I loved it. It surpassed my fears easily, and I can tell it's just the beginning to how great it will end up being. However, there are a few things I definitely think would make it much closer to being a truly great MI game.
1) The control scheme just isn't good enough. The right click is severely underused. I'd like to have the right click at least be an "examine" button and left click be "action". I kept feeling like there was a deficiency of what I should naturally be able to do in a monkey island game. There should at least be a couple different ways you can interact with an object.
The direct mouse control got a little easier as time went on, but it was still very clumsy and the circle around Guybrush is ugly and takes away from the immersion. Point and click is just an obvious improvement, with direct control being fine for those select few scenes where you need it
like the doctor's lab. great use of direct control
2) I didn't like the way the dialogue options weren't what he actually said. That really bugged me, especially when the option was funny, but then Guybrush says something COMPLETELY different for no reason, or is overly wordy with it. Traditionally in all the games, he says exactly what you choose for him to say, it feels wrong to divert from that, and the lines are funnier that way anyway.
On that note, the game in general is overly wordy i think. The writing is good, but sometimes it tries a bit too hard. I always liked the dryness of the originals, and the reliance on one-liners, it's just part of the monkey island charm. it also adds a lot of replayability for me, sometimes thinking back to listening to all the dialogue squelches the appeal of replaying a game.
3) I'd like it to be significantly harder. The puzzles all in all were quite good, and it wasn't way too easy, it just didn't quite feel challenging enough. They were a bit obvious and it didn't feel like I really had to rack my brain to figure anything out. There should be more options and open-endedness.
4) The graphics were FAR better than I had gathered from the screenshots, but a lot of little things could still be done to improve the feel of the game immensely. It has a plastic look where every surface seems to be a flawless shiny piece of toy looking material. It needs more rotting, decaying, moldy, aged, cobwebby kind of details again, make things really look like you're in the 1600s.
You win the thread!!
Just to echo your sentiment, if those changes were made, it could have easily of been one of the best MI games ever! But as it stands, it will just have to settle as being a damn good MI game. Congrats TT!:)
Excellent job on the game. The only complaint I could have is the mouse button to move around but this is instantly fixed with using my Saitek joystick (or WASD if I want to use keyboard). I guess support for the Saitek line as well, I had to program my own profile to move (mouse movement, left and right mouse buttons, ESC, tab etc....). Other than that I'm really liking the inventory, the whole atmosphere, voice acting, its all top notch and feels like a TRUE Monkey Island game we would have seen from before!
I've been a Monkey Island fan from day one and have been recently replaying The Curse of Monkey Island, but this time on my PSP (waiting for the release of Episode 1). I still have my original Monkey Island game box as well (love those code wheels from back then, Dial-A-Pirate). It would be cool if they could add one in for the collectors dvd and be part of a puzzle, a kind of bonus and might help prevent piracy. Anyways, I'm extremely satisfied with the first episode and hope there are many more seasons to come, Lucas Arts should have seen that there still is a huge fan base out there for the classics (Grim Fandango & Maniac Mansion/Day of the Tenticle). Thanks Telltale!
I voted "VERY GOOD"... since I loved it (better than EMI/MI4 anyway), but I would simpley prefer point&click over keyboard/mouse combo....
the puzzles were okay for a "chapter 1"... not to hard (actually pretty easy).
I really wanted to play the next episode right after I finished this one, like all the other MI's.
Who ever invented episodic content anyway... It may work for some games as mini-stories that can be played appart from eachother, but not MI.... I would have preferred it as one game, instead of having to wait a month between episodes.
I still have my original Monkey Island game box as well (love those code wheels from back then, Dial-A-Pirate). It would be cool if they could add one in for the collectors dvd and be part of a puzzle, a kind of bonus and might help prevent piracy.
That is such an excellent idea! They could do a pirates code wheel, a really complicated one where the bottom wheel is printed on that crappy, hard to copy brown paper you used to get on Amiga copy protection books. We'd weirdly enjoy having to use the pirate wheel every time we played our copy & it might actually help a bit with the piracy. (groan!)
+ feels like Monkey Island from start to finish
+ funny
+ good Characters - i love the Marquess
+ nice MI style riddles with the right difficulty level
- the controls could be better. Holding the mouse button to walk - now really... I was getting cramps in my hand all the time. Especially in the maze area. I kept switching back and forth between WASD and mouse because neither is very comfortable.
Also it would be nice to be able to exit to the map via a key like in EFMI.
