Sneak Peek for Telltale Forum Regulars: Bigby (HarringtonVO) Interviews His Creator, Bill Willingham

As a thank you to all the amazing Wolf Among Us faithful, for all your outspokenness, support and passion for this awesome f@#&ING game, for being so vocal about your love of our project, and for enthusiastically sharing the game with gamers who may not have played it otherwise… for all this, and so much more I'm giving you guys the first look at (listen to) the conversation I had with Fables creator Bill Willingham a couple months ago. I've gotta admit it took a long while for me to put this video-podcast together, but the lack of time had a lot to do with all the WAU award nominations/wins, and all the critical acclaim (none of which would have been possible without your support)… but this truly was a labor of love. Along with being a top notch writer, Bill is also an amazing human being. Very humble, very approachable, very funny, VERY cool. I hope y'all enjoy the first half of my hour-plus conversation with The Great Creator. I know I did.
Thanks again guys, for everything you do. Your dedication to and support of our game has NOT gone unnoticed, and I highly doubt I would have been in Vegas for a Game Awards nom, or London for a BAFTA nom etc etc without y'all. So this is for you, the hardcore Telltale fans. *I'll release the entire interview to the public in a couple weeks. But until then, enjoy! This video will remain unlisted, my gift to you.
-The Sheriff (Adam Harrington)
You are awesome, Adam! Thank you!
Arrrrgh!!! I have to be up early for work tomorrow, but as soon as I saw that you posted this, I had to watch it.
I'm glad I did.
I've been looking forward to your interview with Bill Willingham for a while. You did a great job, and it seemed like the two of you hit if off. Now I'm going to be in suspense waiting for the rest of it.
Thank you so much for sharing this with the forum! We're all still keeping the faith alive for a Season 2!
Awesome podcast. Can't wait for the full thing
I really enjoyed that! Thanks a lot.
Great interview!!!
And that ending has me yearning for more:
Adam - "Was it always the plan, for Bigby, to love, Snow?"
Bill - "Yes-" Then you stopped the video cuz it was the end of the preview
Man, cannot wait to hear what Bill has to say about those two!!! My OTP! XD
This is amazing, thanks so much for posting this Mr. Harrington. Its also so wonderful to see how much you yourself enjoy the series and the character. It really does help keep hope alive for the much wanted season two.
That was really interesting. Can't wait for the next part!
Adam and Bill would be a great son and father to each other.
Make it happen you two! XD
Thank you Adam, can't wait for the whole interview.
Thats what got me interested in the comic all those years ago. "A story where Snow White loves the Big Bad Wolf?! This I gotta see!" I was hooked ever since.
awesome, looking forward to the whole thing
I had never heard of Fables before TWAU, but I could see in Ep.1 that there was an attraction on both sides, so I wanted to see more of them as a couple... Fables did not disappoint :'D
Thank you so much for this!
Cool, thanks for sharing that with us! We all really appreciate you coming on and talking to us fans!
As much as I normally like Telltale taking on new franchises, I'd kill for them to make a second Season of Wolf Among Us... and I'm not the only one. Seeing the boards look like this isn't an uncommon sight at all.
That was interesting, thanks for sharing with us
Thanks for the interview, buddy! Subbed to ya as well!...Kinda feel bad I didnt before haha!
I said it before, I was introduced to Fables via TWAU so every time I read Bigby's line I cant help but imagine your voice in those lines. Which is good since Bigby and Snow (coughplustheirsevenchildrencoughcough) are my fav characters in this series and i'm mostly invested into them. Also Flycatcher and a certain lady in a hood who brings food to her grandmother. And a lady who was mentally abused by her stepfamily before she became a kick ass spy...just noticed Cinderella is like Black Widow O.o.
I'm currently on volume 19 of the main series....and I can safely say this is a collection of comics i have zero regrets of having. Awesome character arcs, good action, diverse genres being at play...IS REAL GOOD!
So yeah, thanks for the interview man.I'm glad you see there i still a rabid fanbase who would LOVE to come back to Fabletown.
If it's alright can I still ask a question? Assuming we got a Harry Potter-esque scene here, would it be possible for mundy witches/wizards/warlocks to seek training with the 13th Floor? There's little magic in our mundane world so something like Hogwarts wouldnt really be happening...
I dunno, I kinda like the idea of having some mundies being near the action