Fruitcake is a rather old slur against gay people that began in Britain and made it's way over to America, along with fruit. Just like a lot of people don't realize that boy or spook are racial slurs towards people of African descent, a lot of people don't realize that fruit and fruitcake are slurs towards gay people, so they don't recognize those slurs when they hear them.
Those terms are a completely different matter for those who are gay or of African descent, as when they hear them being used offensively, they recognize them immediately (usually, sadly, because they have experienced or heard these words being used disparagingly).
Nope. The only people that shouldn't break them are those that don't know.
If someone doesn't know about proper capitilization or other grammar rules I won't fault them for it, even if it causes confusion. If someone DOES know them, and misuses them leading to confusion that isn't okay.
Fruitcake is a rather old slur against gay people that began in Britain and made it's way over to America, along with fruit. Just like a lo… moret of people don't realize that boy or spook are racial slurs towards people of African descent, a lot of people don't realize that fruit and fruitcake are slurs towards gay people, so they don't recognize those slurs when they hear them.
Those terms are a completely different matter for those who are gay or of African descent, as when they hear them being used offensively, they recognize them immediately (usually, sadly, because they have experienced or heard these words being used disparagingly).
I never said it wasn't. You don't use them when you "need" to, you use them at pointless times when you "want" to. Forums are for communicating with others. Grammar exists to make it easier for us to communicate with others. Things like correct spelling aren't particularly bad because the point still gets across regardless, misused capitals causes confusion... as seen above. The only people that get a pass are those that have yet to be properly educated on it.
Forums exist solely for communicating with others. Do it correctly or not at all.
Those random people want to communicate with others online... which is why they're on a forum. Misused capitals lead to confusion (as seen above) and slowed communication. Your metaphor failed on account of misused capitals because they gave it a different implied meaning.
If you want to live in peace don't post on forums, especially not when said posts are misleading.
What the fuck do you People want from me?! I want to live my life in peace without random People online telling me how to type a Metaphore about fucking Butter, on some god damned TOAST!!
What the fuck do you People want from me?! I want to live my life in peace without random People online telling me how to type a Metaphore about fucking Butter, on some god damned TOAST!!
Many police have troubling power trips, and police brutality is an indefensible offence. Brutality is not a problem faced only by the black … morecommunity. More? Perhaps. But when the black community is the cause of a HUGE amount of crime per capita it's only realistic that they would inevitably have more bad turn outs with the police (this doesn't apply to cases like the black teenager, only statistics as a whole). Another thing that bugs me is the complete lack of coverage of the other side. White people and other races face brutality also, and I've yet to see this faced head on in the media. I cannot, and neither can anyone else, form a complete stance on the subject without having all of the information together. Neither progressives nor right wingers want to give balanced accounts, and stringing together the information from backwater sites is nearly impossible.
No. If you haven't noticed, I capitalize random words. If I'm in an important Business discussion, or I'm doing some School Work, I'll capitalize correctly. But typing a Redneck saying isn't Important. I'll capitalize what I want to.
Okay, May a mod or something PLEASE remove this comment. I'd love to stop getting Nothing but Notifications from people who can't handle me typing like I usually do anywhere.
Okay, Then I guess I'm not allowed on the Internet because I don't type correctly? Do you... Do you know how pointless the argument you have started is?
I never said it wasn't. You don't use them when you "need" to, you use them at pointless times when you "want" to. Forums are for communicat… moreing with others. Grammar exists to make it easier for us to communicate with others. Things like correct spelling aren't particularly bad because the point still gets across regardless, misused capitals causes confusion... as seen above. The only people that get a pass are those that have yet to be properly educated on it.
Forums exist solely for communicating with others. Do it correctly or not at all.
I removed the whole section above that you were referencing. I'm keeping this thread open for now, but it's going on the watch list. Every one please keep it civil from here on out please, or it will have to get locked. Thanks.
Just a question, Can we please get a Mod on this thread? Because a lot of these comments have taken things to far. You can at least end some… more conversations in here, But there are quite a few awful things being said here, That I think Nobody apriciates.
