Episode 6 discussion (Obvious spoilers)
I hope the final episode actually makes us feel good about our choices for once rather than continuing the trend of making us feel bad about them. I am fine with a couple of well known characters dying, we all know the war with the whitehills isn't going to end without casualties close to the lord.
The best possible outcome would be that whoever lives at the end of episode 5 will live happily ever after with a woman (elaena for rodrik, not sure about asher as he's only friends with beskha and gwyn is doomed with the whitehills)
Hopefully the glenmore's forces or mercs will be enough to annihilate the whitehill's and that asher has more than just the men shown coming out of the ship otherwise they're screwed.. Talk about underwhelming numbers, lol.
Sound off about how you hope the series will end below.
I'm guessing everything weighs in now on two things - Mira's problem with Andros and whether or not Ironrath can win the fight with the Whitehills, since Ramsay said he doesn't care anymore and will just make do with whoever wins that fight. So not sure how it's gonna end up I'm guessing depending on how those two things play out it could either be good or bad for them
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I had a feeling someone was going to post this, lol.
In all seriousness, telltale can't be ballsy enough to heavily disappoint every player with an ending where the whitehills win or it's a pyrrhic victory.
Wouldn't be surprised if we end up following the Whitehills next season. Follow the starks heavily in season 1 then the lannisters heavily in season 2.
I gotta admit that would be interesting seeing telltale attempt to make us like anyone in that family other than gwyn, haha. I couldn't bear to see many more of the forresters like asher get killed in the final episode xD