Ep 1 Waiting Thread - PC/Mac/PS4/PS3/Xbox One/360/iOS/Google/Android Out Now, WiiU Jan 21st,Vita TBA



  • It was an awesome episode, screw the naysayers.

    It was a classic Telltale endeaver just without so much profanity and gore. The characters were interesting and I'm interested in the group dynamics. There was some stuff I didn't understand from the Minecraft universe, but other than that it was a thoroughly enjoyable affair.

    Oh, and my 2 year old son loved it and watched the entire thing with me! I wasn't entirely sure, but now I know I'm going to buy every episode and play it with him now.

  • Actually, each episode is 6 bucks now. 6x5 = 30$. Sad, but true.

    kyuchu123 posted: »

    Why is the season pass 29.99$ but each episode is 5$. 5x5=25$



  • I guess i'm not buying the game =(

    AChicken posted: »

    Actually, each episode is 6 bucks now. 6x5 = 30$. Sad, but true.

  • So, where the f**k is this so-called ''Wii U'' version?

  • Listed as TBA.

    FlippyHippy posted: »

    So, where the f**k is this so-called ''Wii U'' version?

  • Recently just played the game on my iPhone for fun, and to be quite honest, I kind of enjoyed it.

  • I'm looking forward to seeing how Telltale handles the Minecraft License.

    Hope Episode 1 is good when it comes out! :)

  • I'm looking forward to seeing how Telltale handles the Minecraft License. Hope Episode 1 is good when it comes out!

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