Gared Tuttle becomes the Lord of House Forrester Theory

I know this may sound fucking stupid but hear me out.
This is a theory on how Gared will become the Lord of Ironrath and House Forrester.
What if Rodrik died and Asher failed his mission and possibly died at Episode 6? (I doubt this will happen but I also doubt Daenerys will give Asher the army.)
What if Gared was to become the Lord of House Forrester?
There are hints to this because the game acts as if Gared was the "Chosen one". (Also, if anyone can photoshopped Gared with Neo I will love you forever.)
- He has to find the plot device to save the characters thingy
- He is given Lord Forrester's Sword and perhaps could foreshadow Gared's future in the Game.
- He fought off a bunch of Wildlings on his own with no training whatsoever. (Depends if you brought Finn with you.)
So, he is the chosen one. Given the Sword by his old man and is a great fighter.
Even the Squire calls him "Lord Gared" at the beginning of the Episode. This could foreshadow Gared's future as a Lord aswell.
And if that isn't enough proof for you or if you think that doesn't make sense. Well fear not, there is a Theory where Gared Tuttle is actually a Bastard son of Gregor Forrester. It was written by "Bastard_Theory"
"The largest piece of evidence is the fact that Gared is "the North Grove" and the son of Lord Forester is the fact that HE IS A PLAYABLE CHARACTER!"
"Think about it. ALL the other playable characters are (or have been) Forester children . . . . if Gared has no Forester blood then he seems very out of place as a playable character."
"Also I think Gared looks way more like Lord Forester than his "father" or his "uncle"!"
"His "uncle", Duncan Tuttle has been described as having struck up an unlikely friendship with Lord Forester that raised many eyebrows; "The two grew close, sharing food, drink, and women" So if Forester had a bastard, Duncan would probably have known (the most) about it."
"There may have even been an earlier legend about a North Grove north of the wall. Duncan says it's a story told by Wildlings. But it has been a long time since people south of the wall have believed in stories about White-Walkers and such. Most, think they are just legends and nothing more. Perhaps people were using an old legend about the North Grove to as a sly reference to rumors that Lord Forester has one or more children than he lets on."
"Lady Forester strikes me as a woman who would be very hostile to a Bastard. She is naturally devoted to her family and especially her children. But more than this she is very afraid that the house might fall as hers did. I think in her mind a bastard (and potential rival heir) would pose an unacceptable threat to her children. (ironically I think she might very well be the traitor, but I will keep this post about Gared)"
"In the Game; If you tell lady Forester about the North Grove she seems bothered by it. Look at in her facial expression. If you tell the Master he thinks it is "interesting". As masters are sworn to serve the interest of his castles current Lord, he might (like Lady Forester) view a Bastard as a threat to the house especially given the circumstances that the family finds themselves in."
"So, it makes sense that Gared was ONLY supposed to tell Duncan. It was like Lord Forester was sending a message to Duncan saying "Remember to keep your promise to protect my son." That might even include not even telling Gared the truth, . . . Gared might be safer never knowing. And if Gared tells anyone else they might get wise and kill Gared, thinking it would protect the house."
"If Lord forester knew his wife well enough to know that she would be hostile to a Bastard he might have had good reason to keep Gared a secret. It might not have even been about protecting the boy, it would have made sense even if all Lord Forester wanted to do was spare his wife's feelings and maintain domestic tranquility within his own home."
"Also, remember how familiar Lord Foraster was with Gared . . . .
He looks at Gared with pride in his eyes. (or disappointment, if you act arrogant when he promotes Gared)
And then there is the promotion its-self. It may have been a well deserved promotion but it's also like Lord Forester wants to see this boy honored and elevated beyond the life of a pig farmer."
That's it for this Theory guys, I wanna see what YOU guys think.
Personally I think this entire theory is extremely far-fetched and unconvincing because this theory would actually contradict with his story with the nights watch. He broke his vows and travelled north, when a brother breaks his vows then the nights watch tells the lords of the realm of the traitor which make Gared a target for execution in every kingdom in westeros which prevents him of returning south of the wall let alone gared becoming lord so there goes a big chunk of your theory. Also Gared is not a bastard, if he was a bastard then he would use the name Snow since he is openly acknowledged by Lord Forrester and Lady Forrester but since he uses the name Tuttle it proves he isn't a bastard.
But he didn't break his vows.
he was forced to kill Britt because Britt was being a little shit.
And even though you left Britt and stabbed his arm he died anyway which wasn't Gared's fault.
It was the Night's Watch's fault for not believing him. So there goes your comment.
And also, yeah. He should have the name Snow, but Lady Forrester is going to know he is a Bastard. So Gregor has to hide it up and give the baby to his closest friend Duncan or his Brother and give him a last name. Read my theory again. "
"Duncan Tuttle has been described as having struck up an unlikely friendship with Lord Forester that raised many eyebrows; "The two grew close, sharing food, drink, and WOMEN"
He did break his vows, you cant just kill a brother even if you are defending himself, one hes dead and your not so in the eyes of the watch gared is a traitor. He was sentenced to death because of it and will be hunted by the seven kingdoms. You are again wrong with the bastard part, if he was a bastard of Gregor he would have the name Snow because Gregor acknowledges key word acknowledge (squire, finances, or other open relations) Gared but since he has the name tuttle then he is not a bastard. He is the nephew of Ducan so you should think Gregor became friends with him since Duncan recommended him.
