Who the traitor was?
So I hear that your sentinel can be the traitor. Is it only dependent on who you chose as sentinel or on your choices. Like even if you chose Royland if you also kiss the ring and don't fight back to Gryff will he be the traitor?
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Uh..nope. The traitor depends who didnt get to be the sentinel.
The traitor is the one you didn't pick to be sentinel, which is pretty stupid considering I made Royland sentinel yet made decisions that Duncan would generally advocate and he was still the traitor and still called me "reckless."
Really, I think the traitor should have been dependent on a lot more then just who you didn't make sentinel. All your choices should have had an impact on who would be traitor in the end. Act reckless and Duncan is the traitor, act overly submissive and Royland is the traitor, risk Ryon's life and Lady Forrester is the traitor, treat the Maester poorly and he is the traitor.