omg I have actually grew old waiting for this episode, I poop 4 times a day and hate it when kids play on my law. but I did not mind it before episode 5
omg I have actually grew old waiting for this episode, I poop 4 times a day and hate it when kids play on my law. but I did not mind it before episode 5
obviously means episode 6 is coming out in, like, an hour
It would be pretty fun if it was but unfortunately that update was some sort of generic Steam thing, if you click on the change number it will show a big list of 29,384 games that also had the same "Added community_hub_visible – 1" update.
obviously means episode 6 is coming out in, like, an hour
It would be pretty fun if it was but unfortunately that update was some so… morert of generic Steam thing, if you click on the change number it will show a big list of 29,384 games that also had the same "Added community_hub_visible – 1" update.
Hi Vince.
omg I have actually grew old waiting for this episode, I poop 4 times a day and hate it when kids play on my law. but I did not mind it before episode 5
Hi Vince.
You Disgusting Pervert.
Cotter's got all the right Potatoes in all the right places ...
Now that you mention Cotter and potatoes... x3
It's Cotter, the potato fucker! T_T
There's more than one so I'm guessing Cotters a Mormon
First update in, like, a month.
Russ Bain is so smiley. It's adorable :') Also, he sounds nothing like Rodrik to me which only proves how amazing he is as a VA.
EDIT: Nevermind, I can hear a bit of Rodrik as he keeps talking.
What in the seven hells is this.
...and don't you forget it!
Ramsay Snow in Ethan form x3
Hi Vince.
When I bought this game a year ago they told me September. Well..........
Bye Vince
that is a terrifying pic lol. nightmare fuel, thanks.
At this point I can actually feel myself dying a little inside, only the bacon keeps me alive.
Excuse me, whoever made this thread. Steam update has occured
It says in the post. It was the beloved @OzzyUK who posted it.
The Steam update is unrelated to episode 6 so there is no point adding it to the OP.
It's happening guys. We will actually murder Gryff and or Ludd soon enough. I hope. Can't wait!
You know, it's going to be weird if there's no Banang in the finale.
Gared makes it to the North Grove and it's just filled with Bottles of Banang.
Gared walks in
"Welcome to Bosco's Inconvenience store."
what are you talking about
obviously means episode 6 is coming out in, like, an hour
telltale just forgot to tell us
my uncle who works at telltale said it's coming in 20 minutes
You got the wrong thread, and we're already discussing that on the right one.
Oh hi Mark.
It would be pretty fun if it was but unfortunately that update was some sort of generic Steam thing, if you click on the change number it will show a big list of 29,384 games that also had the same "Added community_hub_visible – 1" update.
Green why you do this. ----
Gared walks in
"Yohoo big summer blowout."
We can keep dreaming.
Someone give me a straight Yes or No is it coming out today ?