First Unfinished Season 6 Promo Poster Leak
Here you go guys, the first leak of Season 6 and they haven't even started filming.
It's unfinished (basically a little more than a sketch) and will be much more polished with official logos and such once it's done.
Let the theories run rampant. Don't ask where I got this because this person would get into tons of shit. There's several people working on this so if I don't name the person they should be safe and out of trouble. #MannisLives #fewer #Onetrueking
Edit: I guess some of you can't see the image, in that case, here's a link:
Edit 2: Alright, some people have been doubtful of this rough draft's legitimacy, pointing out the tree being a stock image and the use of MS Paint. Let me address this. The person who gave me this is actually working on the show. Using a more professional program for a simple mockup takes more time than drawing the concept up quickly in paint and would thus be a waste of time if the concept was rejected. I trust this person. I got the season 5 screeners from this person before they leaked. This person is the real deal. The only thing that should be in question is whether or not this poster will pass approval for completion.
How about we have a rich discussion as to the context of the poster instead. I think it's great and a huge morale boost for us Team Stannis supporters (haters, please realise the show has butchered his character making him a cartoon villain and shifting the blame on to GRRM). The forest is obviously the forest where we left Stannis. The red spray will obviously be CG blood covering the forest (aftermath of the battle). The middle tree is clearly Stannis' tree due to the chop but the chop position is way above where the head would be. The idea that Stannis is alive is also represented by the blood imagery cutting off around Stannis' tree.
The dreaded alt text.
I fixed it. Look again
No you didn't.
Umm, refresh the page. The image should be there. It shows on my screen
I think you're trolling.
What do you mean? You still can't see the image or you think the image is a troll? If you can't see the image I can give a link
It seems nobody but you can see the image. Link me in private chat.
I see it, it's a forest with Paint spray can effect and "Winter is here" is written on it.
Okay, I saw the poster, and nothing in that image suggests Stannis is alive.
Umm, it shows the bloody aftermath of Winterfell with the middle tree, Stannis' tree, unbloodied with a sword slice above where the head should have been with no blood
Again, rough draft, little more than a sketch. The rough pic has to be approved to be finished off and add logos etc.
Winter will be here next years! Until then I will try to read all seven books![:) :)](
You mean 6, hopefully, otherwise 5
I found one too:
Umm, it's kinda hard to see the slice mark when it's a dark texture on a dark background.
Haha, seriously though, the image I present to you is legit. Much more polished but still unfinished. They need to have a good idea of what the poster looks like but need to make it quickly so as not to waste time if the idea is not approved. Then they finish it for real with blood graphics and such.
I'm guessing that's the point. So it's not blindingly obvious. Plus irl a cut on wood with that sort of filter would not be easily visible. Plus the fact the chop is drawn on lends more evidence to this being legit since he director of 5x10 said they never filmed the sword hitting anything so if they took a picture of that forest there would be no real chop.
Mate, the fact that it's not on google or GoT/ASOIAF outlet is because it's not a mass leak. I got this image from one of the people working on the show and this poster in particular. It's legit, just no one but me has this pic. It's a rough copy. For all I know the idea might not be approved due to spoilers or any other reason and this poster won't see a final finished form. I thought I'd share anyway since this is a beacon of hope for all in Team Mannis but you just had to be a dick about it didn't you?
I'm sure the graphics designer in charge of it would use a stock photo.
It's 100% not legit.
Umm, mate, it's a rough draft. Of course they wouldn't spend all that time making it for real. They threw it together and will actually do the poster properly if it's approved. Negative Nelly over here. I know the person I got this from is reliable. All this means is this mock up rough poster concept is being considered.
OMG I WILL CONFIRM THIS, is from outer space, I mean shit nevermind.
i still cant see nothing
Use the link, strange, some people can't see it.
lol yo i still cant see anything
All that red is literally from the spray paint tool in MS Paint, lol.
Rough draft. It's quick so the designer doesn't waste time if the idea is rejected. The tree is stock image too for the same reason. How about someone actually discusses the implications of the poster instead of trashing it. Of course it's going to be low quality, it's a rough mockup and could even be rejected.
They would use a hand drawn sketch, a digitally drawn sketch or a mockup done in a more professional program.
No graphic designer uses paint, even for drafts.
Well, if you would like to discuss the picture itself and not the fact it's a fake, I'll tell you that I would reject it. I wouldn't want a promotional poster for a major series to be a forest with random red spray painted all over it. It serves no real purpose if you ask me, and is in no way conducive to promoting the series. Basically, if a three year old can make it in MS Paint, it's not a good promotional poster. Not that it even is one anyway.
That mark is more than halfway up the base of the tree. If that was from where Stannis' head would have been then he must have been a lot taller than we realized.
I'm guessing that's the point. Note Stannis' tree and around it has no blood. The slice is way above his head because Brienne didn't kill him.
K goddammit dude. I'll spell it out for you. The person who gave me this is actually working on the show. Using a more professional program for a simple mockup takes more time than drawing the concept up quickly in paint. I trust this person. I got the season 5 screeners from this person before they leaked. This person is the real deal. The only thing that should be in question is whether or not this poster will pass approval for completion.
Why is this a bad promo though? A poster doesn't need to spell anything out for next season. The forest is obviously the forest where we left Stannis. The red spray will obviously be CG blood covering the forest (aftermath of the battle). The middle tree is clearly Stannis' tree due to the chop but the chop position is way above where the head would be. The idea that Stannis is alive is also represented by the blood imagery cutting off around Stannis' tree. We've had posters that told less. Ooh, check that ship with Tyrion and the dragon even though that never happens on the show, only something similar, or even better, woah moody character shots with generic background.
See my comment below in response to poster below
2 things.
Why in the world did he give this to you? And second, you're a horrible friend for leaking this out after he gave it to you, assuming you aren't bull shitting us which I'm 99% certain you are, lmao.
We were having fun and slightly drunk and decided to post this. I made sure the identity was hidden and HBO can't be sure who was working on this. There are many people involved in the promotional material. Hell I made sure to use person to stay gender neutral so as to not narrow down the list of culprits. So no, I am not a horrible friend.
Go away, I already exposed you and rekt your thread.
Apply hand to face to calm your raging hate. This is legit. I have already countered all your jabs. Discuss the content if you wish but stop the #exposed hate. I wouldn't have wasted my time telling the doubters why this is real if I was just trolling
No offense but you must be still drunk if you think you're actually fooling anybody :P