Ep 6 Release Date Discussion: Episode available November 17th, Trailer Out Now



  • Waiting Intensifies

    Sigh As a new member that just finished GOT few days ago, is excited for E6.

  • okay, come on now, i have exam at school, and i cant even focus on learning through this waiting... my hands are shaking thinking about the damn GoT by telltales

  • AAAAAAAAAAA episode 6 is so close ! :D

  • Can't wait for the final episode to come out next week.

  • Now that we know that Minecrafy story mode will be released on October 13th, do you guys think we will get episode 6 before minecraft release?

  • Unless this is released before October 13th, I will so pissed off. If they're having so much trouble with the finale then why don't they put a little more man power into finishing them before moving onto the next damn project.

  • After.

    Dobby230 posted: »

    Now that we know that Minecrafy story mode will be released on October 13th, do you guys think we will get episode 6 before minecraft release?

  • the dreaded "s" word

    Karnedg2013 posted: »


  • It makes sense to release TfTB and GoT quickly, thereby clearing the decks for MC and Michone.

  • enter image description here

    Two updates in one day? :o

    YES! :D

  • This is hardly news...

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Two updates in one day? YES!

  • Well, at least we got 2 in one day so that's something at least :P

    WalkerHH93 posted: »

    This is hardly news...

  • edited September 2015

    So, this suggests that either we're going to see Ep6 a good bit before October 13th, or a good bit after it. Based on lack of news, my money's on after.

  • By this tweet can't wait people to react this means he did something,maybe killed Talia or himself i saw another ttg tweets saying like that and the most worst happend. - -

    Where did he confirm Asher or Rodrik death in episode six? I cannot find anything in this tweet.

  • You don't know like i do ttg.And when they're saying stuff like that THE most worst HAPPENS.

    Uhhh, no he didn't?

  • edited September 2015

    You don't know like i do ttg


    Shoking doesn't always means death.

    You don't know like i do ttg.And when they're saying stuff like that THE most worst HAPPENS.

  • We can't complain because this is the kinda news we wanted..

    The Hype is Real!!! I'm ready to shank some whitehills!!

  • It could mean ice cream or pizza too....

    You don't know like i do ttg Uh? Shoking doesn't always means death.

  • Well. I'm guessing October 27 or after.

  • Let's kill them all! Starting with Gryff :D

    That fucking fourthborn will get what he deserves :D

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    We can't complain because this is the kinda news we wanted.. The Hype is Real!!! I'm ready to shank some whitehills!!

  • Nah, probably O20 :P

    Well. I'm guessing October 27 or after.

  • It better be good Telltale, it better be good.

  • Then the real issue at hand is that it says 4-6 weeks, not that they haven't released any info. Problem solved.

    ShampaFK posted: »

    Well, there is that false advertising which kind of irritates me. You know the one where they say they are going to release an episode every

  • September 22 or September 29. Telltale is so huge at procrastinating, I can feel it coming, they keep teasing and eventually it just comes out, just how finale work

  • Very disrespectful to announce Mineshit date before GoT.

  • How's it disrespectful? They're two different games that happen to be made by the same company, made by two different teams, they won't just hold a game back just because the other isn't finished.


    That's disrespectful

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Very disrespectful to announce Mineshit date before GoT.

  • Agreed, this is something we have been actually thinking about and not something that is announced a month before. Seriously why are you already announcing the real release date
    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Very disrespectful to announce Mineshit date before GoT.

  • It doesn't "just come out" the episode still has to get rated by both New Zealand and Australia, and before that it's usually uploaded to Steam, which this episode hasn't been yet. Both of those dates aren't looking very promising, and with how fast Tales is being done, the final episode of TFTBL will probably be released before GOT.

    September 22 or September 29. Telltale is so huge at procrastinating, I can feel it coming, they keep teasing and eventually it just comes out, just how finale work

  • How is that even disrespectful...?

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Very disrespectful to announce Mineshit date before GoT.

  • Agreed, this is something we have been actually thinking about and not something that is announced a month before.

    Minecraft was announced a week or 2 before GoT episode 1 was even out.

    Agreed, this is something we have been actually thinking about and not something that is announced a month before. Seriously why are you already announcing the real release date

  • I think it was actually a week or two after episode when it was announced.

    Green613 posted: »

    Agreed, this is something we have been actually thinking about and not something that is announced a month before. Minecraft was announced a week or 2 before GoT episode 1 was even out.

  • Whoops, yeah you're right. My point still stands though :p

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I think it was actually a week or two after episode when it was announced.

  • How's that disrespectful? For releasing the first episode of MC:SM before GoT and Tales' finale? They want to make these finales perfect so they decided to work on these two a little longer. And we don't know if they decide to release MC:SM before GoT and Tales.

    JackBauer24 posted: »

    Very disrespectful to announce Mineshit date before GoT.

  • Yay, a new update that's a little less vague and a little less bullshit.

  • If this mine craft story mode is actually amazing, this is a bad sign, showing hat they put their effort into this and not into the finales

  • I see a case of "stop liking what I don't like", paired with "what I like is the only thing that matters".

    Green613 posted: »

    How is that even disrespectful...?

  • Or... showing that a separate team put their heart and soul into its creation while TFTB and GOT's teams put their hearts and their souls into their own game.

    If this mine craft story mode is actually amazing, this is a bad sign, showing hat they put their effort into this and not into the finales

  • So basically, you are saying that just because a game is amazing, it is a bad thing?

    And the finales aren't even out yet, so how can you already make your judgement?

    If this mine craft story mode is actually amazing, this is a bad sign, showing hat they put their effort into this and not into the finales

  • Yay, an update! That is really cool, and alex jordan is really cool... but it doesnt say anything about the game... or the date... or the screenshots... or... You know what, I'm gonna enjoy it!

    Yay! We got something!

    enter image description here

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