Since when did the Vows say you can't defend yourself from an attacking brother?
that doesn't make sense at all. And plus, the Seven Kingdoms doesn't even know what Gared Tuttle's face looks like. And House Forrester will be there to defend Gared and get him out of the Wall and free him from his traitor title.
Vows say you cant kill a brother, besides its Britt's corpse vs Gared's word so he would be pretty fucked anyway unless the whole watch saw the entire thing go down. Also if you think the seven kingdoms doesn't know what gared looks like then you obviously never played game of thrones on the xbox with the mors and lord sarwick and you never watched the beginning of Episode one, season one of GoT. Besides House Forrester cant defend Gared and remove his title of traitor, it doesn't work like that in real life and it doesn't work like that in GoT. He knew it was treason and if you think House Forrest can defend Gared then you also have no idea who House Bolton is.
Night's watch vows:
"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."
So no. He won't. Doesn't matter if he was justifed in killing Britt. He can't hold any titles. Period. Even if he leaves the wall nobody else will accept his reign and the Lord Paramount of the North will put him to the death.
Well you obviously haven't read the books.
Jon Snow fucked a wildling, killed his own Brother, and died. And then he'll be reborn and he'll take the iron throne. And there is a bunch of other Vows he broke aswell.
lol fuck me right?
Remember who encouraged Gared to ditch Castle black?
This fuckery of an Ancestor of Kenny.
So, yeah. He can hold titles as long as they pay a shit ton of gold.
The Forresters don't have a lot of gold to trade. All they have is Ironwood. Ironwood alone isn't going to convince anyone to accept Gared. The Boltons will kill him for what he did to Britt and their men using his oath breaking as an excuse. Stannis is far too just to let Gared live, the other northern lords wouldn't let him break his oath and get away with it. The Nights watch is too important to the Northern lords and their beliefs. The only way Gared could become head of House Forrester is if he reveals himself to be a bodysnatcher and eats Rodrik.
The only way Gared could become head of House Forrester is if he reveals himself to be a bodysnatcher and eats Rodrik.
He cannot become head of House Forrester unless he physically becomes a different person that hasn't taken the Nights Watch oath. The only person who has been given the opportunity to desert the nights watch was Jon Snow, and that's only because he's the last member of House Stark not held by enemies of Stannis. And even Jon was shanked to death for planning on breaking his oath. Gared is just some random commoner that has not only broken his oath but as far as everyone else knows has murdered a fellow brother. He just can't become head of House Forrester. It's completely impossible unless Telltale wants to throw ASOIAF lore out the window.
Most of the watch leaders agreed that sleeping with a wildling was breaking a vow, many people in the watch agreed he broke his vow when he killed his brother and he was ultimately killed for it.
The Prince that was promised is one from the religion of R'hilor, Stannis is the one that will be reborn as he has achieved more qualifications as Azor Ahai. So stop being so up-tight about what i am saying that i believe but wait...
What thats not at all possible
Why would Gared the son of a castelllen have any claim whatsoever? Even if ryon, mira and talia die it would just mean that the house would fall completley
The other guy makes fun of him after he says hes getting promoted, thats it
But gared said she;s always was nice to him
The rest is all just suggesting Gared is somewhow a bastard of lord forrester which for some reason unknown to us Lord forrester didnt acknowledge him but kept him close by with a random family. Even if for some reason that is all true Gared is dead the moment someone comes across him south of the wall as he left the nights watch.
It's just a Theory M'friend.
Not really saying it is confirmed or some shit like that.
Grow up.
Even if Gared wasn't breaking his vows by killing Britt Gared deserted so he broke his vows he was perfectly justified but he broke his vows there's no denying that.
Don't mess with him, hes 'dangerous'.
Just no. I hate Gared.
Gared cant be lord of HOUSE FORRESTER becuase he isnt FORRESTER, for christ sake.
Stannis offered north to Jon and he didnt take it, what makes you believe that he would take iron throne if he didnt take north.
BUT, he could be the bastard son of Lord Gregor.
It's just a fun little Theory, why are you all acting so fucking butthurt over it?
IF he somehow over rides the vow of night watch its also possible he'd marry Talia. If every sibling but Talia died and he married her, by the husband/man, he'd become lord.
Why are you getting so rude and defensive? Nothing in your description seems like you're joking around with a "fun little theory", and you're just saying that now since everyone is pointing out all the flaws in your theory (so basically, the entire theory)
It does seem odd, I'll give you that. But as for him becoming Lord, well...he'd have a better chance of finding a flying bobsled mushed by a whole pan of bacon with the heads of Ramsay Bolton, Olly and Joeffry Baratheon on stakes as bells.
Gared is gonna die
Well i dont know maybe because we saw his family so he cant be a bastard, sherlock.