Do You Pity Gryff Whitehill?
Does anyone one else kind of pity Gryff Whitehill? That's what I felt when I kept defying him in Episode 3 and he continuously kept beating up Rodrik - for the pride of House Forrester would have been crushed had Rodrik stayed down, when Gryff first threatened Talia I thought it was a pathetic resort, rather than 'prove himself' and deal with Rodrik himself he emotionally blackmails him with threatening Talia's death - though I kept getting up and kept getting put down again, the moment when Gryff strikes off Rodrik's cane and forces him to the ground, he pretty much loses the respect of his men by pulling a dirty trick like that on a helpless cripple, which is exactly what I wanted, since I couldn't hurt him physically, I managed to wound his pride and retain the Forrester honour.
When it came to hitting him at first I unleashed my fury and struck him three times, but after that when Lady Forrester's voice came in I suddenly felt horrified yet somewhat satisfied of what I had done and chose not to go any further, telling Gryff he was lucky I held back, which could have only come off as an insult to Gryff showcasing how he was utterly at Rodrik's mercy.
But the use of excessive violence wasn't the kind of lord my Rodrik wanted to be. Then at Highpoint I really did feel more sorry for Gryff - not only was he a fourthborn but it seems he had been bullied by his older brothers all his life - so it seems he has some obvious issues about his self-worth which he pretty much exposed when he occupied Ironrath - this guy just wants to prove himself to his rather and the rest of House Whitehill that he is a Lord to be respected and feared, he wants a reputation, an image - his fourthborn status gave him a rather low image and he wants to rise above this - to surpass his brothers (the two still alive) and become worthy of the Whitehill name (plus he probably wishes he was the firstborn).
Like Ser Royland said he's just a snot-nosed fourthborn trying the prove something. He doesn't need to try to prove anything to his family by beating up a guy who can barley walk on his own and threatening a young girl. I understand that you probably had it rough being the youngest, but still that doesn't make it right lording over Ironrath and treating people like crap. I don't pity him at all.
His miserable childhood is still not an excuse to harm my family and my people.
Reminder that the second thing he said to Elaena was threatening her to beat her up too.
I don't pity him but I understand and sympathise with his situation I actually really like his character and I love the Rodrik VS Gryff scenes.
No. Getting trashed on while growing up is not an excuse to become an absolute dick like that when you're older or somewhere else, it doesn't make you any better.
um no
I felt a little bit sorry when he said, "My eye, I cant see" in a playthrough i was watching because putting someone's eye out is hardcore. But that was it. He is a bully who was beating up on a crippled man, an unarmed man who was being restrained, and a little girl because they were weaker. Its hard to pity someone like that.
Hell no
No, but I understand his situation which still isnt reason threaten to my family.
No not really. I feel sorry Gywn. I have a bad feeling Gryff bullies her or used to.
I do feel sorry for Gryff, though in the last episode I got really angry with him after he has beaten the maester. But, I guess, knocking him on his ass and helping Ortengryn the first chance I got helped me to deal with it. The thing is, what Gryff does isn't justified, but I can understand the reasons of his behavior. His main problem is that he has no clue of how to lead people. Though Ludd is likely to be not such a bad father, chances are Gryff was never taught how to lead, considering that he had three older brothers. Judging by what Gwyn said, he was bullied by them as a kid and this is his another problem - the way his brothers have treated him is his only example of how people can be controlled, and they're likely to have been ordering him around, using the fact they are stronger and actually able to hurt him as an advantage. The result of this is that Gryff just doesn't know any other ways of keeping people in line. "I'm the lord", "I command you" - he says things like this all the time in a desperate attempt to make people around him believe it, though it does not look like he believes it himself. He's been threatening Forresters since the moment he appeared at Ironrath, and it's his another attempt to make himself look like he is in charge - but until the last episode he didn't have the balls to do us any real damage. He tries to to earn the respect of his soldiers by giving them what they want and ensuring, that no one resists them - because he does not feel, that they really back him up, even though he can command them. He lacks self-confidence and self-respect, and is likely to have a lot of anger, which he has been accumulating for years, due to being weaker than his brothers and unable to withstand them. Though he is definitely wrong in most of his actions, I think there is still hope for him. He is not pure evil and may be somehow redeemed, though, of course, I can not be sure.
I don't pity him at all. Having a tough childhood does not justify being an absolute dick to other people and beating on them.
No, the only reason I would regret destroying both of his eyes is if it bites me in the ass later on. I frankly think he's an arrogant asshole who deserves what he got.
Pity Gryff?
I kind of pity him. My Rodrik has always been very aggressive with the Whitehills, so naturally I beat him up pretty bad. I did so because he treated me and my men horribly and I didn't feel any regret, but after I heard Gwyn's story about her little brother I sort of understand where his behavior is coming from. My pity towards him will not be translated into mercy, but it's still present in the back of my mind. After all, he is just a fourth born looking for some recognition from his father which he will never receive.
Didn't his sister say he was bullied **because **he was boastfull and always angry ? To me it sounded like he was always an asshole but his father loved him regardless.
So in short no regrets here, hope I can drive a bolt through him at **neutral **ground with the Glenmores hiding in the bushes.
You really think, that Gryff was just born an asshole, without any reason? How terrible must a child be to justify three older and stronger guys bullying him? Come on, mate. People don't become jerks just because (unless they have some serious mental issues, like Joffrey or Ramsay).
No I dont i'll kill him along with his family but I dont outright hate him or enjoy doing it, hes just a soldier in this really