Overall - i liked it very much. Keep up the good work!
I second that, my hand got really tired from holding on to the left mouse button.
My only complaint is that the episodic format makes you want more and not feel satisfied. I'm afraid I will have forgotten Chapter 1 story by the time they release chapter2.
Can't imagine how dreamfall chapters is going to be episodic too since the story is very deep there.
What a great game. I was really expecting this to suck and be a cheap knockoff of what Monkey Island is, but I was completely wrong.
TellTale did an excellent job. The tone, the characters, and the story are all Monkey Island. YAY!!!
Funny dialog -- Even though some of the dialog was not laugh-out-loud funny, I tend to look at the comedy the way I do when I watch "The Office". Sometimes the jokes are great, and sometimes not so great, but I'm almost always entertained.
Some cool throwbacks to the other games -- I really hope that they include some of the past characters into the game. I would love to see Wally, Murray and Stan. I even think it would be cool if they could get Gary Coleman to reprise his role of the kid who sells you lemonade in the third game, tell me that wouldn't be awesome....???
I loved the music
Cool story -- Can't wait to see where it's going to go.
The graphics looked great -- I myself, like many others, would be thrilled for Monkey Island to go back to the 2D art, but we all know that's not going to happen. I do however believe that TellTale did a great job with the look of the game.
Disliked The game's puzzles need to be a little bit harder -- I know TellTale is trying to make it so the game appeals to a wider audience and doesn't scare off any newbies, but the puzzle difficulty needs to be ramped up a bit.
The controls were a bit wonky
More dialog trees would have been great. -- More dialog would give a chance to flesh out more story and make for some more comical moments.
-Maybe TellTale could create some levels where you play as Elaine or something. That would be neat.
-More stuff to do around the game.
-Insult Sword-fighting or other mini-games would be really cool.
I voted Good. I hesitated between "good" and "very good" but the facts I found it a little short and I dislike the controls system has done the difference. But, except that, I enjoy every minute I played it ! It's a lot of fun ! When I played it, it's like the return of some friends I haven't seen for a long time !
By the way, I found the game similar on some points with Jack Keane (it's not completely a surprise because Jack Keane was a MI-like)... When I played TMI, It was lot of memories both for the Monkey Island Series and when I played Jack Keane... I guess the 3D environment is one of the reason but the clothes of the characters and the fact that the bad guy is a scientist/doctor are others...
-Characters and one-liners from previous MI games were reintroduced, the game had that "MI feel" about it
-The control system was adequate, but I would have preferred traditional point and click
-Didn't see the need for the spyglass to examine objects when right click would have sufficed (as in other adventure games)
-Didn't see the need for the little circles to combine items, would prefer to just use one item directly on another
-Puzzles could have been harder; some of them were pretty obvious
-The game world seemed pretty small compared to, for example, Scabb Island or Melee Island in previous games. I know the game is episodic, but Scabb Island was only the first part of the game and it was still quite big
I voted "very good". There are things that could be improved, but i enjoyed very much the game and it really feels Monkey Island -which is not a small thing-, i can´t wait for the next chapter!
I'd like to see some more spacial scenes mixed in with the close view ones. It seemed like all the views you had were quite closed in and immediate. and the forest was pretty boring.
i have the graveyard in mind from monkey island 2. but there are so many to choose from. it's great when you enter a scene with an exquisite view going way into the distance with a lot of atmosphere to soak in, it makes you feel like you're in a world. rather than each scene basically being you and one or two big obvious things.
I am really satisfied. The episode seemed to be a bit short, but we can count the five episodes as one game because we won't have to wait nine years for every episode , in which case it is not too short for one-fifth of a MI game.
- for the love of God it's a real MI game!
- good story, good puzzles
- good and authentic characters
- the hint system is nice, after some time being totally stuck is not fun at all... and I hate reading walkthroughs.
CONS: (there are a few of them but all of them are minor)
- controls... yes, I also want point&click.
- the town was really small, not much to explore. I like indoor scenes with lots of funny objects, only a few of which I will need. Only such great indoor scene was the Woodoo Lady's shack (that one was really good).
