ToMI won't start with crossover on mac
I used Crossover to install Tales of Monkey Island on my macbook pro, but the load-in screen won't display properly.
When I enter the serial number and press "submit query" nothing happens. There's no option for "No thanks, just take me to the demo"
Anyone else tried this method?
When I enter the serial number and press "submit query" nothing happens. There's no option for "No thanks, just take me to the demo"
Anyone else tried this method?
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For some reason the demo of Wallace and Grommit worked, though.
So, as a n00b to Crossover, can someone explain what's going wrong and what I need to do to fix it, in excruciating detail?
The window is basically just an internet browser that handles the log-in and the simple browser that is included in CrossOver doesn't render the page properly. So you need to install Internet Explorer.
If you're using the standard CrossOver, you have Internet Explorer 6 among your supported software, if you have CrossOver Games you'll have to download the installation from Microsoft and install it as unsupported.
In the first case the bottle created will be a win98 one, in the second I think you have to select win98 for it to install properly. Since ToMI doesn't support win98 you have to change the bottle type to xp or vista (Configure->Manage bottles->Control Panel->winecfg) After that you can install ToMI in that bottle!
I still haven't gotten the sound to work though, tell me if you succeed with that!
Why IE6? Why not IE7?
Also, I do appreciate you coming back to explain in more detail but like I said I'm a complete beginner with Crossover (although I am very much a technophile) but your terminology confused me. So while you may feel you are having to repeat yourself by referring to this HTML renderer, it's irrelevant as I didn't know what you meant!
Anyway, on my own I tried downloading IE7 (before I read your post) and did pretty much exactly what you did with IE7 instead of IE6 and it didn't work at all. Nothing rendered any better.
Also why does IE6 have to be installed into a Win98 bottle, and how does changing the type of bottle after installing it so that you can then install TOMI not have an adverse affect on the contents of the bottle?
Also, why does Crossover tell me that installing something else into a bottle will likely result in errors?
Why IE6 instead of IE7? Because it works better in my experience, don't know why. Could be that older is simpler in some way.
Changing bottle types is mostly about what os is reported to the application, if I understand how wine works. To change bottle type after creation is likely inadvisable, but again, you get the game to run this way.
The whole idea behind bottles is to keep the applications in their own little happy world, free from outside interference, so it's not that strange for CrossOver to advise you to keep to one program per bottle.
At the moment I'm retrying the following:
- create new bottle in Win98 mode.
- install IE6 into bottle.
- change mode to WinXP.
It's this last stage that won't work. I go into winecfg and change the OS to XP and hit Apply then Okay, but the BOttle Manager still shows the bottle as being a Win98 bottle.
As such, TOMI won't even install into the bottle.
I did a WinXP bottle and deleted the Crossover HTML Renderer and installed IE6 into that, then TOMI, then ran TOMI and got a Telltale window with a grey screen, then a white screen, then nothing - not even the Serial entry screen.
Seems I've wasted $35. Wow.
The Internet Explorer 6 one described hereabove and at this page and an Internet Explorer-free one described at this one.
I'm not sure why the Internet Explorer 6 technique is not working for you but I "stumbled" upon the other one when the first one was not working with Wallace & Gromit and, apparently, it works for the other Telltale games as well, even though I've been told that it didn't in CrossOver Games versions prior to 8.1.2.
In addition, when CrossOver Games 8.1.3 was released and I installed it, none of my Telltale games ran anymore and I went back to 8.1.2. Codeweavers is aware of the problem and is working on it.
Hope this helps.