GTA Online Forum; although most of the GTA community I came across are egotistical, arrogant jerks so I don't post much there. Some buttwipe got pissy over me saying if I see an Armored Kuruma going at me to attack I blow it up. It's amazing how thin-skinned some people are. I just go there for news, stories, and pictures of the game mostly really.
I'm going to join LIS reddit forum soon since that one is at least civil. And I love every discussion there. People seem nice too.
I've been a longtime member of the Meepcraft Minecraft forums. Due to a power struggle between two owners in 2013, the server went from peaking at 1000 members online to averaging a few hundred active members, so I'm not as active anymore. I still visit occasionally to see how they're doing.
This is the only one, at present. I'm also was a member of NoMutantsAllowed
GTA Online Forum; although most of the GTA community I came across are egotistical, arrogant jerks so I don't post much there. Some buttwipe got pissy over me saying if I see an Armored Kuruma going at me to attack I blow it up. It's amazing how thin-skinned some people are. I just go there for news, stories, and pictures of the game mostly really.
I'm going to join LIS reddit forum soon since that one is at least civil. And I love every discussion there. People seem nice too.
Gearbox Forums, I stalk around the Life is Strange Reddit forums sometimes...This is my primary Forum however.
Just this one
Besides here, I visit 2000ADOnline, GallifreyBase, GameFAQs, Jedi Council Forums, SuperHeroHype Forums, TVTropes, & WrongPlanet. I also occasionally / used to visit Newgrounds as well. (ASoIaF forum) and another GoT forum, which is a private invite only one.
Bioware forums, reddit, and Comic Vine. But I'm most active on here.
Bioware forums.
I used to go on the Toonzone forums to discuss Cartoons, but they became...dead
There are other forums?
TTG Forums: my favorite Forum
Encyclopedia Dramatica forums
The Blockland forums.
I visit which is a 3D model porting forum, occasionally, off-topic subjects are discussed here as well.
I also visit OTWDF, which is an alternate forum for TTG discussion.
I've been a longtime member of the Meepcraft Minecraft forums. Due to a power struggle between two owners in 2013, the server went from peaking at 1000 members online to averaging a few hundred active members, so I'm not as active anymore. I still visit occasionally to see how they're doing.
I've been on Reddit for 7 years.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I'm subscribed to a bunch of different subreddits.
r/ForgottenNews, r/BadCopNotDonut, r/SyrianCivilWar, r/WorldNews, r/WritingPrompts, r/PoliticalHumor, r/Fallout, r/SubRedditDrama.