introduce yourself (echo eye style from tftb)
Ex. Name: Brandon
GPA: 3.3
Favorite media: video games
Favorite video game: Bioshock infinite
Current standing in politics: anyone but Donald Trump
Favorite genre of music: Dubstep
Extra facts: cried at the end of "inside out", has art journal that people commonly assume is a diary, and loves RWBY (internet series)
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Name: Daniel.
Favorite media: video games.
Current standing in politics: idek anymore.
Favorite genre of music: Nu Metal.
Extra facts: one of his forefathers is a national lightweight boxing champion, despite being foreign to English he'd read 5 Harry Potter books by the age of 6 and was fluent in English by the age of 11 - all that but he barely knows how to cook an egg without setting fire to his kitchen - What a fucking dork.
Name: Megan
Favorite Media: CGI Movies ; Videogames
Current Standing in Politics: Error 404: Not Found
Favorite Genre of Music: Any
Extra Facts:
* Somewhat idealistic, but not dedicated enough to finish tasks and objectives on time.
* Has an addictive impulse to have great intake of sugary-foods, thus having very low blood sugar level and shaking hands due to Hypoglycemia.
* Has basic knowledge of languages from several Asian countries.
Name: Megan
Age: just why
Common Quotations:
“But I don't have a dick, so does that mean I'll shove my vagina up their asses?”
“How long is the sausage? Big enough... got it.”
“10/10 would bang Handsome Jack” (She really didn't say that, but I do like to self-compliment)
Extra Useless Facts:
* this bitch is craaaaazy!
* A slow ass muthafucka, c'mon just DO something entertaining for once!
okay okay, let me tell you—get the fUCK away from this chick. She'll cut off your head whenever you want her fiancé dead! NO MORE QUESTIONS JUST GO GODAMMIT!
Name: Rachelle
Favourite media: Video games or movies.
Current standing in politics: Centre-left
Favorite genre of music: I like anything that sounds good.
Extra facts:
Name: Abbas Khan
Favourite Media: Video Games
Top 5 Favourite Video Games:
1 - Tales From The Borderlands
2 - Minecraft
3 - The Walking Dead
4 - Grand Theft Auto V
5 - Uncharted 3 (Not 2)
Favourite genre of music: Electro (For Example...)
Monstercat - Adventure Time (Rogue)
Favourite colour: Blue
Region of Origin: United Kingdom
Extra Facts: Cried at the end of Click, Didn't cry at the end of The Walking Dead, Is probably the most socially awkward person in the universe, Related to an Indian singer (anyone heard of Atta Ullah Khan?).
Name: Hailee
Favorite media: Youtube!
Favorite youtuber: Tyler Oakley
Favorite genre of music: Britpop
Extra facts: Met Tyler Oakley at Vidcon!!
Name : Max, Maxwell Jay if I'm getting yelled at.
GPA : Shit
Favorite Media : Video Games
Favorite Video Game : Fallout New Vegas
Political Leanings : A dreaded 'liberal'. I know, fuck me, right
Favorite Music : Rap, Soul
Fun Facta :
Name: Kaleb
Favourite Media: Reading in General/Video Games
Political Positioning: Liberal
Favourite Musical Genre: Metal (Industrial to be specific).
Extra facts:
Name: Joseph Stalin
Favourite media: Fox News
Favourite video game: Air Control
Current standing in politics: Neonazism.
Favourite music: Nicki Minaj, Kanye West
Extra fact: Can drink lethal doses of alcohol without dying.
Name: ("Who's asking? I'm not telling you")
Age: Under 18
Occupation: Museum worker
Favorite Food: Poutine (one of the few positive things he'll say about Quebec)
This Canadian moves every three years without fail, but is currently residing in a small town that requires a trek across a ten hour dirt road, or an airplane (whichever one you'll have more fun with). Once pointed at a man smoking in a parking lot and yelled loud enough for everyone to hear "Mommy look! That man's killing himself!". Jerk.
Name: Jack
Age: 17 (almost 18)
What makes him happy: Listening to Metallica
What pisses him off: Not listening to Metallica
Religion: Metallicaism
Favorite band: Who the hell do you think?
This eccentric Metallica fan wishes that Metallica would just get into the studio and not take 7-8 years to record an album, the wait is starting to kill him. Seriously guys, you take longer than fucking Telltale to release shit.
