Decisions don't matter
It's frustrating that most of the decisions you make in this game don't matter because the result is the same. For example
-Telling Malcolm to go to Essos or not back in episode 1. Even if you tell him not to go, he just says screw it I'm still going.
-Whether or not to kill Mira's attacker in episode 2. If you decide not to kill him, Tom (who is getting his head stuffed into a fountain by a trained knight of the Kings Guard) magically overpowers and kills the guard anyway? WTF is that
-Burning the ironwood decree in episode 3. If you don't burn it you can't do jackshit with it anyway. Tyrion is in a prison cell and Lord Morgyrn is out of the ironwood business.
-Obeying or disobeying Danys orders in episode 4. Even if you follow everything that Croft says she still says nope sorry can't give you the second sons but here's some gold. It would of been cool if you obeyed her, she would give you the second sons but if you disobeyed her, she gives you the gold and you go get the guys from the fighting pits.
Also I was very disappointed with the reveal of the traitor. It just seemed too obvious and also doesn't make sense, Royland and Duncan are both honorable men. It just doesn't fit either of their characters to turn on their house just because an inexperienced Lord didn't choose them to be sentinel. It would have been more shocking and heartbreaking if the traitor was Lady Forrester. Her giving the Whitehills information to avoid war and keep Ryon safe just makes more sense.
Let me know what you guys think and I probably missed other choices that mean nothing as well, so if you guys can think of more I'd appreciate it.
Do not go into these games and think to yourself, "Okay, let's see how much my choices matter." That will ruin the experience for you.
Also, I thought the part with the traitor was fine. I'm gonna copy what I said in another thread:
"Am I the only one that's okay with how they handled it? I mean, people in Westeros are just all-around terrible people and it was hinted at in the first episode that both Duncan and Royland wanted that position of power (Sentinel). I really don't think it was bad writing, I think it accurately depicted how selfish and ungrateful people are in Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire."
Mira's attacker was actually just a Lannister lackey. Although they might as well have used a Kingsguard since there's like 11 out of the 7 there's supposed to be. Although yes, I can't say you're wrong because I'd be lying if I did.
Ned Stark, Ser Davos, Jorah, Barrisfan, Jon, Samwell, Lord Manderly and even Roose Bolton before Robb started screwing up among others would like a word with you. People in Game of Thrones aren't any more or less selfish than people in real life (in other words, there is variety.) Their betrayal was terrible and made no sense, they turned the characters from "honourable, loyal men" to "regular enemy lackey."
It was a waste of character building.
"Royland/Duncan is a loyal man"... LOLOLOLOLOL NOPE
I highly disagree. I think a good chunk of Westeros inhabitants are worse than the average person, partially because that place has a history of war, oppression, and violence. I for one greatly enjoyed the dialogue with Royland after finding out he was the traitor.
Our planet has a history of oppression, war, and violence but there's still varieties of people with various loyalties. Royland and Duncan were both really loyal, having one of them be the traitor was just for cheap shock value (although in all fairness it is in the show universe where there is no shortage of that). He went from "Starve out the Whitehills! Let me put an axe in Ludd's face! I'll fight Gryff and all his men alone!" Just to end up "Hur Rodrik yer a cripple and weak, I've given 15 years to this house just to turn cloak!"
With Duncan he still wasn't believable but at least tried to pretend he was right.
In the end they wasted a lot of character building on them just to have one go "hur git rekt m7 whitehills ftw"
If you think the show has cheap shock value, then I'm not surprised you think the traitor situation was cheap shock value. Furthermore, we're never going to agree on this because we seem to have different opinions on what is "shock value". However, you're allowed to have an opinion on the matter. I just respectfully disagree with it.
The books have good shock value. The show did too up until season 5. Now Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum have turned this masterpiece into a shockfest for the sake of the buzz... Just like they removed most of fan-favourite Dany and Tyrion flaws to not displease their fans, thus changing grey characters to black and white
Fuck D&D
Ta~ da!
What was shock value in Season 5?
Are you surprised choices don't matter? Honestly it's nothing new when it comes to telltale.
They could have killed Eleana instead of Arthur if you took him to Highpoint. It'd make more sense then.
