(GoT) Interactive story: Land of Hundred Princes



  • [Qarth]

    Arkara The Black Cliffs lived up to their name, Arkara had noticed that these past few weeks. The stone was black as ash and it sucked al

  • Vote closed! Better to close this before it's a tie again...

    Arkara and Krendak will travel to Qarth. The next chapter will be another new PoV, but it wont most likely be ready today.

  • I'm excited :)

    Vote closed! Better to close this before it's a tie again... Arkara and Krendak will travel to Qarth. The next chapter will be another new PoV, but it wont most likely be ready today.

  • Are you drawing characters for this like you are in your other fanfiction?

  • Can't wait :-)

    Vote closed! Better to close this before it's a tie again... Arkara and Krendak will travel to Qarth. The next chapter will be another new PoV, but it wont most likely be ready today.

  • Yeah, why not :D If you want illustrations of some characters I'll draw them :)

    xSensus posted: »

    Are you drawing characters for this like you are in your other fanfiction?

  • That's good to know, I was wondering if you could draw Darren and Jaeron? :)

    Yeah, why not If you want illustrations of some characters I'll draw them

  • Alright, I'll draw them after I'm done with couple characters from the other story.

    xSensus posted: »

    That's good to know, I was wondering if you could draw Darren and Jaeron?

  • :D

    Alright, I'll draw them after I'm done with couple characters from the other story.

  • Darren and Jaeron:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

    If someone has wishes for other characters, I can draw :)

    Oh, and I have started the next part, but it wont be ready until tomorrow :( Didn't have much time to write today, sry.

  • edited August 2015

    They look awesome! I absolutely love the detail you put in these drawings, it really helps me with imagining the characters :D As for wishes, perhaps you could draw Arkara and Krendak at some point?

    Darren and Jaeron: If someone has wishes for other characters, I can draw Oh, and I have started the next part, but it wont be ready until tomorrow Didn't have much time to write today, sry.

  • Thanks! :D And absolutely, those two will be a nice challenge to draw :)

    They look awesome! I absolutely love the detail you put in these drawings, it really helps me with imagining the characters As for wishes, perhaps you could draw Arkara and Krendak at some point?

  • They both look amazing, And could you draw Khal Verro?

    Darren and Jaeron: If someone has wishes for other characters, I can draw Oh, and I have started the next part, but it wont be ready until tomorrow Didn't have much time to write today, sry.

  • I also have a wish for Aethon Velaryon and Daenera Naer but no rush, you have quite a few drawing requests :P

    Thanks! And absolutely, those two will be a nice challenge to draw

  • Alright, I'll draw him and post him when he is introduced in the story :)

    xSensus posted: »

    They both look amazing, And could you draw Khal Verro?

  • Added to the list :D As always though I wont post them until they are introduced in the story first :)

    Stigz_52 posted: »

    I also have a wish for Aethon Velaryon and Daenera Naer but no rush, you have quite a few drawing requests :P

  • Thanks, Any idea when he'll be introduced :)

    Alright, I'll draw him and post him when he is introduced in the story

  • Haha have patience brother, better for the surprise ;)

    xSensus posted: »

    Thanks, Any idea when he'll be introduced

  • Well I could say that this character is kinda wildcard in this war so he wont be introduced right away :D Hopefully this wasn't too spoiling :)

    xSensus posted: »

    Thanks, Any idea when he'll be introduced

  • Any tease who will be next in a row? :-)

    Well I could say that this character is kinda wildcard in this war so he wont be introduced right away Hopefully this wasn't too spoiling

  • Next PoV? Well, he is a young prince of one of the smaller counties of Yi Ti, which however is connected to Jinqi and so inevitably part of the war.

    I'm pretty sure I'll finish the part today, at least if I skip writing the other story for today.

    Mathea posted: »

    Any tease who will be next in a row? :-)

  • edited August 2015

    Since there haven't been many princes submitted, I'm gonna have a guess and say its that Jalhar guy?

    Next PoV? Well, he is a young prince of one of the smaller counties of Yi Ti, which however is connected to Jinqi and so inevitably part of the war. I'm pretty sure I'll finish the part today, at least if I skip writing the other story for today.

  • Sounds interesting and can't wait to read another part. :-)

    Next PoV? Well, he is a young prince of one of the smaller counties of Yi Ti, which however is connected to Jinqi and so inevitably part of the war. I'm pretty sure I'll finish the part today, at least if I skip writing the other story for today.

