Ramsay Bolton is Awesome
Seriously, he should be considered one of the greatest villains in the era of television today - this guy is on par with Heath Ledger's Joker.
Unlike Joffrey, this sadistic psychopath is actually quite a likable person. Sure there was that overly-criticized scene with Sansa in Season 5 (was it really that out of place with the general themes and setting?), sure he made us end up pitying Theon Greyjoy whom many before wanted dead after his betrayal of Robb, sure he probably plans to murder his unborn baby brother - but ever if there was a fascinating villain in ASOIAF, Ramsay takes the top spot.
This guy is very much Jon Snow's dark counterpart (seriously when will those two meet?) - and what makes Ramsay such an awesome character is the charm he brings with his very obvious case of insanity. He's ruthless, he's absolutely crazy and he makes it all look fun.
I'll say I do have mixed views on his portrayal in Telltale.
In the Lost Lords, the writers captured his personality perfectly and he was given a major but not too overbearing of a role that exploited his plot armor - in fact I'd have been quite satisfied with him making a singular cameo. He comes to Ironrath, you try to deal with him, then realize there's no way you can satisfy his twisted psyche and he kills you - and all the interaction and dialogue you have with him is masterfully done, very much faithful to his HBO portrayal.
But in a Nest of Vipers... the once masterful writing we saw felt kind of lazy and this affected Ramsay's awesomeness as well - Telltale should have specifically tried not to confront his plot armor and make us cringe even more that we're utterly helpless because we're not in the main story - but while our interactions with Ramsay were noticeably flawed and not well written - Ramsay's actual personality was still as eerily amazing as ever and I'm glad after that pointless attempted stab choice he was gone and wasn't going to use his plot armor to interfere with the story any longer.
*OH - and unlike Joffrey, Ramsay does have some small semblance of humanity in him that reminds us there's still something human behind that insanity, just look at his expression when his father legitimized him, I'm surprised he didn't cry, but good villains don't cry (unless their tragic villains):
So what do you guys think, how awesome is Ramsay Bolton, best villain in Game of Thrones, or even the best character?
Best villilan, but when he fucking killed Arthur...I will have his head for this!
Yeah f**k canon!!!
All what makes Ramsay better than Jeoffey in my eyes is that Ramsay is actually smart. Jeoffey was, to put it in Tyrion's words, "vicious and stupid", at least Ramsay is just the former,
In the books Ramsay is a such a piece of filth and does way more horrible things.Watch this vid if u wanna know what i mean
In the show hes actually kinda likeable and entertaining to watch
I can't find the difference.
This. I remember several people here talking about "ramseys morals" and shit at the end of episode 4 when there was theories about what he'd done. In the book he's not entertaining or manipulative, he's just full on disgusting and doesn't care.
Ramsay's is awesome character in the show/books. IMO telltale shouldn't use villains with plot armor in their games, I dread every time I see him in game for this reason.
They are twenty identical Goodmen.
completely agree with you and also the fact that Ramsay shouldn't even be near there kind of annoys me (because at least if he's in the area and they use him as a villain then that's fine with me) but I guess Telltale just needed an excuse to bring him in because he's one of the best tv villains of this generation imo
I... don't even know what to say.
Wait, he has an unborn baby brother?
How does that make sense? If its unborn, how do they know its male?
Is he an awesome character? Yes, but get him out of the game. You know he can't die because he's canon.
Are you kidding me? A likeable character? No.
And the more versions of him i meet, the more ridiculous he and his 'exploits' get. I wish someone would just kill them all already and put me out of my misery.
He is awesome, but he shouldn't have been in the game
In the Books Ramsay isn't very smart at all. Hahah. Sneaky, but really doesn't have much foresight at all which makes Roose frustrated in controlling him
Ramsay Sue you mean? Infinite Armor even in the show.
Exactly. Roose has to outright explain everything in detail so Ramsay wont to something rash and screw up his plans - multiple times.
Also, he (Ramsay), after years running with his 'Bastards Boys', still doesn't understand that they are Roose's men and not his as he assumes. He was willing to flay Lady Dustin for boots because he figured that she didn't show him enough 'respect', when she is one of the only Northern houses that didn't have to be forced into an alliance with the Boltons. Also, even though Roose continually reminds him that certain of his deeds are better left at others hands (flaying of the 'Stark' boys / sacking of Winterfell), he keeps bringing them up and almost bragging about his involvement.
Ramsay Snow is a psycho and an idiot. Really bad combination there.
Agreed. In the ASOIAF books it's more realistic because he isn't doing this all on his own, (and he isn't doing what's in the game at all, obviously,) and the Boltons are actually struggling just like everyone else in Westeros.
But in the show? Nope! Game of Thrones has become a meme of the bad guys always winning, so the Boltons have to uber pwn everything and everyone! Thanks HBO!
Him and 20 men killing an army of thousands is pretty ridiculous isn't it? :[
likeable character??? i will call 911 we have an emergency here
apparently the Bolton maester is Christopher Walken time travelled back to the past and can use superhuman abilities to see that from the way Walda is carrying its a boy
Makes sense.
me when ramsay said that all he needed was twenty men:
Oh.... fuck..
Reposting for clarity:
Dude is a great villain, I'll give him that. There is nothing wrong with loving a good villain.
TRUE! ramsay is an awesome villain, even the actor looks insane
Oh, fuck me running they all won too
Well, luckly for us that's not the Ramsay we have to deal with
Yeah, about that... I don't think that will be happening...
@4:24 - Ramsay finding out about his baby brother and that Roose thinks its a boy (but feel free to watch the entire scene because it is an amazing Bolton scene imo)
I have to agree, Ramsay is an epic villain. But my personal favorite villain is Handsome Jack from Borderlands! And for those who are playing both of these games from Telltales.... imagine them meeting up with each other! I think it could be possible if they do a Poker Night 3 too.
I'd rather deal with book Ramsay. At least he has weaknesses to exploit. This show/game Ramsay is like immune to everything and can travel at the speed of light.
My thoughts exactly DeadNedStark.
Ramsay is a SPECTACULAR villian. For as evil as he is, you just chomp at the bit to see his demise. That is what makes him so great.
I like him in the show, but not so much in the game.
Lady Dustin would Slap him upside the head then make Roose slap him upside the head Twice.
We can hope. I'd like to see Barbary Dustin do something drastic.
I think TC meant to say that he's an efficient villain. Which he is, if we are to give credit to your (and the majority of the fans') reactions to him.