- 3D doesn't add to the game experience for me, actually I like hand-drawn 2D much better for an adventure game. I know that today 3D animation of moving characters can be cheaper, and releasing a 2D game in 2009 would be a brave move anyways... but CMI-style graphics would be really good for me. (my favourite is the 320x200 pixel-drawn style of MI2, but it is really a thing of the past
- for me a little bit too many today's world references... yeah, u-tube was very funny, but after some time these are ruining the atmosphere a little bit. Anyways, also being a Star Trek fan, I liked the "magnify the upper left quarter" like instructions of Captain Threepwood in the finale
- harrrr-harrrr laugh of LeChuck
I'd like to see some more spacial scenes mixed in with the close view ones. It seemed like all the views you had were quite closed in and immediate. and the forest was pretty boring.
Well said. Besides great indoor scenes with lots of features, I've also missed the really spacious scenes where my first impression is not like "okay, I'm here, I'll have to do something with this and that object", but "wow, it looks a cool place with a distinct atmosphere, I just want to wander around and explore everything first because I like it so much".
Rocking. Looks fantastic, sounds brilliant, the storyline is nifty and the puzzles are generally satisfying - I wouldn't mind them being a little harder, but they were good enough that I felt a wee sense of achievement whenever I accomplished something.
I sat down and played yesterday for an hour or two, and I'm pleasantly surprised by the game!
*Graphics way better then any screenshot I've seen
*The dialog horror that some are mentioning didn't face me at all
There are still some issues that could be improved, but on top of my wish list is point-and-click, feels like I'm dragging around an old dog or some dead weight now.
The episode featured a few two many inappropriate real-world references. In other words, thematically, and in terms of characterisation and dialogue, it strayed a little too far into EMI territory for my liking.
Loved it! After some worries it would be similar to MI4 (I'm sorry, but I really disliked that game for a number of reasons) I was happy to be proven wrong. However, I do agree with some points already made:
- I would have loved to see the traditional “examine, talk, use etc…” options available. Always ensured surprises for the 2, 3 and 4th time playing the game.
- Also, I agree that the puzzles were too easy. Even with the hints turned completely off I never found myself stuck for very long at all. I just love being stuck for hours and feeling the satisfaction of finally working a puzzle out.
Apart from that I was thrilled with it, it definitely exceeded my expectations and I am very much looking forward to the next installment
Wow, I can't tell how much I enjoyed playing it!
I can really see TellTale "growing" and understanding how to make a masterpiece.
We saw them starting with Bone, through Sam&Max, Strongbad... And each game was better than the last one!
Now, in Tales of Monkey Island, I can just say I see everything we saw in the first games - but better in every single aspect.
The feeling this game had, like watching a movie - but still controling the character.
The riddles were really fantastic, there were lots of items in the inventory (a thing that really was missing in S&M), and though it was only 1 chapter, it was really long while comparinng to other game's chapters. Actually, it really felt like a whoel chapter from Escape from Monkey Island, and a long one.
And, of course, the item combining thingy is back!
If this keeps going and improving, I really think this will be one of the best games I have ever played, not to mention the best of the Monkey Island series.
Now I just hope TellTale will get over their biggest problem - using the same characters-places-models over and over during the whole season (AhhemSybilAbeSodaPoppersAhhhem!)
I really would like to see new places and characters each episode. Getting back on Floatsome would fell not right.
Anyway, good job, awesome job! Bets TellTale game yet!!!
To be honest, i voted the second option, but i would only tune the difficulty a little higher in the next episodes.
Apart from that, i found that everything in this game was pure gold.
The graphics (Which reached the top spot of the MI-series, on par with CMI), the control system, the sound and the dialogs.
And even the puzzles themselves, they were great, just a litte too easy maybe.
For a moment, while treasure hunting, I felt like I was back to Melée Island and this is priceless
Maybe the Marquis is a bit too caricatural (but it's okay, I'm used to having French people in movies/games ). Maybe you should have chosen a real French actor for the voice over though.
So far, TOMI sticks more to my vision of the IP than MI3 and 4. I would have prefered a bigger gap between the serious plot and the funny details, but that's just a personal opinion, and I've got the feeling this is gonna happen as the plot goes on.
Oh and I'm very disapointed that my book ideas were not used, so I'm going to lock myself up in my room and cry for two days eating ice cream.
Great work you did, can't wait for the next episode
Oh and I'm very disapointed that my book ideas were not used, so I'm going to lock myself up in my room and cry for two days eating ice cream.
...but us Private Forumites got a general mention in the Special Thanks, so surely that counts for something!
*Edit* Also, I love it how it how we came up with thousands of suggestions, expecting some huge library, and only three books and three winds were in the game. Did anyone else find that hilarious?