  • edited August 2015


    Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other side of the river all that could be seen was the vast jungle. Than was sixteen, and every day as the Prince of Tigerport still felt weird for him. He missed his father, but even more than that he missed being just a kid. When his father had died it had been time for Than to become a grown man, to become a leader. On many days Than thought what would it like to be just one of the common people of the town. Would it be easier? Than sighed, he was born to be prince, this was his destiny, and if his father had taught him anything it was that whatever is your role to do you must do it the best you can.

    “Than.” He heard a sweet voice behind him say. Than turned and saw his younger sister at the door of the balcony. Mi Mioq was ten years old, a little girl with blue eyes and curly black hair, her beautiful face had very similar features to Than’s. Mi was an innocent child who had lost both her parents way too early. “Can you play with me today?” Mi asked with begging tone.

    “Mi, don’t ask that. You know the answer.” Than felt so sad to say this, but he had no options. “The servant girls can play with you whenever you want, you know that.”

    “I hate the servant girls.” Mi said with spiky, but still quiet voice. “All they say is ‘Yes, my princess’, ‘How wonderful, my princess’ and ‘You are so sweet, my princess.’” Mi made a sour expression on her face after she had spoken.

    “But you are sweet, my princess.” Than answered with a gentle smile on his face, which only made his sister frown at him.

    “I don’t want them, I want you.” Mi muttered, and Than had to sigh.

    “You have to understand, Mi. I am the Prince of Tigerport now, many people need me.” Than explained, stroking his sister’s hair gently.

    “And are those people more important than me?” Mi shot at him with an angry tone. Than was left silenced as his sister walked away. For a second Than was about to run after his sister, but he knew he couldn’t do that - he had to meet his council. This is what my father went through all those years.


    Than walked inside the council hall, still thinking about the words of his sister. He could see most of the council was already on their seats. I can see from their eyes that they don’t respect me. All of the advisers bowed to him as he walked to the end of the table and took his seat.

    “I believe you are pleased to hear that a new load of tiger furs was sent to sail to the markets of Jinqi this morning, my Prince.” Zador said calmly. Zador was a thin man on his mid-forties, perhaps the most trusted adviser Than’s father had left him. Other ones were Commander Cupa – rough soldier on his early forties, seneschal Gulya – old man on his late sixties with white hair and wrinkled face, and Taga Vetez – cold and calculative tall man with hair as black as night and deep set grey eyes. All of the men except for Commander Cupa were present.

    “That is good to hear, and I expect more guards were put on those ships, as I commanded.” Than said, keeping on a serious face and trying to sound authoritative. Zador nodded at him. “Where is Commander Cupa?” Than asked, which seemed to make his advisers uncomfortable.

    “He went with the boats, to supervise the transfer.” Taga Vetez said, his dark gaze falling on Than.

    “I didn’t command for such thing.” Than answered, feeling slightly insulted. The looks his advisors gave him made Than feel even more irritated.

    “No, you didn’t, my Prince.” Taga answered with his cold and toneless voice. “I however saw that this would be for the best. Cupa will make sure the men stay in line and don’t get any ideas on stealing the cargo. It was a good idea from you to add more guards to ships, now that prospect of war glooms above Jinqi and the lands are in unstable state, but this plan of yours won’t work without someone watching over the men. I hope you understand this, my Prince.”

    “Yes, yes, I get it. I would just like to hear about these things a little earlier.” Than spoke with tired tone, and Taga gave him a piercing look.

    “Your highness was sleeping at the time.” He said, and Than could hear the mockery behind those calm words. Than just shook his head swiftly and shifted to the next subject.

    “Talking about Jinqi and the possible war, has any of the siblings sent us a call for aid?” Than asked casually.

    “No, my prince. And I am not sure if we are to be expect one. We can provide relatively small forces and even if Jinqi’s market means the life for us, we don’t mean much to Jinqi.” Zador explained, and Than nodded to him. That should be a good thing. Seneschal Gulya cleared his throat, and everyone shifted their attention to him.

    “I agree with Zador. However, I must tell that Prince Chien’s forces have been seen considerably close to our county.” Gulya spoke with his thin voice.

    “They should have nothing against us. If Chien usurps the throne of Jinqi he will need all the trading connections he can get after the war, and we are one of them.” Than said confidently, and just at that moment the door was knocked.

    “I have a urgent message for the prince!” Was shouted from the other side of the door. Than gulped.