Name: Jack
Full years passed since his birth: 20
Favorite type of calculation: Multiplication
Most hated error: 404 Page not found
Level of Handsomeness: Lower than he thinks
Likes: Being happy
Dislikes: Being unhappy
They take long because they spend so much time touring. It can be frustrating, especially when they're not touring near you. The thing about it is though, they spend so much time touring because that's what keeps their fans interested the most. New content is good, but seeing the band more is better for most people. For example, I've been waiting for the new Iron Maiden since 2010. I saw them in 2012, and they toured until literally the end of 2014, before Bruce got cancer. In those two years they probably could have released an album, but instead they toured the world and back. Those older bands are hardcore tourers, Maiden, Motorhead, Metallica, etc.
I understand that, and I also understand that a lot of bands nowadays make a lot of their money by touring, but it still would be nice if it didn't take almost a decade for a new album to be released and then tour in support of that. Megadeth has released 3 albums in less time (and are working on another one as we speak), Slayer has finished 2 albums, Iron Maiden has finished 2, Black Sabbath has released 1 and is working on another, and yet Metallica takes 8 years to make one album, when they have been working on it as early as 2010.
Maybe they're just out of ideas. For me personally, after the Black Album, I don't like all of the songs on any of their albums. I'm excited to see what they put out, and I hope that they just aren't out of ideas, but we'll see.
Mia, is that really you?
I thought Death Magnetic had some of their best work, even St. Anger had some pretty great songs on it.
Name: I don't really care.
Age: How the hell am I supposed to know?
Occupation: Bandit?
Best asset: General handsomeness.
Hotness: 11/10. I like eyepatches.
If you try to do anything, let's say, untowards to him, 'll see it. So keep it in your skirt kiddo. Unless you like people watching.
I disagree that Death Magnetic had some of their best work, and I also disagree with the label of great for any song on St. Anger. I liked Death Magnetic, but I didn't like the songs That Was Just Your Life, The End of the Line, Broken Beat and Scarred, or My Apocalypse. My favorite song on the album was Suicide and Redemption, because it was their first instrumental in a long time. The rest of the songs on the album I thought were good, but not great. As for St. Anger, the only songs I can say that I really like are the first three, Frantic, St. Anger, and Some Kind of Monster. The rest of the album just doesn't do much for me.
Between Load and Reload I only really like 7 songs, Until it Sleeps, King Nothing, Hero of the Day, Mama Said, Fuel, The Memory Remains, and The Unforgiven II. I don't begrudge them the opportunity to play different styles, I know a lot of people such as yourself really like their newer stuff, and that's great. As for me personally though, their newer stuff is the reason I'm not such a big fan of theirs anymore. They were my favorite band when I was little, because my dad had all of the albums up to the Black Album, and I would listen to them. As I started listening beyond those albums I guess I just lost interest, and that's when Maiden came in.
Edit: I don't mean to argue, I'm just sharing my personal listening experiences.
the fuck xD
I understand, I know a lot of people that feel the same way. Their 80's material is still the best, Master of Puppets will always be my favorite Metallica album, but I still find enjoyment in pretty much any Metallica album (except Lulu). Dirty Window, Invisible Kid, and Shoot Me Again are some great songs off of St. Anger, along with the title track and Frantic. And to be honest, the only track I can really say I don't really enjoy on DM is Suicide and Redemption, I have no problem with Metallica doing instrumentals, but compared to Orion and The Call of Ktulu, it just feels bland to me. Broken, Beat, and Scarred is a bit overrated, but it's still a good song, That Was Just Your Life and All Nightmare Long would have to be my favorites from the album, and out of all The Unforgivens, I consider The Unforgiven III the best. Production wise, Death Magnetic is terrible, but musically, I believe it contains their best work since the 80's.
How can someone be a feminist and condone pornography is beyond me.
This I agree with completely. I do agree that compared to their older instrumentals it was a bit lackluster, but I liked that they actually went the route of having one. I just really like instrumentals. My favorite albums are ...And Justice for All and Kill 'em All, tied. Lulu, lol, just lol. I have nothing positive to say about that other than at least it spawned this masterpiece:
Lyrics from Brandenburg Gates. Deep shit man:
"I would cut my legs and tits off
When I think of Boris Karloff and Kinski
In the dark of the moon
It made me dream of Nosferatu
Trapped on the isle of Doctor Moreau
Oh wouldn't it be lovely
Small town girl
Small town girl
Small town girl"
If the pornography is completely and utterly consensual non-abusive and not gratuitous, then most feminists would condone it. Modern feminism is pro sex work, as long as the workers are choosing with full capacity that they want to engage in it.
