Tv show or Movie?
Which do you guys prefer?
Just recently news has been revealed that Fables might be on its way to a big screen near you! Its been in development and may or may not happen.
But the questions for me is that which medium would it be suitable for?
I get that OUAT is already out there and I hate to say it! It SUCKS!!!
Its just looks convoluted, some of the storylines feels forced. You have to constantly deal with the story of the real world and story world which is confusing as it is and I'm not even starting with the plethora of Disney IP they've shoved into it. And let's not get started w/ Grimm here another show ripping off Fables.
For me tv is perfect because Fables needs alot of back stories to fully and coherently express for audience to feel invested in this fabled characters w/ a twist.
Movies are great but again back stories are gonna slow down and confuse the viewers. Not unless they minimize the characters just like Wolf Among US.
Personally I hate OUAT, because it feels to me like a cheap ripoff (of firstly, the original material, and secondly, Fables). I would say TWAU deserves a movie adaptation (so does TWDG to be honest, but I'm not going to hold my breath), and Fables deserves a TV show adaptation. I only hope that they would be able to find a network willing to keep it on the air. Could be good to "rival" OUAT and Grimm, even though both of them wouldn't be any real competition. Twists on fairy tales done poorly (or maybe just not as well as they could have been): OUAT. Twists on fairy tales done well: Fables.
Isn't there already a movie script for fables being worked on?
The Fables movie is a thing and it is in development
I think making it a TV series would be awesome, but when so many characters are monsters, they would need a lot of good CGI effects (or a very convincing make-up department) in order to deliver the goods, and those both cost MONEY.
Personally, having finished Fables, I think a movie is best for Fables, and TWAU should be a TV Series
I just hope they don't mess up the casting. Especially Bigby.
Tell me about it, I have a feeling we'll be disappointed somewhere...
No matter what though, Bigby has to be a rugged guy in his late 30's, and Snow has to be the definition of loveliness in her late 20's!
I know theres a movie being "Made" but i feel like a TV show would be the only way to transfer Fables into film
Not just the casting, they may butcher the storyline as well....
I wouldn't say it's the only way, but I think it would be the better way. As I said, I feel as though they should make the comic series into a television show, and then adapt the game into a movie.
TV Show]
I'd prefer a TV show so it would last longer (Like a couple of seasons) than just a movie.
I think a television show is the most logical option, if you wish to maintain as much of the story elements and events as possible (which I wish to happen).
I would prefer a tv show
TV show is a better format to have Fables presented. Though I wonder how much budget will need to be poured in to achieve some of the special effects of the beasts and monsters? Incorporating majority of them (without them cutting out characters so much) would make it one hell of an expensive show
and so on, and so on.
Game of Thrones already works on a (relatively tight) budget with Daenary's 3 dragons. Fables I think would surpass that by far (and beyond, lol) with all the above beasts/monsters. to have it done right.
I think the best would be if HBO picked it up like with GOT.
But maybe an animated series? It wouldn't feel too much different, but gives those something to those who aren't into the comics.
Josh Holloway would be a perfect freaking Bigby.
That would be even worse :O
And where is the movie going to fit in? Is it a sequel to the comics, a prequel? Is it canon or not?
I doubt they could get all of the Fables lore in one movie. TV show would be a much better option. Since it would have a lot more time to explain the story gradually. Not dump the story details on you because it's only 1-2 hours long.
TV series. The movie is probably going to dump story details onto you unless they use their 1-2 hours really well.
Well the fans will be disappointed one way or another...
There will never be a perfect actor for Bigby Wolf (unless Mr Harrington became ripped :P)
We don't know those details yet...
I say the film will be it's own story and not follow anything from Fables in terms of story. I can see the BigbyxSnow relationship ad the Adversary being the only 2 plot points in the movie.
If the movie is just a direct rip of Fables or TWAU... Then what is the point?
He kinda looks like Bigby at times :P
Never!! That is his staple!
They can give him a wig :P
They could make a hand-drawn series, that way they "just" have to hire voice actors. And there would be no real special effects. That way they could also save money and it would be in a similar style like the comics.
Yeah thats what I was thinking too. Animated series are also not so much expensive like series with real actors and special effects.
Are you talking about Kid Harrington? Then I would agree. In Game of Thrones he even is member of house Stark which have a direwolf as banner, and he even has one himself which is called Ghost which is the same name Bigby wants to give to his son too. Coincidence? I dont think so.
No, I'm talking about Bigby's voice actor, Adam Harrington :I
I prefer a movie with a plot about the life of the fables to the formation of Fabletown
Oh... :I
Yeah he has the perfect voice for Bigby. But you have to admit Jon Snow (Kid Harrington) has astonishing much in common with Bigby
. But we can agree that only a Harrington is worthy for the role^^
I prefer tvshow like most people have said you can bring in new characters etc. plus I don't know about other girls but I started getting abit of a soft spot for bigby and with the right actor to play him on TV I would definitely watch
Kit Harrington really doesn't strike me as a Bigby actor, he looks too young for the part.
Bigby has to be a man in his late 30's to early 40's, he isn't meant to look necessarily young like other Fable men, just rugged
I wasnt talking about his look or his voice, I was more or less talking about Jon Snow which is part of the Starks family and has his own wolf which is has the same name as Bigbys son. I havent really thought about this myself, I just heared you saying Harrington and I was like: Yes, a Stark and fan of wolfs, suits. And since Telltale made this GoT game in which Jon Snow (with Kit Harringtons voice) has an appearance I thought that was a reason to "combine" these 2 universes. Kinda funny to what these coincidences lead
TV show can cover more things.
A actor for Bigby? Javier Bardem. He is a nice actor. He looks like Bigby (se he photos with long hair). He have a nice voice.
OUAT started good (season 1) but then it turned out to be cheep copy of Fables. I cant honestly imagine how could you do Fables as a movie, maybe trilogy? I think the best medium would be TV show becuase there you can play more with the storytelling.
I think it should be a show like game of thrones, on HBO( I've only played the game so im assuming there are a lot of things to cover in a 2-3 hours movie)