I took him to Highpoint, he arrived at Ironrath by my side and then... All of sudden he's being tortured by Ramsay... what the heck Telltale?
And then, there's Gryff's face rearrangement, too... Laaaazy.
Rodrik spends 5 episodes healing his face and then Gryff shows up after just one episode with a flawless mug after you beat him to a pulp and bludgeoned his eye... what the heck Telltale?
Ehh this episode seemed like the least build up to the final episode. It was over the course of an hour and twenty minutes and hardly anything progressed out of Forrester vs Whitehill. I personally favor Amid The Ruins over this in some areas
Good, you're learning, as ALL of us have.
With the final choice, I can only assume it'll impact Episode 6 greatly.
You're right we got that to look forward to
Sansa's rape (She's not even supposed to be there in the book, it annihilates ALL her character development with Joffrey from the previous seasons, unnecessary), Arya (she does go blind but it's for her training, not like a curse or punishment like the finale implied to scare people), Myrcella (not supposed to be dead and unnecessary, was very likely there to add even more shock value to the already overwhelmingly shocking finale)
Shireen (Not supposed to be dead but if she is going to be it's certainly not by Stannis decision. In fact that touching scene at the beginning of the season was probably there to make her death that much more shocking and heartbreaking and turning it into Stannis hate because D&D hate him for some reason...)
The Sparrows arresting gay people (lol wut since when). In short they're religious fanatics extremists but they're really in for the small folk because of all the suffering the WOTFK caused, they never imprisonned a member of a great house because he liked men which is stupid tbh. THEY'RE NOT VILLAINS. Again because D&D dislike religion (like with R'hllor) as a whole and want that sort of reaction from the audience
Meryn Trant: LMFAO. See how they much they tried to antagonize him ? xD As if beating Sansa and being an incompetent prick overall wasn't enough to justify his death. So they had to to turn him into a pedophile (pure shock value here). As if it wasn't enough, in the next episode they made him beat the little girls as well (again pure shock value). It was basically a big flashing writing on his screaming: "SEE HOW MUCH I'M A VILLAIN ?! I'M EVIL RIGHT ?! HATE HIM HE'S A PEDO AND A SADISTIC CHILD BEATER !!" And then they just did that completely gratuitous violent death scene of his. Oh and by the way, he wasn't supposed to be dead
Jon Snow: It was planned and expected so i won't complain. Well i could but it wouldn't be about shock value so i'll pass that
Stannis: Same as Shireen. And he's not supposed to be dead. Granted i whine about Stannis not about shock value but because of the disgusting treatment the D's gave him... Still all of the above is true so just ignore this
D&D hate Stannis because they're huge Renly fanboys according to their interview.
That kind of speaks for itself though since you can see from the Baratheon Storyline how they lacked any subtle Nuance to it.
(I.e: Book!Stannis didn't even know he was responsible for the death of Renly at first and was plagued with guilt and nightmares. And they ignore completely and forget that Renly also shat all over their family's line of inheritence and basically is an usurper and a traitor to their own house)
(Also wtf is up with Brienne's storyline??? And Jaime's?? Please just have them in the Riverlands christalmighty)
I was hoping that This game would be based on ASOIAF not D&D's wankfest fanfiction. But Alas.
Only shireen is shock value imo
See, some of the things you mention that "aren't supposed to happen" are probably gonna happen in the books. Myrcella's most definitely going to die because of Cersei's prophecy, Shireen is probably gonna get burned, but yeah, not because of Stannis' decision. I do agree that Show Stannis was handled very poorly in some parts. He's way more likable in the books.
As for the Sparrows...yeah, D&D couldn't do the "Margaery lied about her maidenhood" thing in the show because she's older (thanks in part to all of the kid characters being aged up to adults which has ruined some aspects), so D&D had to think of something else.
Sansa's rape. Yeah, I don't understand why Littlefinger left Sansa there to be abused by Ramsay, I find it kind of out of character, seeing as how a huge part of his character is seeing Sansa as the Catelyn he never had (because he's mentally ill). But they couldn't use Jeyne Poole because she was hardly in the show at all and viewers would be like "Who's dis gurl" if they used Jeyne. It makes me curious as to how Sansa's story is gonna go in the books, though.