Loved the game. But the "One-Click-Does-All" option takes much of the fun away. I wish the options of Pick-up, Talk, Open/Close, Examine etc were seperate as in the previous games. But overall, well made.
I couldn't agree more. It's these different contexts that generated some of the best humour in the previous games and they also added to the difficulty.
It also felt like the method for combining items was an attempt to make it hard to just try all the permutations of the items in your inventory. I used to do that to squeeze every ounce of humour out of the games but I just couldn't be bothered this time since wrong combinations let to no speech at all.
Also there were too many generic lines when you couldn't use an object with something else, it would be nice to have some specific humour when combining things inappropriately.
I really really like the game so far, I had some troubles with the controls though. I am playing with a notebook hooked to my TV and a wireless mouse, and the mouse-only controls were not that intuitive for me. I now use a gamepad (with pinnacle game profiler) which works great for me. Please add native Gamepad support in the upcoming releases, and please for the Wiiware games give an option to direct Guybrush via Nunchuck stick.
Another thing, I might have not found that already: Is there a hotkey for using the magnifying glass in the inventory? If so I could map that to my gamepad. If not, please add that in the upcoming releases.
Think the game is good but far too short for the first chapter, hope the next 4 arent as quick. Otherwise a good take on an old concept, controls werent half bad either.
wow 87% of 400 people saying the game is outstanding or very good is 1 hell of an achievement especially as its monkey island and expectations are very high. only like 1% saying they didnt like it at all.
Very good.. graphics, which i love in general, could use just a little enhancement (Texturing, facial expressions of side characters). Steering Mr.Threepwood felt a bit strange in the beginning but I got used to it.I see that pure point and click navigation had to be sacrificed in favour of a more cinematic presentation and I think it was worth it.
I really have that "back on the islands" - feeling. It feels different but very good.
I loved the game! Still haven't beaten it but close to it (I think ), the only thing I'd probably change a bit is Guybrush's model, but still - it's a great game, it's fun, and it's definitely by all means MI! Keep up the great work, Telltale, and thanks a lot!
*Edit* Also, I love it how it how we came up with thousands of suggestions, expecting some huge library, and only three books and three winds were in the game. Did anyone else find that hilarious?
The click-n'-drag movement got old fast, but then I discovered that the directional movement keys are arranged differently (and much more sensibly) than in EMI, where that damn little wooden puppet would walk himself into corners and march in place. This Guybrush will turn himself around and is much easier to guide through a scene.
I love this Guybrush. I like his expressions, I like his slightly battered look, and all in all I can't imagine a better depiction.
Only thing that bothered me: in some of the scenes the background noises (wind, machinery, whatever) are so loud it's hard to hear the dialogue.
I voted "very good". I loved it overall, but the controls bothered me a little. It was the only problem for me among 100 great things, but it's a problem I had to deal with at every moment of the game.
It takes 2 click+drags plus a third click to combine items. In CMI, it was one click+drag of one item on top of the other.
Also, you could run to a door or item on screen by double-clicking that item. But when there was nothing on screen to click on, I could only walk. Was there a way to run all the time? Why didn't they just let you click on the screen anywhere to go to that spot, like CMI?
You win the thread!!
Just to echo your sentiment, if those changes were made, it could have easily of been one of the best MI games ever! But as it stands, it will just have to settle as being a damn good MI game. Congrats TT!:)
I've been a Monkey Island fan from day one and have been recently replaying The Curse of Monkey Island, but this time on my PSP (waiting for the release of Episode 1). I still have my original Monkey Island game box as well (love those code wheels from back then, Dial-A-Pirate). It would be cool if they could add one in for the collectors dvd and be part of a puzzle, a kind of bonus and might help prevent piracy. Anyways, I'm extremely satisfied with the first episode and hope there are many more seasons to come, Lucas Arts should have seen that there still is a huge fan base out there for the classics (Grim Fandango & Maniac Mansion/Day of the Tenticle). Thanks Telltale!
the puzzles were okay for a "chapter 1"... not to hard (actually pretty easy).
I really wanted to play the next episode right after I finished this one, like all the other MI's.
Who ever invented episodic content anyway... It may work for some games as mini-stories that can be played appart from eachother, but not MI.... I would have preferred it as one game, instead of having to wait a month between episodes.
That is such an excellent idea! They could do a pirates code wheel, a really complicated one where the bottom wheel is printed on that crappy, hard to copy brown paper you used to get on Amiga copy protection books. We'd weirdly enjoy having to use the pirate wheel every time we played our copy & it might actually help a bit with the piracy. (groan!)