    “Alright, come in!”

    A guard stepped inside, he had a scroll on his right hand, and he looked like he had come a long way in a great haste. The whole council looked at the man in silence.

    “The ships to Jinqi, they have been stopped and taken captive.” The guards words came quickly and it took a couple seconds for Than to process what he had heard.

    “What? How? No bandits could capture the ships with the amount of guards we put in them!” Than felt frustration. How the hell did this happen?

    “It was no bandits, my Prince.” The guard answered. “It was the army of Chien Choq.” Everyone on the council was clearly shocked of these news, Zador even let out a curse.

    “Chien wants you to invite him here. He plans to have Jinqi on embargo. And he wants to use Tigerport as the basement for his army.” Than frowned at these words, this was the worst thing to happen while he had ruled. Chien Choq forces me to choose sides.

    “At this point I think it’s best to let Chien come here. Let him fight his war if he wants, after the war whoever sits the throne will have need for us. And if it happens to be Chien, all the better for us.” Taga’s words were hard and decisive, almost as if he was making the decision. Seneschal nodded at the words of Taga.

    “No.” Zador answered. “My prince, I have to disagree with Taga. I think we should stay away from this war, Chien will need all his forces to beat Princess Ting, he has no time to spend for us. Just send him a message that he is not welcome.” Prince Than looked how these two advisers of his gave glares for each other. And it is for me to make the decision.

    [Invite Chien] [Don't invite Chien]

  • Illustrations of Arkara and Krendak:

    enter image description here

    enter image description here

  • [Invite Chien] Good part.

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

  • [Invite Chien]

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

  • (Since other Game of Thrones Fan Fiction threads are allowed on the main forums until Episode 6 comes out, I am going to move this thread over to the Game of Thrones forum so this thread can get as much exposure as the other fan fic threads.)

  • enter image description here

    (Since other Game of Thrones Fan Fiction threads are allowed on the main forums until Episode 6 comes out, I am going to move this thread over to the Game of Thrones forum so this thread can get as much exposure as the other fan fic threads.)

  • edited August 2015

    [Invite Chien]

    Great chapter! I love how you implemented Than and Mi :)

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

  • Awesome! Once again, I love the small details you put in these drawings and both of them look spot on as I have imagined them while creating them. Kara looks like the complete badass she is and Kren looks very... well... less badass of course, but nonetheless amazing. Great work :D

    Illustrations of Arkara and Krendak:

  • Thanks, nice to hear you like them! :)

    Awesome! Once again, I love the small details you put in these drawings and both of them look spot on as I have imagined them while creating

  • [Invite Chien]

    It sounds safer to invite him, instead of insulting him by not inviting him, even though this will undoubtly put Than and his people at odds with Ting.

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

  • OOOO you have drawings, I'll join later if you want, can't wait to see my character in your comic drawing... but I want to be in Westeros also can I submit a Dragonlord or better someone that have a baby dragon, at least an dragon egg?

  • Well the only dragonlords at this timeline are the Targaryens and as far as I know they are the only ones with dragons too. But yeah, you can make a Westerosi character if you absolutely want to :D However I'm pretty sure there are not going to be any parts in Westeros so the character will somehow find his way to Essos. Come up with something and if there is anything I'd like to change about the character, I'll ask about it :)

    OOOO you have drawings, I'll join later if you want, can't wait to see my character in your comic drawing... but I want to be in Westeros also can I submit a Dragonlord or better someone that have a baby dragon, at least an dragon egg?

  • Btw, Liquid, I could do some illustrations for FoT as well if you wish. I'd need the descriptions of the characters looks of course :D Since it seems foxbrg isn't doing them anymore.

    Awesome! Once again, I love the small details you put in these drawings and both of them look spot on as I have imagined them while creating

  • That would be awesome :D Thanks a lot for the offer! I'm afraid foxbrg indeed doesn't have the time anymore, so it would be great if you'd like to do some. If you have specific characters in mind you'd like to draw, then send me a PM and I will gladly provide you with the descriptions!

    Btw, Liquid, I could do some illustrations for FoT as well if you wish. I'd need the descriptions of the characters looks of course Since it seems foxbrg isn't doing them anymore.

  • [Invite Chien]

  • [Invite Chien]

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

  • [Invite Chien]

    Than Prince Than Mioq was standing at a balcony of his palace, staring at the river that ran next to their town, Tigerport. On the other

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