Predictions for episode 6? (episode 5 spoilers I guess)
I was just wondering if anyone had some predictions/theories for episode 6..
These are mine:
Gared will find the North Grove, which is probably a forest or citadel and hide from the white walkers (or whatever those things were) It will have magical ironwood trees that are very profitable
Regardless of whether Asher/Rodrick was saved at the end of episode 5, they will both be dead by the end of the season. Choices from season 1 don't carry over to Season 2..I think
Ryon will be killed or hurt
The Whitehills will attack Ironwrath and the Forresters will escape and hide. Some Forresters might die/be taken hostage. Ramsey will show up in the last minute and do something terrible.
Asher will have a romantic but dramatic reunion with Gwyn before he is killed (if the player saved him in episode 5)
Eleana will be pregnant with the next Forrester heir if the player choses to save Rodrick at the end of episode 5 because he will marry her when he returns home. If not, then the child will be a fatherless "bastard" unless the king legitimizes him.
Sera's marriage to Tarwick will not work out regardless if Mira lied to him or not because he will eventually find out. Sera might come back to Mira and ask to be friends again? In her conversation with Mira in episode 5 the "Sera will remember that" kept popping up on the screen so..
Marguary will fire Mira and Mira will be vulnerable without her protection
Cersei will be angry with Mira regardless of how her meeting with Tyrion went (lied or told the truth) because she didn't get a list of names and have her arrested for "treason", killed on the spot by Lucan or assassinated. The knife and decree will be used against her and she will appear even more guilty.
Mira will either escape with the help of Tom or be killed. I think that strange gold key from episode 1 in Marguary's bedroom can be used to open a box with money. Mira could steal gold from Marguary before she escapes with Tom out of King's Landing.