Will Daenerys ___________?

Will Daenerys marry a new Khal? I mean, she dropped her god damn ring the dumb bitch.
I know this is off topic but did you see how she wanted Drogon to go back to fucking Mereen after having to kill a bunch of Harpies and flying for miles.
And then she rides him backwards thinking that the fucking Dragon will go back to Mereen like bitch what are you on right now.
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The amount of swear words
She droped ring so that Jorah and Dario could find it.
I don't understand why so many people didn't understand why she dropped the ring. To me it was obvious that she wanted to leave a trace of her so that her friends may understand that she was in trouble and find her. It was a pretty smart thing to do.
Drogon will burn down Jhaqo and this will proove that Daenerys is a true khaleesi, that does not need a khal to rule. It's obvious from the books.
I mean because what are the chances they happen to stumbled on her ring in a huge chunk of land covered by grass. Especially considering that a bunch of horses and I mean a bunch were just trotting near it.
She left it in hopes to leave a trail for people to follow.
another heart to eat and a new white horse again!lLOL!
She dropped her ring to leave a trail.
One word ..... STORY.
I thought she dropped it so they wouldn't know she got married to another person after being widowed from Drogo, but the other reason makes more sense.
Yep and nearby are the charred remains of Drogon's supper, that would probably attract attention better than a ring in a continent sized grassland
Damn fucking straight. Like what the actually ass nipplets was she thinking trying to "giddy-up" Drogon like her plaything, dumb fucking mother of dragons. Drogon should have backhanded her and sent her back to the fucking cave-chen to cook up some human.
Shouldn't they bring her to Vaes Dothrak to join Dosh khaleen? I mean that's where wives of dead Khals should go. And that was the plan before she hatched the dragons.
i thought this was some queen's ring and she didnt wanted them to know she is the queen, maybe because they will try to sell her/kill her for money
And Jorah and Daario will find it because..... STORY.
She dropped her wring as a kind of bread crumb for Jorah and Dario.