I knew there was hate, but I never expected all this...



  • Cope49Cope49 Banned
    edited July 2015

    I will judge it...
    So far not liking it. Hope it fails

    Well lemme tell you. I want mindcrap, k? If you haven't play the game, don't judge it

  • I respect your opinion on u not liking the idea u can judge it all u you want but hoping it fails aint a positive thing

    since if it fails telltale will be more losing money then gaining which aint good towards future projects

    Cope49 posted: »

    I will judge it... So far not liking it. Hope it fails

  • edited July 2015

    Im not arguing with her just a civil reply to what i think about her comment nothing more then that really

    but uh you know i think @cope49 can say some rude insults from time but ya know shes not a bad person or anything i would say shes not a bad person but

    she should seriously learn to word alittle better because sometimes she can very much come off as insulting

    shes not a bad forum member just should learn to word her stuff better abit

    just to note not trying to come off as offensive to @cope49 just stating ya know

  • It's a cash grab.

  • edited July 2015

    Oh sorry about that it sounded like a reply to me

  • A bunch of the fans who were already here in the first place act like children anyway. Wouldn't make a huge difference.

    I'm just worried about the Minecraft fanbase (mostly consisting of kids) flooding the forums after finding this game. I won't mind if they w

  • True.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A bunch of the fans who were already here in the first place act like children anyway. Wouldn't make a huge difference.

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    You are out of line .

    I have every right to express my opinions, positive or negative . Why you feel the need to stalk my comments just to insult me given the opportunity is very childish . But what can you expect from a troll..

    I'm not longer gonna respond to you because I now I know what you are .
    Just gonna flag and hide your idiotic comments.

  • That's true. But I'm still very skeptical about it and wouldn't spend my money on it. Maybe watch a playthrough but so far and judging from the trailer I'm really "meh" about it.

    Jennifer posted: »

    @SCR4-TP wrote: I think it's better to use examples that aren't as old. Felidae was allowed on a kids channel many years ago despite the

  • edited July 2015

    I think there are those who forgets that Telltale is a diverse company and doesn't cater to one fanbase. It's a game for all ages, with kids being the focal fanbase. They're not gonna make every game you want them to make, that's unrealistic. Look people it's simple, don't like the game? Don't buy it. You've done so with other games, so why not Telltale? Hmmm???? And for those who complain about the community of Minecraft, look in the mirror. This community isn't any better. The constant drama all over the place speaks for itself. And for those who says it's a cash grab, I say so what? They need money to produce more games. Walking Dead was a "cash grab" and look how beneficial it was for them. Rant over.

    (I know I was blunt but I wanted to speak how I felt about all of this.)

  • I don't think anyone even asked for a Walking Dead adaptation game from Telltale, hence why some people were probably apprehensive of the idea, and it obviously parallels how people are overreacting to the announcement of a Minecraft game from Telltale.

    After so many mature game adaptations from Telltale, modern fans have forgotten Telltale's roots. It's quite ironic how the original, less serious episodic game formula has become more alien while the more mature games, which were initially seen as being different and alien, have become much more accepted by the community. That being said, the trailer for Minecraft: Story Mode is definitely strange. Despite the quirky art style, the characters seem to be treating the plot dead serious. Interesting...

    Cope49 posted: »

    Hey . I didn't sign it . And who would be against the making of the walking dead ? Now Mindcraft I understand but The Walking dead?

  • How any more so than, say, Game of Thrones?

    It's a cash grab.

  • People even used the "cashgrab" phrase on Walking Dead when that was announced too.

    Flog61 posted: »

    How any more so than, say, Game of Thrones?

  • Toby you're a good boy.

    I think there are those who forgets that Telltale is a diverse company and doesn't cater to one fanbase. It's a game for all ages, with kids

  • edited July 2015

    Graphics never matter to make a game a great one, but in this case, it looks like a CaptainSparklez animation. [shudder]. It's pretty distracting. I might give the story a chance, but everything about this game seems cringeworthy from what the trailer has shown us. I'm positive that many fans of the original game wouldn't really like this for their own reasons, too.

  • Agreed.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    because the trailer wasn't enough to win people over which is what a trailer should have done at this point, imo it was cringe worthy and ju

  • Yeah. Telltale already has great games that need to be worked on. But now they add this pile of cringe to the mix.. no doubt this will make us have to wait even longer for episodes from their better games to be released.

    SCR4P-TP posted: »

    First off I'm not one of the people that insult others and spew their hate everywhere but instead keep that opinion to themselves unless som

  • edited July 2015

    Same here. I'm not really willing to pay for any number of episodes of this. The trailer isn't even convincing enough or well made at all, for one thing. Just the concept alone is.. well it sucks truckloads of ass right now.

    Cope49 posted: »

    Only if the first ep is free..even then I'm not to sure..

  • But wait dont all telltales projects have seperate teams working on em so i dont really think this project is affecting the other projects just saying

    Yeah. Telltale already has great games that need to be worked on. But now they add this pile of cringe to the mix.. no doubt this will make us have to wait even longer for episodes from their better games to be released.

