Fables Super Show (Wishful Thinking)
I just got an Android phone, and I was playing through episode 1 of The Wolf Among Us, and I got to thinking about how it's structured a lot like a television series. And then I got to thinking about Telltale's announced super show format, where a game and a television series would co-exist and the game choices would somehow affect the show. Telltale said that they'd like to do more super shows than the original IP that they've already partially announced.
So, that got me thinking about The Wolf Among Us. This would actually work awesomely as a super show. Plus, if the second season is a super show, it would make sense that Telltale's very tight lipped about it, since it would take a long time to produce a television show, plus get the foundations of the game season set up.
Note that this is all just wishful thinking on my part, as Telltale has never stated that they plan to make a super show based on a series that for which they already made a game, but if they ever did decide to tackle a super show based on a game series they already started, The Wolf Among Us would definitely fit that bill the best.
This idea sounds awesome and I would be greatly interested if this were to happen, but I, unfortunately, just don't see it happening.
Me neither, honestly.
It's just extremely wishful thinking.
On the plus side, the Fables movie is still in production. If that does well, perhaps a Fables TV show might not be as out of the realm of possibility as it seems today.
I recently read an italian article that states TWAU being the third most played TTG after TWD 1 & 2 on Steam (http://www.lucasdelirium.it/steamspia.php - info provided by Steam Spy). Game of Thrones is way under with half of players of TWAU.
So it would be a shame TTG to not profit this fanbase.
But Still no news.
That would be amazing. I wish it could happen.
Wow, the site that the article links to (SteamSpy) is really interesting. Consensus seems to be that its numbers are wrong, but close enough to be useful.
I would be somewhat cautious to judge GoT against TWAU at this point. My suspicion is that GoT and TftB's ownership will skyrocket after all the episodes are out and they go on sale a couple times. I wish SteamSpy had a longer history, so I could see how many people owned TWAU before it was finished. We'll see for sure in a few months, anyway.
I would definitely love to see a Wolf Among Us Super Show, if only to get some form of continuation for such an amazing story.
Some things to keep in mind though, Wolf Among Us has not only been out longer but also launched around the same time as the sequel to Telltale's most successful game so that definitely helped exposure. That being said, though, that's not at all a bad thing in my book as it means that more people were able to give Wolf Among Us a chance which is definitely a plus in my book.
I am curious, what is a super show? I mean...Any clearer and easier way to explain what it is? Sorry if I sound like a fool for not knowing what it is.
Telltale has been pretty tight lipped about it so far. All Telltale has said about it is that their super show format will be a game series, by Telltale, and a television series, by a partner, but in collaboration with Telltale. The television series will somehow tie into the game series, and vice versa, and the majority choices in the game will somehow affect the outcome of the show. They've also said that even though they are tied into each other, you can watch the show without playing the game, or play the game without watching the show.
The only other thing they've stated about the super show is that the first season will be an original property, and it will be developed in cooperation with a partner that hasn't been revealed yet (all we know about the partner is that it's not Lionsgate). They've also hinted that they'd like to do more super shows in the future, including some that aren't original properties (which is where Fables could hypothetically come in).
Beyond that, we don't know much at this point.
This super show idea is gonna change the world of gaming I'll bet