I removed the whole section above that you were referencing. I'm keeping this thread open for now, but it's going on the watch list. Every one please keep it civil from here on out please, or it will have to get locked. Thanks.
according to your own source, fruitcake was used, (not even universally), in england as gay slur (from the 30s) because, at the time, homosexuality was seen as a mental illness and fruitcake has always been a slur for crazy people (as a shortening of nutty as a fruitcake)
tl;dr: it's mostly slur against crazy people
i sincerely doubt most black people these days know that boy, spook or even coon are racial slurs, i doubt people nowadays use anything other than nigger unless they're trying to be subtle
i mean your source for boy is titled "words you might not know are racist", that's pretty self explanatory
Fruitcake is a rather old slur against gay people that began in Britain and made it's way over to America, along with fruit. Just like a lo… moret of people don't realize that boy or spook are racial slurs towards people of African descent, a lot of people don't realize that fruit and fruitcake are slurs towards gay people, so they don't recognize those slurs when they hear them.
Those terms are a completely different matter for those who are gay or of African descent, as when they hear them being used offensively, they recognize them immediately (usually, sadly, because they have experienced or heard these words being used disparagingly).
Like I said, it's words that the general public don't know are racist, but it's very different for those people who those to which those slurs are aimed. It's like how most people don't know that Aunt or Uncle is a slur dating back to slavery, as those were terms used to describe the slaves who took care of the children of slave owners. So, a lot of people are confused as to the reason why there is so much protest in wanting to remove Aunt Jamima and Uncle Ben from the shelves. The fact that there was enough protest about this to warrant the company remodeling Ben into the chairman of the company not to mention a mockumentary about the subject shows that people who these slurs applied to still know of the original meaning of those slurs despite them being created decades (or even centuries) ago.
It's like the post I made earlier of No Blacks, No Irish signs and ads. Most people today probably don't even realize that there was heavy Irish anti-discrimination, and sometimes even deny it, despite evidence, so there is nothing done about this discrimination when it still happens today. The term green n**ger probably wouldn't even be recognized by most people to be an insult towards an Irish person, since it's usually only used in US cities with large Irish populations, but I'm sure most Irish people would know.
according to your own source, fruitcake was used, (not even universally), in england as gay slur (from the 30s) because, at the time, homose… morexuality was seen as a mental illness and fruitcake has always been a slur for crazy people (as a shortening of nutty as a fruitcake)
tl;dr: it's mostly slur against crazy people
i sincerely doubt most black people these days know that boy, spook or even coon are racial slurs, i doubt people nowadays use anything other than nigger unless they're trying to be subtle
i mean your source for boy is titled "words you might not know are racist", that's pretty self explanatory
yes i don't find it hard to believe "uncle ben" to still be widely recognised as racial slur. i don't understand how a mockumentary is supposed to prove anything about reality, but ok.
as for the 2012 straya article, i can't see in that anything other than how a lot of times, the worst enemy for an immigrant is other immigrants with the same origin. drawing a lower common denominator on race is excessive, but not always without reason (this seems to be the case here, unless simon is lying).
Like I said, it's words that the general public don't know are racist, but it's very different for those people who those to which those slu… morers are aimed. It's like how most people don't know that Aunt or Uncle is a slur dating back to slavery, as those were terms used to describe the slaves who took care of the children of slave owners. So, a lot of people are confused as to the reason why there is so much protest in wanting to remove Aunt Jamima and Uncle Ben from the shelves. The fact that there was enough protest about this to warrant the company remodeling Ben into the chairman of the company not to mention a mockumentary about the subject shows that people who these slurs applied to still know of the original meaning of those slurs despite them being created decades (or even centuries) ago.
It's like the post I made earlier of No Blacks, No Irish signs and ads. Most people today probably don't even realize that there was heavy Iri… [view original content]
Yes, he definitely isn't out to befriend the world. That doesn't change that a large portion of what he has to say is nonetheless true.
A citation please. I'll need to know the context of the statistic before giving my rebuttal. Also, yes. If you don't want to be arrested for smoking Mary then.... don't smoke Mary.
Off the top of your head can you give me the name of the last white person to be brutalized by the police? Of course you can't, because that wouldn't be very benefitial to the agenda. And if you say that you can't give the name because it doesn't happen..... well on the forum you've proven again and again that you're not ignorant.
Oh, Atheism is Unstoppable. We found the problem. A channel for people who think The Amazing Atheist and Thunderf00t are too feminist, and e… moreverything in the world can only about the individual, and if you look at social trends you're a "pussified SJW."
So, the fact, for instance, blacks are arrested and incarcerated for marijuana use at significantly higher rates than whites, despite similar rates of use, has nothing to do with racism. It's just 'if you don't want to get arrested, don't smoke pot.'