Meryn Trant: Well, since the show completely shafted all of the Mountain's men (it's very amusing seeing them die off one by one in the books, just like the Freys) they couldn't use Raff the Sweetling, so they had Meryn go in because he was on Arya's List.
Stannis: This is one of the things I (unfortunately) expect to happen in the books, but probably not at the hands of "Battlefield Wanderer Brienne of Tarth" (someone else made that up, I can't remember who or else I would give them credit). So, just because D&D had him die in the show doesn't mean it's not going to happen in the books. I've seen a decent amount of people complain about his death, but they seem to forget that The Winds of Winter hasn't come out yet (please don't take that as me attacking you for complaining about it).
I've defended the idea of not coming to these games expecting them to have choice matter like from Bioware, but when TellTale say they're story driven and then we get this rubbish? There's no defending it man!
You can have twists and turns with your characters but they have to make sense!! Most people on here ruled out Royland because he was too honorable, the fact that he can be a traitor is garbage! He was the traitor in my game and it just doesn't add up at all, and then when I hopped on here to see everyone's reaction, thinking he was the sole traitor, only to discover it's based on who was/wasn't your sentinel, that's bad writing.
This is right on par with M. Night's level of writing now. All that character building, all that suspense for it to be this poorly executed? That's like having Jon Snow kill Mance when he was trying to make peace with him! It doesn't fit the character or their motives at all.
oh look another one of these threads how original
I laughed so hard at Brienne calling Renly the RIGHTFUL king and killing Stannis with OATHKEEPER while she was oathbound to protect Sansa
What a load of crap...
+They completely left out the peach part![:'( :'(](
Yeah i thought it was fine too...
Yeah but the way they handled it was shit. Myrcella could have been offed later but they decide to pack it in the finale to add even more shock. (To be honest while it is cheap shock value, i don't mind it all that much. Dorkstar will probably kill her anyway)
Meryn Trant: Alright for the fact that we didn't have the Mountain's crew, but you didn't the answer to the rest which is the essential part of the BS
Shireen will die probably by Mel's hands but still. The fact is Tweedle Dee and Dum let their personal preferences interfere with a supposed grey impartial show. You can clearly feel that worship Tyrion and Dany and whitewashed them and tried to antagonize Stannis and religion in general
The choices you make in Telltale games have limited consequences for the plot, it’s true. But they have massive consequences for the characterization and theme, which is something few other games offer. There’s more to stories than plot, after all.
The comic book The Walking Dead is based on is overt about its theme. At the end of issue 24 Rick Grimes delivers a speech making it very plain, saying “we already are savages” and then, shouting over a two-page spread, “WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD.” It’s classic Man Is The Real Monster stuff, fitting for a grim series where survivors betray each other constantly. Telltale’s game gives you the option of choosing a different interpretation. Lee doesn’t have to become hardened by being forced to make hard decisions; he can maintain his belief in human nature and then pass that on to Clem. He dies no matter what, but whether he dies with words of warning or compassion on his lips–whether this is a story about hope or fear—is up to you.
Article about TTG Plot/Choices
You're right with most of all, telltale use these decision as a plot device. There is much to write and to work for all your decisions to matter, if I remember correctly BioWare team said there was a LOT of work. Do you think everyone have the time for your decision? Anyway you're right, the important decisions should count!
Here is the video from BioWare team.
Difference is telltale only has to make the choices connect for an 8 hour game (usually how long all episodes together are). While Bioware had to make it connect for like 80 hours across 3 games. In short I believe telltale can do it they just chose not too.
Ah, I had a feeling there was something I forgot to address. To be honest, I wasn't surprised he turned out to be a pedophile. I mean, we already knew he was a total douchebag with zero redeeming qualities. I never thought of the whole thing the way you did, but I don't really think it was shock value, I think it was just reminding the audience how horrible of a person Meryn Trant was.
Myrcella dying and Shireen dying is fine.
But Everyone knows, him burning Shireen cuz 20 good men just happened to burn their food and 3 days (?) later the snow is there and they're a bit hungry makes no sense. He survived months in Storm's End with no food.
