Season 2 just do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i die.
After a new project of nier a season 2 of TWAU !
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Season 2 just do it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! or i die.
After a new project of nier a season 2 of TWAU !
These threads crush me
These threads are not going to make TellTale suddenly decide to make another season. They know how much people enjoyed The Wolf Among Us and they'll announce Season 2 if they plan on making it.
It has a possibility, but not now.
Not this again, what the hell. Do all the people just come to say "Season 2 please!!!!!!!!!!!" and never check what the other threads are about? I'm pretty sure you could find atleast 3 other 'Season 2' threads in the front page of this section...
We must play the waiting game.

It's been nearly 2 years, Master...
It hasn't even been a year since the game ended Hazza
Everytime someone creates a thread about TWAU S2 a puppy dies
Another one of these threads?
Is there even any more puppies to die?
Nearly 2 years since it began though...
I really wanted a S2, until I started thinking. What would it be about? I mean, in the 1st Season, we've taken out the Crooked Man. Supposedly the 'big boss' of this whole bad-ass gang.
Yow I think it would be about the whole Nerissa & Faith thing..
Guys think about this, TWAU won so many game of the year awards, TTG can't just ignore that. I think we just need to be patient but still show interest in TWAU. Im thinking that TTG have more priorities over a new season for example TWD season 3, the marvel and minecraft bullshit... I have an idea, don't buy anything so they will see that the sales are shit and will fall back to their older more succesful games... cough TWAU cough
I don't find that very interesting to make another season based on it. It's more of a 'mystery' that we should solve. Alone, with or without another season.
Yeah but they could base it on that, with a lot of things going on around it etc. Like maybe make Dr. Swineheart the evil mastermind or something
I dont want to spoil you too much in case you havent read the comics, but Swineheart is definetly not evil
Yeah but it was just an idea. And do TTG have to follow the comics per say? Or can they create their own stories with the francise?
Their games are all canon as far as I know. At least their stories definetly fit perfect for every game-series so far. With Wolf Among Us they made a canon prequel of the comics. They created their own story but didnt killed characters that are still alive in the comics. In return Bloody Mary (a Telltale self-made character) was mentioned in the comics (although she never appeared there before). The Fables creator even made a Wolf Among Us comic with the choices he thinks are best for his series. Telltale did some really good work.
Well I would be happy if TTG are not restricted to the comics completely. Like Bibgy and Snow being with each other, I would love to see Snow jealous lol
Just because you don't like them doesn't mean they're bullshit. For all we know they could be better than TWAU
Yeah wasn't really serious about it.
Comments like your's are not going to stop these types of threads from popping up either.
I really don't know how much attention Telltale pays to fan feedback, but I've got to imagine it's at least a small factor in their decisions. If threads like this stopped popping up, it would be pretty easy to think, "I guess people forgot about TWAU, we can cross that off our list of potential projects." Not to say there aren't other, bigger factors at play (money, rights, and creative issues).
Man I want a S2 so badly
To be honest Tales from Borderlands is fun but nothing more and Game of thrones is just full of missed potential
TWD S2 was medicore as well
I would rather have a great S2 for Wolf among Us
But instead they will be wasting their time with Minecraft
TWAU (and TWD S1 too) are my favourite games from Telltale
TWD S2 wasn't mediocre, but it wasn't so hitting as S1. I know how you feel. And I agree, GoT is one of Telltale weakest games in my opinion. TWAU is so unique, and it's one of those rare games where the soundtrack never gets old.
But would you rather have a mediocre TWAU S2 or no TWAU S2?
My feelings are that they made TWD S2 more to make a buck than because they had a good story in mind, and the results speak for themselves. I'm not at all convinced that something similar wouldn't happen to TWAU S2.
Am I the only one who things Clementine is a bit overrated. The reason why I wasn't so fond of S2, because it was unrealistic, what I mean is, the adults put the pressure on Clem, and treat her like an adult. I really wish they didn't kill off Lee, because S2 probably would of been better off not killing him off.
Are you by chance one of those people that go on TellTale's social media pages and comment "TWAU Season 2!" on posts, even if the post has nothing to do with TWAU?
We would all like a Season 2 and TellTale knows that the fans want one. There's no need for these kinds of posts filling up the forums.
Shitty game?.... Get the fuck out >:(
It could be based on any number of things. The comics are full of storylines they can tap into.