Plus, let's not forget that Sandy Bland wasn't doing anything illegal. She refused to put out her cigarette, which she has the right to do. Disrespecting a police officer shouldn't be a capital offense. And before you say 'oh that was the one time.' That's the point we're making. 'That was the one time,' 'that was the one time,' 'that was the one time,' - hopefully you should see a pattern.
there's still a lot of derogatory sterotypes out there depicting Irish people as drunk, lazy bums.
there's a derogatory stereotype a… morebout pretty much anything tbh, italians are fat midgets connected to organized crime, blacks chimp out and eat KFC, irishmen are drunkards, americans are obese gun nuts, jews are greedy, frenchs are sissies, etc
@Viva-La-Lee wrote:
Off the top of your head can you give me the name of the last white person to be brutalized by the police? Of course you can't, because that wouldn't be very benefitial to the agenda. And if you say that you can't give the name because it doesn't happen..... well on the forum you've proven again and again that you're not ignorant.
You said before that there's some kind of media bias against showing white people who are victims of police brutality, but this isn't true. There have been plenty of white people who have been affected by police brutality that have caught national attention.
Or the 20 year old white man named Dillon Taylor who was shot and killed by a black police officer while unarmed and listening to headphones (this one in particular was all over the news worldwide, at least as much as reports about police violence towards African Americans, as it happened right after the Michael Brown shooting, and news outlets were talking about the opposite parallels of the case in regards to race).
Yes, he definitely isn't out to befriend the world. That doesn't change that a large portion of what he has to say is nonetheless true.
A… more citation please. I'll need to know the context of the statistic before giving my rebuttal. Also, yes. If you don't want to be arrested for smoking Mary then.... don't smoke Mary.
Off the top of your head can you give me the name of the last white person to be brutalized by the police? Of course you can't, because that wouldn't be very benefitial to the agenda. And if you say that you can't give the name because it doesn't happen..... well on the forum you've proven again and again that you're not ignorant.
You are mixed, there are billions of people like you. You are a veteran, there are millions of people like you. You are unique but there are billions of people like you.
I really think you need to some research and get of your little fantasy world where racism doesn't exist. This is a video of a white man carrying an AR-15 legally and he gets talked to by a cop and nothing goes wrong. A black guy walked down the same street with the same gun legally and had guns pointed at him instantly and told to get on the ground. The cops then arrest him and take his gun. His crime? being black.
Had the cop been a trigger happy individual then this could have ended fatally and it would have been the cops fault.
These "police brutality" incidents we keep hearing about are not the big problem. As AIU4 said, if black people want to stop getting caught up by cops they should stop breaking the law.
Many police have troubling power trips, and police brutality is an indefensible offence. Brutality is not a problem faced only by the black … morecommunity. More? Perhaps. But when the black community is the cause of a HUGE amount of crime per capita it's only realistic that they would inevitably have more bad turn outs with the police (this doesn't apply to cases like the black teenager, only statistics as a whole). Another thing that bugs me is the complete lack of coverage of the other side. White people and other races face brutality also, and I've yet to see this faced head on in the media. I cannot, and neither can anyone else, form a complete stance on the subject without having all of the information together. Neither progressives nor right wingers want to give balanced accounts, and stringing together the information from backwater sites is nearly impossible.
Black vs. White police encounter
I really think you need to some research and get of your little fantasy world where racism doesn't exist… more. This is a video of a white man carrying an AR-15 legally and he gets talked to by a cop and nothing goes wrong. A black guy walked down the same street with the same gun legally and had guns pointed at him instantly and told to get on the ground. The cops then arrest him and take his gun. His crime? being black.
Had the cop been a trigger happy individual then this could have ended fatally and it would have been the cops fault.
If black people want to stop getting caught up by police they should stop breaking the law
This individual was not breaking the law (according to the laws in whatever state this was). The only reason the cops arrested him and seized his weapon is because he was black.
Again, can you cite this incident more specifically? And again, this situation has happened with white people. And your quote doesn't say what you think it does, that quote in no way implies I believe racism is nonexistent. If black people do want to stop getting continuously caught up with the police they should stop breaking the law, same with any other race in America. If you stop giving the mouse a treat for performing an action, it stops performing said action.
You specifically said
If black people want to stop getting caught up by police they should stop breaking the law
This individu… moreal was not breaking the law (according to the laws in whatever state this was). The only reason the cops arrested him and seized his weapon is because he was black.