I second that, my hand got really tired from holding on to the left mouse button.
My only complaint is that the episodic format makes you want more and not feel satisfied. I'm afraid I will have forgotten Chapter 1 story by the time they release chapter2.
Can't imagine how dreamfall chapters is going to be episodic too since the story is very deep there.
TellTale did an excellent job. The tone, the characters, and the story are all Monkey Island. YAY!!!
Funny dialog -- Even though some of the dialog was not laugh-out-loud funny, I tend to look at the comedy the way I do when I watch "The Office". Sometimes the jokes are great, and sometimes not so great, but I'm almost always entertained.
Some cool throwbacks to the other games -- I really hope that they include some of the past characters into the game. I would love to see Wally, Murray and Stan. I even think it would be cool if they could get Gary Coleman to reprise his role of the kid who sells you lemonade in the third game, tell me that wouldn't be awesome....???
I loved the music
Cool story -- Can't wait to see where it's going to go.
The graphics looked great -- I myself, like many others, would be thrilled for Monkey Island to go back to the 2D art, but we all know that's not going to happen. I do however believe that TellTale did a great job with the look of the game.
The game's puzzles need to be a little bit harder -- I know TellTale is trying to make it so the game appeals to a wider audience and doesn't scare off any newbies, but the puzzle difficulty needs to be ramped up a bit.
The controls were a bit wonky
More dialog trees would have been great. -- More dialog would give a chance to flesh out more story and make for some more comical moments.
-Maybe TellTale could create some levels where you play as Elaine or something. That would be neat.
-More stuff to do around the game.
-Insult Sword-fighting or other mini-games would be really cool.
By the way, I found the game similar on some points with Jack Keane (it's not completely a surprise because Jack Keane was a MI-like)... When I played TMI, It was lot of memories both for the Monkey Island Series and when I played Jack Keane... I guess the 3D environment is one of the reason but the clothes of the characters and the fact that the bad guy is a scientist/doctor are others...
-Graphics, music and dialogue were excellent
-Storyline was pretty good
-Characters and one-liners from previous MI games were reintroduced, the game had that "MI feel" about it
-The control system was adequate, but I would have preferred traditional point and click
-Didn't see the need for the spyglass to examine objects when right click would have sufficed (as in other adventure games)
-Didn't see the need for the little circles to combine items, would prefer to just use one item directly on another
-Puzzles could have been harder; some of them were pretty obvious
-The game world seemed pretty small compared to, for example, Scabb Island or Melee Island in previous games. I know the game is episodic, but Scabb Island was only the first part of the game and it was still quite big
Great job Telltale!
i have the graveyard in mind from monkey island 2. but there are so many to choose from. it's great when you enter a scene with an exquisite view going way into the distance with a lot of atmosphere to soak in, it makes you feel like you're in a world. rather than each scene basically being you and one or two big obvious things.
- for the love of God it's a real MI game!
- good story, good puzzles
- good and authentic characters
- the hint system is nice, after some time being totally stuck is not fun at all... and I hate reading walkthroughs.
CONS: (there are a few of them but all of them are minor)
- controls... yes, I also want point&click.
- the town was really small, not much to explore. I like indoor scenes with lots of funny objects, only a few of which I will need. Only such great indoor scene was the Woodoo Lady's shack (that one was really good).
- 3D doesn't add to the game experience for me, actually I like hand-drawn 2D much better for an adventure game. I know that today 3D animation of moving characters can be cheaper, and releasing a 2D game in 2009 would be a brave move anyways... but CMI-style graphics would be really good for me. (my favourite is the 320x200 pixel-drawn style of MI2, but it is really a thing of the past
- for me a little bit too many today's world references... yeah, u-tube was very funny, but after some time these are ruining the atmosphere a little bit. Anyways, also being a Star Trek fan, I liked the "magnify the upper left quarter" like instructions of Captain Threepwood in the finale
- harrrr-harrrr laugh of LeChuck
Well said. Besides great indoor scenes with lots of features, I've also missed the really spacious scenes where my first impression is not like "okay, I'm here, I'll have to do something with this and that object", but "wow, it looks a cool place with a distinct atmosphere, I just want to wander around and explore everything first because I like it so much".
QFT. outstanding != perfect.
But still, episodic gameplay = perfect chance to improve! Compared to if they just released one big game and it had the problems.