Myrcella dying from Ellaria Sand (the Pacifist of Pacifists) ??? That's laughable.
I'm actually hoping that Myrcella lives prophecy aside. Because we learned that the prophecy is like 60% self fulfilling for Cersei tbh. Tommen being in King's landing is pretty much a death warrant since he's stuck in the middle of everything, but I'm thinking hopefully Rosemund would be killed in Myrcella's place and Cersei believes her daughter is dead but Doran keeps the real Myrcella for Trystane? That way when the dust settles after everything, Doran is looking at the long term and while he believes Arianne goes for the Big game and can handle herself with the responsibility she always wanted, Myrcella and Trystane's child could be not only a possible Martell heir but a Lannister heir too when Tommen/Cersei fall therefore he has an alliance with Casterly Rock?
It's a reach but, goes with Doran's whole MO.
I should have asked a long time ago. What was the point having this choice to save Tom or not? I mean, why would Mira leave someone to die? It should have been cannon to save him. Stupid Telltale.
Hmm for you that don't make sense that Royland or Duncan betrayed you because they don't have enought power in the house but it make sense that your own mother betrayed and sold Asher?? Did forget that Asher and Rodrik are her sons because i just don't get why people want so badly that their lady forrester to be stupid as mush as lady Stark (who never sold her own son to save another)....
I really disliked how the traitor thing was done. Should have been only 1 possible traitor and they could have done a much better job building up to it (would have made all the times you could pick one or the other more interesting too). Every other option in the game leads to the same outcomes anyways, so what does it mean that slightly changing your choices that lead to the same results can cause either of those guys to turn on you? Tells you both of those guys are an inch from being traitors, so you really should just kill them both ASAP.
Everyone that played at least one of Telltale's games before knows that, in the long run, decisions never matter much. You can get a different dialog, sometimes one of the scenes is a little bit different, but that's it. If you expect that your decisions will change the story you'll just get disappointed.
Stannis plot is just utter BS. "Your grace the sellswords left with all the horses" Shit... "Your grace, Lady Melisandre is leaving camp on a horse" WHAT IN THE FLYING FUCK, ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?!
Then the fact that the Boltons somehow stored 3000 horses in Winterfell... How is that even possible ? And what happened to the strategy to starve Stannis out ? Didn't Roose say they didn't have much forces ? Now he has an army comparable to the Tyrells at the Blackwater for some reason... Also how did Stannis not see and hear the horses coming at him on a flat ground ? Did he even bother to send a scout like any sane general ? Also why didn't Stannis use the woods and his pikemen to wreck the cavalry ? It was largely achievable with those thick ass woods behind him... Why is the siege at sunrise while it is clearly preferable to do a surprise attack in the night when your army is diminished ? +The fact that Deus Ex Ramasay couldn't have send an effective cavalry charge in the dark... BS
They merged Ellaria with Arianne. While not a good choice imo I understand it had to be done. The sand snakes are plain terrible though... It was actually pretty funny that any assassins can just walk in and out of the Water Gardens without any guards stopping them...
Ellaria mixed with Arianne mixed with Darkstar. Which is still laughably bad on the show. They may as well cut out Dorne altogether to be honest, Side fetchquests in Videogames are written better than that.
S5 in all honesty was a mess. From Stannis' storyline to Sansa's to Ramsay Sue. Like Ramsay isn't squat, he's not even a fully trained warrior or anything just a brute who plays a little dirty. Roose is the only reason Ramsay is as feared as he is because they dont want to interfere with Ramsay by crossing Roose. And They made ROOSE fear ramsay in the show.
I can go on HBO vs ASOIAF rants for hours haha.
That would have been much more dramatic if it was! But I'd think even the watered down King's guard of the present would be able to kill Mira and Tom the coal boy easily.
I wish that Lannister soldier was atleast more developed so we could care about him a tiny bit? or made him more of a threat? Ludd's son, Griff is more interesting than the Lannister soldier haha.
Ramsay lead the vanguard for some reason...
We should totally make a Rave and Rant thread![:D :D](
This is always the case with TTG, all tracks lead to the same destination. I've learned to just accept it and enjoy the ride.
Yeah i know. I was shoceked to see this o.O