The thing is, it's not that simple some of the time. There have been incidents where Black and Brown people have been falsely accused for crimes they did not even commit only to get arrested over nothing like the video Wigman posted. For instance, back in February of this year, an Indian man who was traveling from India to visit his son was falsely accused, apprehended, and slammed to the ground leaving him partially paralyzed, for doing absolutely nothing. Apparently a neighbor from nearby called the police and mistook the individual to Black simply because he was walking and had never seen him in the neighborhood (which isn't a good reason to call the cops by the way). The cop has since been arrested and indicted of civil rights charge.
So yeah, even though I partially agree with some of the things you've said thus far, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than just "If black people want to stop getting caught up by police they should stop breaking the law". Especially when it comes to incidents like these were apparently it's "illegal" to be so much as walking in neighborhoods if the residents have never seen your face before.
Again, can you cite this incident more specifically? And again, this situation has happened with white people. And your quote doesn't say wh… moreat you think it does, that quote in no way implies I believe racism is nonexistent. If black people do want to stop getting continuously caught up with the police they should stop breaking the law, same with any other race in America. If you stop giving the mouse a treat for performing an action, it stops performing said action.
Actually, correct grammar and spelling are objective, not subjective.
Fruitcake is a rather old slur against gay people that began in Britain and made it's way over to America, along with fruit. Just like a lot of people don't realize that boy or spook are racial slurs towards people of African descent, a lot of people don't realize that fruit and fruitcake are slurs towards gay people, so they don't recognize those slurs when they hear them.
Those terms are a completely different matter for those who are gay or of African descent, as when they hear them being used offensively, they recognize them immediately (usually, sadly, because they have experienced or heard these words being used disparagingly).
Nope. The only people that shouldn't break them are those that don't know.
If someone doesn't know about proper capitilization or other grammar rules I won't fault them for it, even if it causes confusion. If someone DOES know them, and misuses them leading to confusion that isn't okay.
That is weird...I'm honestly surprised that it's a slur.
I never said it wasn't. You don't use them when you "need" to, you use them at pointless times when you "want" to. Forums are for communicating with others. Grammar exists to make it easier for us to communicate with others. Things like correct spelling aren't particularly bad because the point still gets across regardless, misused capitals causes confusion... as seen above. The only people that get a pass are those that have yet to be properly educated on it.
Forums exist solely for communicating with others. Do it correctly or not at all.
Those random people want to communicate with others online... which is why they're on a forum. Misused capitals lead to confusion (as seen above) and slowed communication. Your metaphor failed on account of misused capitals because they gave it a different implied meaning.
If you want to live in peace don't post on forums, especially not when said posts are misleading.
Why is toast in all capitals this time? How important is toast to you?
Well said.
If you have to resort to that then you've already lost.
I've seen you capitalize random things on your videos it just a quirk?
You agree with that?
More or less, yes. I certainly agree with his overall message.
Mostly, Yes.
It's a reference to something, But fine.
This post is a reference.
Okay, May a mod or something PLEASE remove this comment. I'd love to stop getting Nothing but Notifications from people who can't handle me typing like I usually do anywhere.
Okay, Then I guess I'm not allowed on the Internet because I don't type correctly? Do you... Do you know how pointless the argument you have started is?
I removed the whole section above that you were referencing. I'm keeping this thread open for now, but it's going on the watch list. Every one please keep it civil from here on out please, or it will have to get locked. Thanks.
Thank you.
Im from england and I've never heard fruitcake as a slur that way, it means crazy to everyone i've talked too
according to your own source, fruitcake was used, (not even universally), in england as gay slur (from the 30s) because, at the time, homosexuality was seen as a mental illness and fruitcake has always been a slur for crazy people (as a shortening of nutty as a fruitcake)
tl;dr: it's mostly slur against crazy people
i sincerely doubt most black people these days know that boy, spook or even coon are racial slurs, i doubt people nowadays use anything other than nigger unless they're trying to be subtle
i mean your source for boy is titled "words you might not know are racist", that's pretty self explanatory
Like I said, it's words that the general public don't know are racist, but it's very different for those people who those to which those slurs are aimed. It's like how most people don't know that Aunt or Uncle is a slur dating back to slavery, as those were terms used to describe the slaves who took care of the children of slave owners. So, a lot of people are confused as to the reason why there is so much protest in wanting to remove Aunt Jamima and Uncle Ben from the shelves. The fact that there was enough protest about this to warrant the company remodeling Ben into the chairman of the company not to mention a mockumentary about the subject shows that people who these slurs applied to still know of the original meaning of those slurs despite them being created decades (or even centuries) ago.