They would oppose pornography used in advertising to sell items, though, for obvious reasons.
Name: Rock. ...Seriously? I wanted a name, not his IQ level.
Fashion Sense: Negative a billion. A sweatshirt? You realize it's July, right?
Favorite Hobby: Sarcasm. I bet you're real good at it too, kiddo.
Extra facts: He's probably a jackass? He looks like one. I don't even know. I stopped paying attention after I heard his name. That's all you really need to know- FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, GO BACK TO SCANNING THE MUSHROOMS. ANYTHING ELSE, PLEASE.
Huh. Looks I'm not the only one who had their info scanned with Jackapedia.
Scanning Blind Sniper with the Echoeye:
Username: Blind Sniper
Rank: Moderator
Special Ability: Crowd Control
Favorite Telltale Game: The Wolf Among Us
Affiliation: Team #LoaderBros
Scanning Blind Sniper with the Jackapedia:
Username: Blind Sniper
Rank: Glorified Forum Janitor/Unpaid Online Babysitter
Special Ability online: Pretending to be a tough guy online.
Special Ability in real life: HAHAHA, you're friggin' kidding me, right?!?
Misc info:
Huh? ...How the friggin' hell is this guy a Sniper if he's Blind?
Pft, get a load of this. "Crowd Control?" Ohhh, lookout guys! Blind Sniper is sooooo cool! Nothing makes the ladies line up faster than some mouth-breather who tries to look tough on the internet. NEWSFLASH, kiddo! Chicks only dig actual tough guys in real life - like ME... uh, before I died anyways. Having a fancy picture doesn't make you tough.
Seriously, all this lazy, poor bastard does is babysit 12 year olds on a message board who bought M-rated games like Walking Dead or Game of Thrones with their mommy's credit card.
Name: Brad
Fave Media: Video Games
Fave Video Game: Kingdom Hearts
Politics: Wot
Fave Music: Rock, Techno, etc
Extra Facts:
Is a motherfucking Pokemon Master.
I love poutine!
Name: Does it matters?
Age: How in the name of Hyperion should I know, huh?
Likes: Technology, Chemestry, Science, Soccer, Baseball
Favorite Games: Tales from the Borderlands, Surgeon Simulator, Dark Echo, Turbo Dismount, and Minecraft
Dislikes: Annoyed the f**k out, People interrupting me while gaming, adverts in games.
Favorite Music: Classical music, 50's, 80's and 90's music
Favorite quote from the Borderlands series: Don't pick up a fight with a man who has nothing left to lose -Handsome Jack, Borderlands 2.
Name: Chuck, Charles if your fancy
Fave Media: Movies
Fave Movie: Raging Bull
Age: 71
Politics: IDGAF
Hotness: 0/0 I'm alright
Fun fact: Nearly died in plane crash
Name: Saltlick#123
Age: Meat locker years or human years?
Fave Media: Movies (I have watched A LOT of movies)
Likes: Lots of stuff
Dislikes: Lots of stuff and Larry
Extra facts:
Has been taken into custody by officials in a different country (long story)
Me and a guy with a stache killed a dude.
MURICA, Fuck Yeah!
I've got time.
Name: Whistler Had their mother hanging in my office
Job: Social Media Coordinator Her imaginary friends have tumblr pages
Interests: I have little to none
Hotness: 5/10 plays borderlands in underpants adds +1 to my pants..that's a power up joke...about my penis
JACK-APEDIA sounds more fun, though.