Too easy is one thing, but too short!? part 1 of 5 that clocks in at 3-5 hours?
*Graphics way better then any screenshot I've seen
*The dialog horror that some are mentioning didn't face me at all
There are still some issues that could be improved, but on top of my wish list is point-and-click, feels like I'm dragging around an old dog or some dead weight now.
Other than that? Pure Monkey goodness.
- I would have loved to see the traditional “examine, talk, use etc…” options available. Always ensured surprises for the 2, 3 and 4th time playing the game.
- Also, I agree that the puzzles were too easy. Even with the hints turned completely off I never found myself stuck for very long at all. I just love being stuck for hours and feeling the satisfaction of finally working a puzzle out.
Apart from that I was thrilled with it, it definitely exceeded my expectations and I am very much looking forward to the next installment
I can really see TellTale "growing" and understanding how to make a masterpiece.
We saw them starting with Bone, through Sam&Max, Strongbad... And each game was better than the last one!
Now, in Tales of Monkey Island, I can just say I see everything we saw in the first games - but better in every single aspect.
The feeling this game had, like watching a movie - but still controling the character.
The riddles were really fantastic, there were lots of items in the inventory (a thing that really was missing in S&M), and though it was only 1 chapter, it was really long while comparinng to other game's chapters. Actually, it really felt like a whoel chapter from Escape from Monkey Island, and a long one.
And, of course, the item combining thingy is back!
If this keeps going and improving, I really think this will be one of the best games I have ever played, not to mention the best of the Monkey Island series.
Now I just hope TellTale will get over their biggest problem - using the same characters-places-models over and over during the whole season (AhhemSybilAbeSodaPoppersAhhhem!)
I really would like to see new places and characters each episode. Getting back on Floatsome would fell not right.
Anyway, good job, awesome job! Bets TellTale game yet!!!
Apart from that, i found that everything in this game was pure gold.
The graphics (Which reached the top spot of the MI-series, on par with CMI), the control system, the sound and the dialogs.
And even the puzzles themselves, they were great, just a litte too easy maybe.
For a moment, while treasure hunting, I felt like I was back to Melée Island and this is priceless
Maybe the Marquis is a bit too caricatural (but it's okay, I'm used to having French people in movies/games
So far, TOMI sticks more to my vision of the IP than MI3 and 4. I would have prefered a bigger gap between the serious plot and the funny details, but that's just a personal opinion, and I've got the feeling this is gonna happen as the plot goes on.
Oh and I'm very disapointed that my book ideas were not used, so I'm going to lock myself up in my room and cry for two days eating ice cream.
Great work you did, can't wait for the next episode
...but us Private Forumites got a general mention in the Special Thanks, so surely that counts for something!
*Edit* Also, I love it how it how we came up with thousands of suggestions, expecting some huge library, and only three books and three winds were in the game. Did anyone else find that hilarious?
I couldn't agree more. It's these different contexts that generated some of the best humour in the previous games and they also added to the difficulty.
It also felt like the method for combining items was an attempt to make it hard to just try all the permutations of the items in your inventory. I used to do that to squeeze every ounce of humour out of the games but I just couldn't be bothered this time since wrong combinations let to no speech at all.
Also there were too many generic lines when you couldn't use an object with something else, it would be nice to have some specific humour when combining things inappropriately.
Another thing, I might have not found that already: Is there a hotkey for using the magnifying glass in the inventory? If so I could map that to my gamepad. If not, please add that in the upcoming releases.
Yeah thats it, otherwise the game is perfekt :-)
Yes, it's E
I really have that "back on the islands" - feeling. It feels different but very good.
hopefully we can get even more people to vote, the more the better.
The click-n'-drag movement got old fast, but then I discovered that the directional movement keys are arranged differently (and much more sensibly) than in EMI, where that damn little wooden puppet would walk himself into corners and march in place. This Guybrush will turn himself around and is much easier to guide through a scene.
I love this Guybrush. I like his expressions, I like his slightly battered look, and all in all I can't imagine a better depiction.
Only thing that bothered me: in some of the scenes the background noises (wind, machinery, whatever) are so loud it's hard to hear the dialogue.
Go Telltale!!
It takes 2 click+drags plus a third click to combine items. In CMI, it was one click+drag of one item on top of the other.
Also, you could run to a door or item on screen by double-clicking that item. But when there was nothing on screen to click on, I could only walk. Was there a way to run all the time? Why didn't they just let you click on the screen anywhere to go to that spot, like CMI?