It's like the post I made earlier of No Blacks, No Irish signs and ads. Most people today probably don't even realize that there was heavy Irish anti-discrimination, and sometimes even deny it, despite evidence, so there is nothing done about this discrimination when it still happens today. The term green n**ger probably wouldn't even be recognized by most people to be an insult towards an Irish person, since it's usually only used in US cities with large Irish populations, but I'm sure most Irish people would know.
yes i don't find it hard to believe "uncle ben" to still be widely recognised as racial slur. i don't understand how a mockumentary is supposed to prove anything about reality, but ok.
as for the 2012 straya article, i can't see in that anything other than how a lot of times, the worst enemy for an immigrant is other immigrants with the same origin. drawing a lower common denominator on race is excessive, but not always without reason (this seems to be the case here, unless simon is lying).
Yes, he definitely isn't out to befriend the world. That doesn't change that a large portion of what he has to say is nonetheless true.
A citation please. I'll need to know the context of the statistic before giving my rebuttal. Also, yes. If you don't want to be arrested for smoking Mary then.... don't smoke Mary.
Off the top of your head can you give me the name of the last white person to be brutalized by the police? Of course you can't, because that wouldn't be very benefitial to the agenda. And if you say that you can't give the name because it doesn't happen..... well on the forum you've proven again and again that you're not ignorant.
But that last one is true....
You said before that there's some kind of media bias against showing white people who are victims of police brutality, but this isn't true. There have been plenty of white people who have been affected by police brutality that have caught national attention.
Such as the homeless white man named John Boyd who was shot and killed by police when he had his hands up in surrender.
Or the 20 year old white man named Dillon Taylor who was shot and killed by a black police officer while unarmed and listening to headphones (this one in particular was all over the news worldwide, at least as much as reports about police violence towards African Americans, as it happened right after the Michael Brown shooting, and news outlets were talking about the opposite parallels of the case in regards to race).
Or this one, of a white man named Francis Jared Pusok who was tasered and repeatedly punched and kicked when he was on the ground by police.
no one is like me.
Which makes me a outsider to both races.
Sure, George, sure. Keep on thinking that.
I am not a faceless bot, I AM UNIQUE.
You are mixed, there are billions of people like you. You are a veteran, there are millions of people like you. You are unique but there are billions of people like you.
Black vs. White police encounter
I really think you need to some research and get of your little fantasy world where racism doesn't exist. This is a video of a white man carrying an AR-15 legally and he gets talked to by a cop and nothing goes wrong. A black guy walked down the same street with the same gun legally and had guns pointed at him instantly and told to get on the ground. The cops then arrest him and take his gun. His crime? being black.
Had the cop been a trigger happy individual then this could have ended fatally and it would have been the cops fault.
not to play devil's advocate but policemen seem to go through some pretty crazy bullshit

Well you're not really playing Devil's advocate here.
Who said racism doesn't exist? We should find that person and ridicule them. Seriously, point them out so we can shame them, shun them.
You specifically said
This individual was not breaking the law (according to the laws in whatever state this was). The only reason the cops arrested him and seized his weapon is because he was black.
Again, can you cite this incident more specifically? And again, this situation has happened with white people. And your quote doesn't say what you think it does, that quote in no way implies I believe racism is nonexistent. If black people do want to stop getting continuously caught up with the police they should stop breaking the law, same with any other race in America. If you stop giving the mouse a treat for performing an action, it stops performing said action.
I had absolutely no idea people denied the existence of racism in the USA.
Though I shouldn't be so surprised since I heard that some people deny the holocaust or the military coup that happened in my country 50 years ago.
The thing is, it's not that simple some of the time. There have been incidents where Black and Brown people have been falsely accused for crimes they did not even commit only to get arrested over nothing like the video Wigman posted. For instance, back in February of this year, an Indian man who was traveling from India to visit his son was falsely accused, apprehended, and slammed to the ground leaving him partially paralyzed, for doing absolutely nothing. Apparently a neighbor from nearby called the police and mistook the individual to Black simply because he was walking and had never seen him in the neighborhood (which isn't a good reason to call the cops by the way). The cop has since been arrested and indicted of civil rights charge.
Alabama officer faces civil rights charge after leaving Indian grandfather partially paralyzed
Alabama Cop Arrested for Takedown That Left Indian Man Partially Paralyzed
So yeah, even though I partially agree with some of the things you've said thus far, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than just "If black people want to stop getting caught up by police they should stop breaking the law". Especially when it comes to incidents like these were apparently it's "illegal" to be so much as walking in neighborhoods if the residents have never seen your face before.