Best experiences
Hey everyone. I bet when you saw the title, you thought 'Ehh, another thread for my favorite moments from the game... How boring...'
Nope! This one is a bit different. share your best experiences here, in our beloved home - the forum. Whether it's a small thing, or a huge thing - I want to hear it! If it's a thing not the most people know about, elaborate! If it's some major event that made you happy... still elaborate! Maybe it's something that happened in real life but was influenced by the people here? Tell us!
Let's fill this thread with our happy and joyful memories of this lovely place
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Dude, please don't word that blurb as though this part of the forum is about to be shut down!! :P
Well, for me, my best experience would be getting to know these people the way I do now:
The 'Start a Story' thread introduced me to 8 of these lovely people, and I can honestly say that this forum changed my life in some ways
I didn't mean to word it like that, I just want this thread to be some kind of a memorial for all of us, since we didn't have one yet
Everyone can share what made this game and this place so special to them
Also, I'm really glad that I met you too
This forum wouldn't be the same without you man 
Exactly! Don't make it a memorial!! :O This forum isn't dead yet... and it better not die.
Well, TWAU introduced me to the Fables comics, which in turn made me into a fanfiction writer, it got me onto this forum where I met a bunch of amazing people... and now, I wait for Season 2 :')
Me too man
Oh stop it, I haven't made THAT much of a difference around here lol :P
I have many fond memories of this place, it'd take too long to name them all xD I loved discussing the upcoming episodes, plot twists, characters and such. All those playful exchanges in comment section with fellow members of this community were so funny and I still remember a lot of them
(Shoutout to @DragonButter on this one specifically
I've met many amazing people here, and I respect and adore every one of them - my close friends ( @HazzatheMan, @DragonButter), past enemies which also became my friends xD ( @TheZorkij), people who are passionate about one character the same way I am ( @pudding_pie, @JJwolf), all those wonderful writers in Fable thread which I never got to know fully but read lots of their stories and wondered how are they not yet professionals ( @Tetra, @EMMYPESS, @LupineNoir, @MasterStone), people who have moved out but at the same time are still here ( @ABigBadWolf, @Pipas), people who share the same passion as me ( @Tinni, @Shubbalubbadingdong). Love you all!
Now, for the ONE happiest moment. It must be (unexpectedly) the explosion of Nerissa's love thread. I honestly didn't expect it! I didn't think Nerissa was a very popular character, but all the replies and love the thread received stunned me! Later, when Nerissa always reached the finals of the polls we hosted, it was always a heart-warming sight!
However, I'm getting off the point. Long story short, my favorite memory is Nerissa's love thread
I'm sure it won't die, like I said, I just want a place for everybody to store their happiest memories in
Aren't we all waiting for it, aren't we all...
I guess we'll have to ask the others about that
(You're gonna love this)
Your BigbyxNerissa love fic that I'm writing for you on has 25 Followers.
Zorkij's BigbyxBloody Mary fic has 13.
So, I would say Nerissa is pretty popular!!
Ok, that I can agree with
Come on E3... give us something good form TellTale please?! XP
Oh boy, this should be interesting :P
Saving the best for last, huh? (just kidding ;P) I appreciate you including me in your list!
Besides, it was nice meeting you too H-dog! Glad to be of service when it came to meeting the others!
I think everyone can
If by good you mean TWAU Season 2, then I'm all for it xD
Without you I wouldn't have met the other 6 people
(I met pudding_pie on a different thread lol)
I'm very happy to hear that!
But seriously, thank you for the shout-out specifically - and for considering me a close friend!
I've always wondered the same thing about the others too - what a funny world we live in if they're not to be considered professional authors.
You're awesome yourself, my good man. We never spoke often but when we did, comedy gold snuck its way into those conversations. XD Thanks for that shoutout!
Now, I celebrate with glitter.
Well, for me I joined this lovely sit after completing the 2nd episode of TWAU. I was in love with both the game and Georgie Porgie, as you all know.
I've had many wars, arguments, heated debates and was in trouble once for him but it's been worth it. along the way, I met some interesting characters that shall forever be special to me in more ways then one.
JJWolf was just a name on the forum until a private message led me to find out he lived in the same town as I did. We met up, discussed more Wolf and are BFF to this very day.
