X-Men DOFP restored my faith
In one of my previous posts, I bought Walking Dead S2 game along with DOFP. Last year, I was SUPER eager to see this movie, I avoided all spoilers and upon May 21st, I awaited in the theater with high expectations.
My words after leaving the theater were as follows: ALL IS FORGIVEN
Yes, Bryan Singer has made a superb chapter. Seeing both First Class cast and the original cast together was quite a site to see.
Where do I start: the opening of John Ottoman's X2 was a breath of fresh air. The bleak future was wow. And the Sentinels...Awesome. Both past and future models were menacing. The future X-Men (Bishop, Sunspot, Blink and Warpath) may have had not enough dialogue but their actions spoke louder than their words. It was strange to see Logan be the voice of reason trying to bring Xavier out of his depression, but it goes to show how far he had come. Mystique as the plot device, I rolled with. Jennifer Lawrence showed great acting chops, dedicated to her species but at the same time, lost. Peter Dinklage as Bolivar Trask was another superb addition. James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender also top marks. Evan Peters as Quicksliver was an interesting gimmick. The action in both past and future was fast paced and fun. And near the end where Mystique would make the move that will decide everything. While watching, I was going to accept whatever came, then she lowered her pistol and in the future everything was erased, I let out a small sigh of relief.
Near the end was one of my favorite moments, Logan waking up in the school, everything peaceful as is was. Bobby and Rogue still dating, Kitty and Colossus teaching a class (even though I knew that meant something more, comic fans will know what I'm talking about), Kelsey Grammar's cameo as Hank was a nice surprise, Storm greeting the students (happy after her fate of being impaled was a real wow moment). Everything was as it should be.
A let out a gasp in the theater upon... "Jean?" "Hey, Logan"
It was Famke! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING! She looked great. I thought if only...
(Logan reaches out to touch her, "Whoa" a hand grabs out, my heart paused, is it? "Easy, pal")
I squealed like a little girl upon seeing James Marsden's Cyclops. One of the major things I've had a gripe with has been redeemed of sorts. I had a big grin on my face. I hoped early on when I read about DOFP that Cyclops would get a chance to be redeemed after what happened in the abomination Ratner made, but this...this was just right. Plus, loved Cyc's shades. Plus, it was nice that Logan said it was nice to see Scott, considering their history from the past two films, it was a comfort.
All and all Days of Future Past is my favorite X-Men movie of all time, joining the ranks of the first and second movies and First Class. Near the end, with a disguised Mystique as Stryker retrieving Logan from the Potomac, people are wondering what will happen next. I claim with confidence:
"I'll let history play out"
Another moment I enjoyed in the future Magneto was wounded and dying and the scene of "All those years wasted fighting each other, Charles, to have a precious few of them back" was a touching scene. When I was trying to write my version of a third movie, I hoped to have Magneto get a heel face turn moment and see what he had become (inspired by UXM #150), but that short moment I believe to be worthy enough.
X-Men Apocalypse comes out next year and it is with a heavy heart I must confess that that will be my final X-Men movie. The film franchises journey with me has been smooth (X-Men; X2) then a major wreck, didn't bother with the Wolverine flicks, swallowed my pride and gave First Class a chance and was pleased that it healed the scar of my heart, and DOFP restored my faith. I'm sorry fellow fans but I feel I must move on to new ventures.
But I will never forget these titles and Apocalypse if I like what I see.
After seeing DOFP, my third movie fan fiction plan is now all but mute, but then again it is a great relief. I wanted to fix this franchise so bad, it bordered on obsession for me. To be honest, I was gathered facts planning and planning without making any progress.
So, I threw darts at other ideas in my mind and found one that stuck: I'm going to try at the Marvel 2099 series. It will be an interesting challenge.
So, in return, about the X-Men film series: it's been...fun. To all the actors, writers, producers and Bryan Singer, you have my thanks.
And to close the final words of Xavier from DOFP which I take to heart about the future of fantasy and reality.
"The past: a new and uncertain world. A world of endless possibilities and infinite outcomes. Countless choices define our fate: each choice, each moment, a moment in the ripple of time. Enough ripple, and you change the tide... for the future is never truly set."
DOFP was my first X-Men film and I had seen trailers and was like 'What is this?'.
I was even confused by the title - I asked my friends to explain.
I was going to see Godzilla the same day DOFP came out with a friend and my brother, and we made a quick change and decided to see DOFP since we liked Marvel. We got RPX and man I love it and I've seen all the other films since. Really excited for Apocalypse.