.
Enter Lyla Smith, and the Porgie Clan begins
I think of them having more of a brother-sister relationship than a romantic one.
Nice to see alot of Wolf discussions lately ;-;
Anyway, I would have kept that last business office visit in episode 5, that way it would be a nice mellow calm ending and the episode would have been a little bit longer
I remember back when I finished playing Cry Wolf (I was in China back then), I sat down and thought about what could have been better.
And unlike with Walking Dead Season 2, I have a harder time in finding what could have been better. Sure, the characters could have been more focused on and some fighting scene could be improved, but otherwise, there wasn't a thing in the story that I could pick out and change it.
season 2 pls
Yeah, it was a pretty good scene. I wonder why they took it out.
During the Crooked Man's trial, I really wanted people's opinions of whether to side with Bigby or the Crooked Man in the end to be swayed by your choices. Even if Bigby/Snow automatically have more people side with them in the end to keep the story on track, it would have been cool to see some people side with the Crooked Man as a determinate outcome of your choices.
For example, Beauty, Beast, Holly, Bluebeard, and Lawrence (if he lived) could all side with Bigby and Snow since they had nothing to gain from the Crooked Man walking.
However, imagine how nervous players would have been if the game humored the notion that Grendel, the Butcher, and/or Aunty Greenleaf could potentially have sided with him based on the outcome of Bigby's choices. Even though Bigby and Snow would have more people support them in the end, it would add that much more tension to the middle of the trial proceedings if you could lose some people and have them be swayed by the Crooked Man's silver tongue instead of unanimously siding against him. Imagine how utterly palpable the tension would be to see notifications pop up on the screen, such as...
(?) Grendel was swayed by the Crooked Man
(?) You convinced Beauty and Beast to agree with you
(?) You convinced Holly to agree with you
(?) Aunty Greenleaf distrusts the Fabletown Government
Grendel could side with the Crooked Man if you tore off his arm (citing Bigby's abuse of power), Butcher could side with him if you treated him poorly and roughed him up, and Aunty Greenleaf could side with the Crooked Man if you burned her tree.
Not only would it add more gravitas to your past choices, it would also make the ending have more shades of gray if not everybody agreed with arresting/killing the Crooked Man.
I think it had to do with Telltale trying to give a sense of closure to Woodsman's story in Episode 4 as a part of some noir trope, perhaps? I was also curious at first why he didn't show up, but then I later thought back to how Telltale was trying to portray the scene with Woodsman walking off outside the Lucky Pawn as a "final" departure between Bigby and the Woodsman for quite a while.