  • no. Telltale is a relatively small company

    Lehfeels posted: »

    But wait dont all telltales projects have seperate teams working on em so i dont really think this project is affecting the other projects just saying

  • edited July 2015

    I know that they have only like 200+ employees but im pretty sure they do have seperate teams working on each game project

    Talimancer posted: »

    no. Telltale is a relatively small company

  • They're a small company but they do have separate teams working on each game

    Talimancer posted: »

    no. Telltale is a relatively small company

  • TWD, TftB, GoT, TWAU, BttF, JP all of them can be considered cashgrabs too

    It's a cash grab.

  • Alt text

    I think there are those who forgets that Telltale is a diverse company and doesn't cater to one fanbase. It's a game for all ages, with kids

  • I'm pretty sure that the Telltale Games can handle this. Minecraft without any mods has a very basic combat system so it will be fine if they once again just handle it like a scene where you click enemies to make stuff happen.


  • I wouldn't invest everything into one trailer. Regardless of whether it is good or bad, it only provides a snapshot of the product, and can be misleading. Personal example from film is the first Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. It really put me off the film and looked cringy and with forced humour. Then, when I saw the film itself, it blew my mind, and wiped away all the negative thoughts garnered from that first trailer. An example of the opposite end of the spectrum is the trailer for Prometheus. Blew people's minds, created hype, but ultimately failed to deliver
    To sum up, bad trailer doesn't mean bad game/film/anything, so trailers can't be relied upon to create an accurate perception.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    because the trailer wasn't enough to win people over which is what a trailer should have done at this point, imo it was cringe worthy and ju

  • Too bad the story which is Telltale's main focus seems cringy.

    Clord posted: »

    I'm pretty sure that the Telltale Games can handle this. Minecraft without any mods has a very basic combat system so it will be fine if they once again just handle it like a scene where you click enemies to make stuff happen. /popcorn

  • ikr, but I've come to expect negativity from Cope49 since that's the base of most of her comments I've seen...

    Lehfeels posted: »

    I respect your opinion on u not liking the idea u can judge it all u you want but hoping it fails aint a positive thing since if it fails telltale will be more losing money then gaining which aint good towards future projects

  • Cope49Cope49 Banned

    That's not true.

    ikr, but I've come to expect negativity from Cope49 since that's the base of most of her comments I've seen...

  • they have lots of unfinished games, we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too

  • edited July 2015

    What are you talking about? How do you think TellTale operates? Name one game TellTale has recently made that they've abandoned.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    they have lots of unfinished games, we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too

  • we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too

    When Wolf Among Us was revealed to be coming out alongside Season 2 of Walking Dead, people had the mentality that Walking Dead should've been prioritized over Wolf Among Us. However, people eventually came around to Wolf Among Us. Minecraft is a kids game so I'm not expecting the Walking Dead audience to come around as easily, but my point is that Telltale broadening their horizons and trying new things isn't always as bad as it seems. If Telltale hadn't embraced change and went against expectations from previous games, we'd have never gotten games like Wolf Among Us or even Walking Dead for that matter.

    AstroZombie posted: »

    they have lots of unfinished games, we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too

  • but it has happened for every game since the Walking Dead (can any old members confirm if it happened even before then too?).

    It's happened for a lot of Telltale's history. It happened for titles like Back to the Future or Jurassic Park, and I'm pretty sure it likely happened for titles before those as well.

    Honestly, when my friend first told me about a Telltale Minecraft game I laughed because I thought he was kidding. As time progressed, the c

  • Well adjusted adults come to realize

    1.) Other people's opinions are just opinions
    2.) Youtube opinions are worth less than any other type of opinion.

  • edited July 2015

    ok, i didn't express myself right. All i meant is that they have tales,got,twau,twd and they want to make more stuff when they take months to release one fifth of a game.

    What are you talking about? How do you think TellTale operates? Name one game TellTale has recently made that they've abandoned.

  • edited July 2015

    yeah, i'm very excited about minecraft, i never had a problem with it cause i trust telltale. i just think it would be good to play tftb and got before moving on to a new game.

    we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too When Wolf Among Us was r

  • They all have previously existing stories. You might say not having a story allows Telltale more freedom to make their own. I would ask why not just make a new IP? But that question is rhetorical, because the answer is money.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    TWD, TftB, GoT, TWAU, BttF, JP all of them can be considered cashgrabs too

  • Of course the answe is money, i mean is not that like what every company wants? They could have also made their own IP about zombies, but they decided to go with TWD because it was already a thing,just look at how much more money and fame thye have won with it than with their own franchises like Sam and Max or Bone. Same goes with GoT, they could have also made their own fantasy story, but GoT is a very succesful franchise that would get more people to buy the game. A company is always going to go for the option that will give them more money,and i personally don't mind that as long as the final product is good.Of course new fresh IPs are more than welcome too.

    They all have previously existing stories. You might say not having a story allows Telltale more freedom to make their own. I would ask why not just make a new IP? But that question is rhetorical, because the answer is money.

  • I'm just saying that there is a difference between this game and previous ones. Whether or not the game will be any good I can't say, it's not out yet. But the games you and flog mentioned had pre-existing stories that telltale could expand on, where as minecraft seems like they just wanted the name alone.

    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    Of course the answe is money, i mean is not that like what every company wants? They could have also made their own IP about zombies, but th

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited July 2015

    They won't abandon minecraft, this will sell like Mcdonalds HOTCAKES. lol.

    we should get a season 2 of twau before they start working on another game they will eventually abandon too When Wolf Among Us was r

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