Name: Bee
Age: Not legal
I was taken by some farmers and put in a meat locker :P jk about that...(To avoid unrelated travel rant,skip the first piece of large text)
It actually happened during my trip for a few weeks across Asia last month (I don't think I told you about it). So me, some friends, and blablabla went to Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. We got to do an Elephant training program (SO much fun), Go on a speedboat tour of part of the Mekong river, stayed in places varying from villages to 5 star hotels and a lot more. The trip was virtually PERFECT untill when it came to the last part, leaving Laos and going into Vietnam. We got to the airport in Laos to leave (it was a small one since we didn't go to a "city") And we got on the plane and left to Vietnam...(We were traveling with Laos Airlines in cooperation with Vietnam Airlines). It was raining a lot and there was some lightning but we were over the airport in Vietnam, right over it and we could see the lights of the Airport but because of weather we had to go ALL THE WAY BACK TO LAOS since Laos Airlines doesn't have another airport in between the two areas.....(Think of that scene in Rambo 2 where Trautman and the guys are right over Rambo but they have to turn back.....). So we land back at the Airport in Laos and we're back at the terminal waiting and we're with the people booked on the next flight (Vietnam Airlines) and the Laos airline ladies tell us we'll be on the next flight and to sit down.... Then once boarding starts because the weather cleared up, THEY WON'T LET US ON THE PLANE because we have "Laos Airlines" tickets but another plane will come so relax, so then that plane left with quite a few empty seats.About an hour later.. no updates and no staff were there so my group, and some other passengers went to find someone and we opened a door and we saw the Laos Airline Ladies eating NOODLE SOUP laughing when they weren't telling us anything! Then they said there was no plane coming and they would have people get us our luggage and then we would "go back to our hotels" since the next flight to Vietnam out of that airport wasn't till late the next day... Everyone was pissed but calm and we had to rebook our tickets but WAIT since our tickets were in "cooperation with Vietnam airlines" we couldn't rebook with Laos Airlines...So does that mean we could have been on that Vietnam Airlines flight you wouldn't let us on!? NEXT since we checked out of our hotel we couldn't go back and the Airports hotel was pretty small (At this point everyone was practically swearing at the bitches but I'm surprised we weren't told to calm down or anything, I swear it seemed liked a riot was gonna start) and they wouldn't let us stay at the airport BUT thank god for our awesome tour guide who came back for us ,he got us to a hotel better than the one we were staying at before... Lesson: Never travel Laos Airlines.
So the next day after spending an extra day in Laos and missing a day in Vietnam we went to the airport in the afternoon and flew with Vietnam Airlines into Vietnam (finally). We went to the baggage claim after the paper work stuff in immigration and we were waiting for our luggage but my bag didn't come...we could see the guide who was all happy through the exit but we were waiting for MY bag....When I asked about it at the counter they said to check the lost and found but nothing was there. Finally the bag came out but some airport security also came and when I picked it up they asked me to go with them (4 guys but one stayed behind and started talking to the group). So they then asked me to walk in and sit down in this room (think "Interrogation" from NCIS, looked a lot like that) and a guy in a normal police uniform (but looks like Military because of the green color) walks in and sits down across from me... he had a VERY heavy accent and started asking me questions some I answer easily and some I had to ask him what he said like 5 times (especially when he asked where I was from, sounded like he was saying.. I don't know actually). He then starts asking me about my luggage and I'm thinking "Shit,I know what this is about now..." and he asks me to open my bag (there was a lock on but I had the key...however the lock was hard to open and after I opened it, I couldn't use it again, figuring it was picked and they looked at what I had inside). He then asked me to "explain" the stuff I had....(Drugs.....NOT CRACK OR ANYTHING, but yes I had MEDICAL drugs....but the NGO we were working with requested it for a local hospital and I had a letter that I had on me in other places...why does all of the shit have to go in MY suitcase) So when I took the medicine out l, I started smiling like a dumbass and gave the dude the letter ...but THAT WASN'T IT, he also had to look at the Monicles I had for some kids and other charity stuff that had to go in my suitcase- the trip was part charity and part fun/luxary. So the whole thing took about an hour after the question asking, taking my stuff out, explaining, bla bla. The most awkward part of this was at the start of question asking, he took out a pocket knife and went behind me.(I PMED Mark the convo)...I then heard him slicing into something and he then went in front of me and it was an Apple....awkward. So I walked out of the room with the guy and got back with the group but I was pissed...I get questioned for an hour about my luggage but not when me and a bunch of passengers are about to riot back in Laos.... So when I said
That is a pretty dramatic way if putting it but i don't care, I'm gonna call it that :P And Holy Shit this has to be my longest post yet...
name: Nate
favorite food: everything but shrimp
favorite movie: Alien (1979)
favorite pizza toppings: Sausage
Favorite media: video games
Favorite video game: Fallout 3
Favorite genre of music: Rock
Extra facts: gay Canadian
Favorite tv show: Breaking Bad,My little pony and The Office (U.S)
Wonder if anyone read this or they just saw the giant piece of text and liked it :P
I read it