HazzatheMan began our long conversations due to TheZorkij's comment about me. It went like this: 'Dude, watch out or else pudding_pie is going to get you.' He was speaking about Georgie and when it comes to that trashtalking Brit, everyone know pie will be there! XD Ever since then, me and Hman have been pretty cool with one another.
EMMYPESS, LupineNoir, MasterStone, RammnSteinFurlmmer, and Tetra are four of the most passionate, inspiring, interesting, talented people and writers I've ever had the privilege of knowing. Their stories were wonderful and the times we spent speaking about various other topics, could easily fill a book and then some. I'm honored to have spent a year beside these awesome individuals, read their stories and contribute to the thread 'Start a Fable' here on the forum. Stay awesome, you five!!
DragonButter. I'me forever in debt to you because of that very thread you created, I've been able to express as not only a fan to a wonderful game but as a fanfic writer and through my fanart. You've created wonderful challenges throughout the time I spent on the thread; allowed me to tell my tale on Georgie and his ever growing Clan and supported me through it all. Not to mention, you have your funny moments and always there for others. The thread also brought me JJWolf and I have you to thank for that. Not to mention you find the most interesting gifs. XD XD
armis37, as you know, we rarely spoke but when we did, the things we'd say. Our responses. The 'Bang, Marry, Kill' thread was a hoot in its own and the crap that was mentioned there....o.o I shall forever remember! You were another person that, whenever Georgie was mentioned, I was somehow thrown into the mix. XD Stay awesome, dude! Hope to hold more random convos with you soon.
If I missed anyone, you know my love goes to you as well!
I was only saying the truth
No problem my good man 
Yeah, their talent is amazing
I thank you for the kind words man!
Thanks man!
You're really awesome and have helped me, along with the others through my rough times! 
Hey armis! Thanks for the kind words! These are indeed a fine group of people here!
Let's not mention what was said there publicly
How can I not include Number 1 Georgie fan into those conversations? xD
Thanks for the shoutout
I look forward to those random convos too 
I'm glad we talked through PM's and found out so much more.
You've been a wonderful help, as are the others. I'm honored, pie. It's so true: anything Georgie and your name popped up. You're a talented writer and artist and can't wait to see where you'll go next.
No problem man
I can't agree more with the last statement 
Was it Zorkij who said that? Man, gonna have to give that dude a medal of solid gold!!
Well, since you said you're forever in debt to me - I have plans for you.
No backing out now.
(will send you a little message soon)
XD Anyway, thank you very much! At least you and a couple of others still acknowledge me as the guy who started it all.
As for the gifs, I'm just fortunate enough to find the ones I post, y'know? I try not to use the same ones for almost every gif post I make, lol.
Oh my gosh! Thank you so much! I didn't even think anyone else other than those on the thread really read my stuff....I'm so grateful for the mention ^-^ Even though I've sort of moved on from the thread as of late, I still write on my own time, (not specifically Fables related stories, but they ARE among the rest of them ^-^) and you mentioning me is actually something I really appreciate a lot
Glad to have been of service!
Oh my god Dragon....your gif explains my innermost feelings on probably everything exciting I've ever experienced XD
that glitter tho XD
Well, a really happy moment was seeing you tag me in this @armis37! Totally not expecting it and just happened to be passing through after being absent a while! So thank you, your kind words about my own writing and everyone else's is wonderful, and this is a great idea for a thread!
I'm not really active on the forums anymore but the times I were - a total blast. The random threads around here were/are great and although I never joined in too much I always enjoyed reading through everything. Well, most everything. XD Special place in my heart goes to everyone on the 'Start a Story, be your own Fable' thread, but especially to a certain few. You all know who you are and it's thanks to you that my life took a different course and I'm a happier person for it.
So, my best experience? Being a part of something with a group of fantastic people that was one of the best things on the internet, ever. Not even that Antonio Banderas gif above where he's replaced by Joel from The Last of Us can match that Story thread, and we all know that's a damn awesome gif.
No problem, man, I was just saying what I think
Well, I am the gif master after all.
I cri Hazza
Fuck... second time I've forgotten to add you
Sorry dude.
Did you really make an account just so you can talk shit about a person you barely know? Lol get out of here.
Honestly, his (or her) first comment was a stupid and brash one at that. Must not have anything better to do at the moment. :P
Oh figured out my deep, dark secret. Whatever shall I do!?
Gees. You have nothing else better to do? Seriously? Grow up.
I agree and empathise greatly with your sentiment, my friend.
What happened to thread master XD?